Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Fight Back

After another restless night sleep the letter was still firmly printed inside my mind. My brain scanning over every letter. The smell of the wet ink still stayed within my nostrils.

Something had to change I was no longer going to let that man ruin my life. I had escaped from his clutches before I could do it again. I get out of bed and head downstairs to be greeted with another hand scribbled envelope resting on the door mat. I open it quickly anger now started to race through me as I tear open the envelope. Once more G.S.D was wrote on the letter heading. As I stare at the letter to see it was from Rick.

"I'm getting closer Amy remember I own you. You can never escape"

I just screwed the letter tight in my hand anger flowing through my body as i start to shake. Who the fuck was he to say he owned me? No one owned me!

Suddenly that fight flowed back into my body. That every ounce to survive i had before now controlled me. I screamed out at the top of my voice waking James in the process.

" Fuck this, Fuck you Rick you cannot hurt me'. You cannot hurt me" Tears flowed down my face as i sob uncontrollably. As i lift my head from my hands I look up to see James stood above me.

" What’s wrong baby? What wrong?" I throw the letter onto the ground in his direction.

James pick up the letter before swiftly scrunching it in his fist.

" This has to end now Amy we need to go to the police"

" No!" I screamed out at James while thrashing my arms around. I don’t think he could understand my answer he just stood there for a second without speaking.

James had never known the full truth and i was not about to tell him now this was something i need to sort myself but how? I knew i had no way of finding him but i had to somehow.

It was in that split second that all the hurt and anger i had inside changed i was now a woman on a mission a woman fighting for revenge.

Something changed in me something i recognized. That fight that kept me alive now lived inside me.

" I need to find him James"

There was anger in my voice as i spoke i think it was in that moment James saw the change in me

"Amy we will find him i promise"

Those next few seconds James just held me i knew i was safe i always was when i was with him.