Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Revenge Is Sweet

The next few days I found myself digging deeper into Rick's story and why my father had chosen him. I must have read through file after file to no avail. It was as if anything that had connected Rick to G.S.D as a child was erased. All I had was the document I had found a few days earlier. I knew the only way I was to find out the information I need was to ask Rick himself and that was something that was out of the question. I had to becareful not to let on to Rick what I was doing. The more I dug through the documents outlining details of G.S.D the more I felt a sickness in the pit of my stomach. I was not sure if it was anxiaty or fear that now controled my every emotion. The one thing I was sure of is I needed help. Help that would never come. I felt so alone like a lost child. I had given up well a part of me had anyway. All that kept me going was the thought of knowing that soon I would be free from all this. That everything around me would no longer exist and G.S.D would be dead forever. It was these thought that I held onto to give me strength each day I was trapped in this reoccuring nightmare. A part of me always felt so uneasy on how I had free reign to walk around managing my duties I guess I always exspected to once more be thrown into a room to become some sickos sex slave. Maybe that part of this torture was finally over. I head out of my office and down the hallway to find Rick. There had to be some more information in his office. It was somewhere I knew I would need to check but how without getting caught? As I make my way through the door way that leads of toward Ricks office I tread carefully in a hope that no one would hear me coming. As I reach Ricks office the door was slightly ajar. I open it slowly trying to ease the creek that came from the stiff iron hinges. I make my way into the empty office and begin to search franticly for anything that would give me the information I needed. Suddenly I come across a box file with Ricks name wrote on the side. I take out my mobile phone and begin to take pictures. I have had no signal on this thing now for weeks and a part of me had forgotten I still had it in my pocket. As I take as many snaps I could. I hear footsteps behind me. I whip arround to be face to face with Rick. Panic now set in all over my body how was I to explain this one. I stand there for a moment before quickly shoving the phone back into my pocket in a hope that Rick had not seen me but it was too late. Rick had witnessed everything. I was fucked and Rick new it. I glance over to the far side of the room where I see a crow bar resting upon his desk. In a quick sharp movement I try to grap it before I'm quickly thrown to the ground. As I lay there Rick bends down towards me and pulls the phone from my pocket.

" So what is it we have here then Amy?" Rick asked I just laid there and said nothing. After all what could I say he had caught me in the act. Blood and adrenaline pumps thorugh my body so fast I start to feel that rush that I had felt several days earlier. I scamble to my feet and run towards the desk to grab the crow bar. I'm not sure where I found the strength but I somehow managed to get the wepon in my hand and before I knew It I was striking Rick so hard that he fell to the ground. Blood poured from this face  like a tap as I hit him over and over again. Untill he became unconscious. It was this moment that I knew I had to grab. While he was knocked out I dragged his body accross the floor and chained him to the walls. He was not going anywhere and finally I had control. The power engulfed me it was as if in that moment everything had changed. I was no longer the weak woman Rick had made me beleive. I loved it just basking in the knowledge that I now had full control over Rick and over G.S.D. I stand there proudly over Ricks limp body waiting for him to come round. After what seamed like several minutes Rick start to gain consciousness. I smile gently as he comes round. The look of fear on his face was priceless and something I had been hoping to see for a long time. I knew now that Rick could never hurt me again that a part of me was finally free. The next few hours that followed Rick never said a word. It was this silence that made me feel uneasy but I knew I had full control now and there was nothing Rick could do about it. As I sit there behind his desk reading through everything I had found, it was as if everything suddenly fitted and now I needed answers. I wanted answer after all I felt like I deserved them. I walk over towards Rick and bend down to face him but not too close the last thing I wanted was for Rick to get the upper hand now after I had fought so hard to gain it.

" Tell me about my father" I asked

Ricked just laid there and said nothing his face covered in now dry bood that once poured from his face.

"I said fucking tell me you bastard" I kick Ricks body as I spoke.

Rick still remained silent it was as if he knew what I was about to do next.

" Fucking tell me" I scream at him but the more he stayed silent the more angry I got.

I was not going to get anything out of him well not this way anyway. I had to think bigger maybe if I put him through the torture he once faced as a child he would break well that was my plan anyway.

I try over the next few hours to get any information I could out of Rick with no joy. It was as if I had reached a brick wall and I knew the only way I could get Rick to talk would be by force. I walk over to the medical cabinet that stood firmly at the otherside of the office. Pick up a scapal and make my way back over towards Rick. I bend down and slowly place the blade against his throat. In one instant he would be dead. All I would have to do is a quick swipe of the blade and my nightmare would be over for good. Something stopped me from doing it I guess a part of me really needed the answers. 

I  slowly whisper In Ricks ear.

" How does it feel Rick? To know that in one swift movement you could be dead. Now it's time to talk don't you think?"

Rick just spat out at me covering my face. I wipe away the saliva and push the blade deeper into his troat causing a slight cut. Rick jerked away in pain.

"I'm never going to tell you Amy you should just kill me now" Ricks voice broke slightly as he spoke.

"Sounds good to me" I said there was a slight hint of pleasure in my voice as I spoke and in one swift movement I dragged the blade accross Ricks throat causing blood to pour onto the floor. Now I had hoped not cut him enough to kill him after all that would be all too easy and I wanted Rick to suffer. As Rick tugs at the chains that ristricted his arms he screams out in pain. I stand there and watch the life drain out of him untill there was nothing left. Just an emplty shell of what once was before.

I must have cut deeper than I first thought as now all I had infront of me was I lifeless body and I was not any closer to finding the answers I needed. I just sit there sobbing. After all I had waited so long to kill Rick it was as if all my anger had gone. I was finally free. Now all I had to do was find away out of this mess that was something I had not thought off. I rummage through Ricks lifeless body in a hope to find anything. Just something that would see me set free forever. I come accross a set of keys in his back pocket. This had to be my way out it just had to be. I take the keys and make my way out of the office heading back into the hallways one by one I open the doors and free the women and children trapped inside.I didn't know what to say to them I just stood there with a blank look upon my face as they slowly exited each room the screams quitening I knew I could not save them all. G.S.D had become apart of my life for so long and now it was over and I was finally free. As I make my way out of the building the sunlight blinded my eyes I had not seen daylight in months and it hurt. The warmth on my body felt nice as I just stand there in my blood stained clothes. Shaking not with fear but with joy. It was finally over I was finally free. I knew I was never going to find out the truth about Rick that part of me no longer cared I was free and that was a feeling I was going to keep forever.

The next few months I heard little about G.S.D I knew it was still out there across the world but I had managed to put an end to it here and that is all that mattered to me. My life was so different now I stayed alone not wanting to put anyone at risk I couldn't take that chance the only person I could trust now was myself and I even had problems doing that.

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