Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Fitting Pieces

The next day I studied the documents that still scattered my desk.  I had read every inch of the paper work about G.S.D and Sofia. My brain soaking up every ounce of information like a sponge. But at least now I knew what I was truly up against.

I had not seen Rick in a few days its seamed as if he had finally began to trust me. Eaither that or he had some twisted game he was in the mist of playing. I didn't care either way the fact I was alone in my office suited me. I had come to trust the quiet,away from the screams that filled the hallways of this old decrepid building that had become my home.

I sit there for a second just resting my eyes before my brain suddenly kicked into gear.

If I was ever going to get the upper hand I needed to exicute my plan and that ment finding Rick .  I open my eyes sharply like a owl in the night hunting for prey.

I stand up and walk across the room from behind my desk the sounds of my footsteps creating a slight echo in the air as I walked. I wait for a second before slowly exiting my office slamming the door behind me. The sound of children and women screaming slowly filtered through the air. Mactched with the dim lighting that spun across the building. It was like something out of a horror movie.

As I make my way down the halway the screams grew louder. Each one a different tone of fear. I take in a deep breath and try and block the sounds from my mind.

I head back through the doorway that stood directly at the end of the hallway in a hurry. Escaping the echoing sounds of death that just surrounded me.

I slam the door and take in a deep breath sickness filled me it always did when I heard the screams. I just knew that there was nothing I could do. I just had to sit back and take it all in even if I didnt want to.

I pull myself together and head to the office at the other side of the room if there was one place I would find Rick this would be it.

As I make my way over my heart pounding as I grew closer. I had so much hate for Rick that everytime I saw him my heart would go into overdrive.

Pounding so much it would take my breath away. I stand outside the office door and wait for a second before gently knocking.

I soon hear the sound of scuffing inside from behind the door. I knock once more this time a little louder. Suddenly the door flings open. I stand there thinking for a moment did I really want to go in there? I make my way into the office slowly. Creeping in like a scarred little child my heart beating so fast it felt like it was in my mouth. Panic and fear flowed through my viens like I had taken a dose of heroin a feeling I rembember from the old days it was like I was on my most intense drug in the world. A part of me enjoyed the rush. Just soaking up all the euphoria made me feel better like I was lifed somehow. I make my way into the centre of the office to find Rick standing there in his deep back fitted suit. He looked handsome well as handsome as you can be for psychopathic rapist that enjoyed it just a little too much. Flashbacks on when we first met rushed infront of my eyes. Stunning me for a second. It was those devilish good looks that got me enticed in him in the first place. I could no longer picture my life with out Rick been in it he had consumed everything about me. I snap out of whatever slight hold that had now just took over me and cleared my throat.

"Rick I need to speak with you" My voice crackled slightly as I spoke.

Rick just stared directly toward me without speaking there was a slight sence of uneasiness as we both stood there in silence.

" Did you hear me I said I need to speak with you" This time I try to add more firmnes to my voice as I spoke. Almost demanding an answer straight away.

" What is it Amy can you not see im busy. Dont you have duties to attend to?" Rick chuckled slightly as he got to the end of his sentance. Rick never did take me seriously I was always a big joke to him.

"We need to talk about my fathers request after all he wanted me to run G.S.D but yet you seam to have all the control" I had no idea what I was saying or where I was going with it but I somehow had managed to grab Ricks attention because this time when he spoke his eyes were firmly fixed on me.

"Amy remember I run G.S.D not you. I fucking own you bitch" Ricks tone in his voice changed as he spoke. Something I had said had rattled him, more so than usual.

" Fuck you Rick what the fuck am I still doing here then you said you need me" This time the frustration in my voice was starting to show.

" Need you are you kidding I dont need any one I'm Rick Tompson I don't need anyone" It was the first time I had hear Rick say his full name then something clicked inside my brain. Rick Tompson now where had I seen that name before? Flashes of the paper work I had been reading through appeared before my eyes and then the penny dropped.

Rick Tompson was the name of a young boy infact the first one to ever be sold within G.S.D. I had never known that Rick had once faced the abuse that would now become his lifes work. I made my excuses and left there was no point in trying to talk to Rick in this mood. I would have to think of something else but what? I make my way back to my office if it was true about Rick I had to make sure.

I find myself once more rummiging through pages upon pages of paper work until I find what I was looking for. I stop and stare at the signiture at the bottom to only find my father name. Rick was my fathers play thing. Everything slowly started to make sense why I was chosen by Rick why this whole nightmare begain. Now all I needed to do was to make it stop. I somehow had to find Rick's weak point. Either that or place an axe in his head and both options I was rather fond of. I spend the rest of my day researching everything I could find on how Rick came to be a part of G.S.D and where it all begain. After several hours of reading my eyes became tiered I close them for a second to only wake several hours later. Paper stuck to my face as I wake from resting my head upon the desk. I never was a pretty sight on waking but then tell me what woman is? I strech my body before looking down at my watch it was 3.15am I push the documents from my desk onto the floor and slowly place down my head. I needed to sleep after all when I dream im finally free from this world I was trapped in and that was a place I would like to stay. Even if for a few precious moments.