Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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A Nightmare Awaits

After sitting for what seemed like several hours in pure darkness I hear the sound of a door open from across the room. I froze for a moment as I watched a Grey haired man wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt head towards me. His beer gut hanging over his orange swim shorts. Within seconds door slammed shut and I was once again back into darkness.  Scared I scramble to the far corner of the room. A few moments later I felt a firm grip on my waist and I was thrown to the ground hitting my head causing me to black out. I wake with a slight confusion and one hell of a headache to find the man pressed upon me his hands groping my breasts working them down to my thighs. I grab at him struggling to push him off me. He grabs the back of my head and slams it back down onto the stone floor. As I look up into his eyes they looked black and empty. I feel a tug as he tears off my knickers before a sharp pain as he enters me.

Pushing as hard as he could like a wild animal. He leans toward me his mouth drooling as he puts out his tongue and slowly licks up my neck. "Hmm tastes good"

His voice was cold and callous I felt a shiver race over my body as I lay there powerless to stop what was happening. I just close my eyes and wait for him to finish raping me. Sweat dripped off him and into my face as he pushed harder and harder so hard that I screamed in pain. I lay there just praying for it to stop. In an instant it was all over the man pulled up his shorts slowly as he stood there staring deep into my eyes like I was his prize. There was something in those eyes something I recognized as the door opened I search for a slight moment of light before again been trapped in darkness. I lay there still trying to understand what had happened. But I knew what had happened deep down inside of me I knew, it had happened to me before.

 The sound of music began to filter in the background, voices from the ground below grew louder filling the air.  I scream out in the hope that someone, anyone would hear me.

“Help, please anyone help me!" I begin to bang furiously against the walls screaming louder. "Help! For fuck sake anyone? Can you hear me?"

I knew no one was coming no one was going to save me from this nightmare I was all alone. Trapped and scared in some crazed world I had found myself in.

After a few hours of sitting there in complete darkness trying to salvage what ounce of dignity I had left I hear the sound of the door creak open behind me. I race to the exit in a hope to escape to only be met by a tall figure.

I look up to try and see into the eyes of this dominating person above me. A few moments later I felt a hard slap across my face making my head fling back with the force. I reach out to grab my balance gripping onto the black hood that covered the figures face to find long red hair. It was the women I had met earlier in the club.

"You... It's you"

The women just turned to me and grinned before walking out of the door slamming it behind her.  I was once again plummeted back into darkness. Just as I had just began to adjust to my pitch black surroundings the room filled with bright light. So much so that it distorted my vision. Before once more I found myself back into darkness.

I slowly try to focus as I hear the door once again creek open. Within a split second the room grew light then dark again seconds later. It was like an over powered strobe light flickering on and off. Before I knew it a man was standing directly in front of me. Just standing there staring.

As I try to focus I put out my hands to feel my way. I feel a firm grip around my throat as he slammed me against the wall. Every few seconds the room flicked from light to dark preventing me from been able to gain my focus. I could feel myself choking gasping for breath as he gripped harder as I watch the room slowly fade out as I collapsed on the floor.

I didn’t know what happen in those few moment all I knew is when I woke up the room is now dimly lit and once again empty. My blouse had been torn exposing my breasts. As I sit there I feel the trickle of bloody flowing down my thigh from between my legs. Panic sets in causing me to shake in fear. As the hours pass the sound of the music starts to dim. I hear the sound of footsteps once more approach the door. I prayed they would stop for them to walk past and just leave me alone even if just for a second. I take in a deep breath as in walks a tall dark haired man I watch him approach me focusing on his walk.  It was a walk I remembered it was Rick!

That smooth swagger oozed out of him as he slowly walked towards me. I looked up directly into his eyes.

"You bastard" I spit directly into his face as he knells down towards me.

"Now Amy is that anyway to treat your boss?" he said while wiping his face. I just stared at him before speaking

"Fuck you"

You could hear the anger in my voice in the space of a few hours Rick had gone from been my sexual fantasy to becoming my worst nightmare. Rick just laughed gently

 "I told you I had the perfect job for you"

Rick just stood up dominant above me before turning to a woman who stood in the door way. She had short black hair and thin rimmed glasses framing her pure white delicate face. She was dressed in a navy blue business suit that hugged her size 10 figure.

"Bring the next one in"

The women turned as if to coach someone into the room. From that moment I knew this nightmare was far from over in fact it was then that I realized that it had only just begun.

As the night went on more and more men came into the room. Some raped me. Others just touched themselves as they watched their friends beat my head against the wall like I was some personal peep show.

As they watch me fighting with all my might all I could think is that I had to survive.  I had beaten this before and I knew I was going to beat it now.