Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Fight To Survive


After what seemed like hours eventually the flow of men stopped. I lay there trying to cover myself with what torn clothes I have left. Not a tear in my eye just hate and anger. I didn't know why this was happening to me. All I knew is I had to survive.

The next morning I wake to find Rick stood there gazing a smile upon his face. I jump up and raced towards him throwing out as many punches as I could in the hope that just one would strike him so hard that he fell to the ground. Rick grabs a hold of my arms throwing me against the wall.

"Remember this Amy you work for me now. Bring her in"

A tall man wearing what looked like a regimented uniform with G.D.S wrote on the left hand pocket walks into the room pulling at the arm of a slim framed women. The man passed her over to Rick. You could see he was terrified. Too scared to even fight.

"Amy I brought you a friend, to let’s say take the load of you a bit. Oh and this is for you"

Rick slowly bent down towards me and pushed a £50 note into my face. "Payment Amy. You work for me remember"

As Rick turned away to walk toward the door I screamed out at him

"Fuck you Rick I’ll kill you for this I’ll Kill you"

Rick suddenly froze still and in the blink of eye whipped round and struck me straight across my face.

“I think not Amy. If any of us is to die my dear that would be you" Rick walked out the door slamming it behind him.

As I turned to face the women I noticed she has a small rose tattoo on her right hip. I moved over to get a closer view when I realized who the women was it was Gemma my niece.

Her bruised battered face was barely recognizable. Her nose had been shattered both her eyes black and puffy. Scratch marks down the left hand side of her face leading to her bloody lips.

"Gemma wake up please wake up" I shook her in a panic

"Gemma please wake up"

Slowly Gemma started to open her eyes

"Gemma it's me Auntie Amy, oh baby what have they done to you" I just sat there for a moment holding her while she sobbed in my arms.

"its ok baby your safe now, your safe now" I wrap my arms around her in a hope she would feel safe even if for just a moment

 A few hours later the door opened once more. A tall woman stands in the door way holding a steal tray. Slowly the woman bends down and places the tray on the floor and pushes it in my direction.

The tray had water and food plus two black lace dresses the ones you would normally find in the sex shops of Soho. As I picked up a lace dress out fell an envelope containing a note

"Get cleaned up and get her ready."

"Fuck you" I said to myself I took the water and gulped as much as I could.

 I had not eaten or drank since yesterday. From that moment I had to make sure she was ok and that we both got out of this. What I couldn't figure out is why she was here what the connection was. I sat there dreading what Rick had planned as I put on the lace dress I stand there staring at Gemma waiting in anticipation. After a few hours the door creaked open. I sit there shaking as I whisper into Gemma ear. "Its ok baby it’s ok"

I remember the last time I saw Gemma we had just celebrated her 18th birthday that's how I noticed the tattoo I had paid for it as a birthday gift. I remember Stacy my sister going crazy at me for getting it her. It was so typical of me she said. Then I was always seen as the black sheep of the family. That never really did bother me much.

In walked Rick his head up tall with a grin on his face.

"I thought I told you to get her ready" he said there was sternness in his voice.

“Fuck you Rick, fuck you. What do you want from me?" I screamed at him while slamming my hand against the ground in anger.

"Amy this is business you two were chosen. Do you really think it was by chance you got the job here? Where is your precious Rhianna when you need her?"

"Right here"

I hear Rhianna's voice from behind the door as she slowly enters the room. I couldn't believe it was her she was involved in this the one person I thought I could trust.

"Why would you do this? Why?" Rhianna slowly walked over to me

“Why do you think? What possible reason would anyone want to hurt poor little Amy?

You should thank me if it wasn't for me you would not be holding that £50 note you have screwed up in your hand. Strange really after everything we put you through you still seem to hang on to the money. Well we will see how far you will go for money won’t we"

She was right from the moment Rick had shoved the note into my hand I had not let it out of my grip. Maybe they were right. I would do anything for money after all I was always seen as the easy girl.

I felt a deep sickness inside me as I felt a realization that this was my fault. I had always been known as the bad girl. Always out for what I could get. The only person I had ever let get close was Rhianna. I remember the first time she met my mother Ruth. We was in town and had been out for a few too many. I must have been no older that sixteen.

This was normal for us at weekends. I did like to drink.

As we stumbled out of a bar on Lime Close. I fell into the road on top of this Grey haired woman wearing a deep maroon over coat. It wasn't until Rhianna helped me to my feet that I realized I had just landed on my mother.  I had not seen her since the night I had left. I was in a state of shock and horror unable to speak. In that moment I wanted the whole ground to open up and swallow me. Despite their first meeting my mother took a real shine to Rhianna and welcomed her into our family like her own daughter. She had met all of my aunties and uncles she was just part of the family more so than me. I suddenly froze for a second. The Grey haired man from the night before flashed into my mind. I could see his face louring and drooling over me then I noticed his eyes. It made me remember I had seen them somewhere before but where? As I sat there racking my mind searching for that mental picture I knew I had stored away somewhere. I suddenly felt a feeling of pure sickness overcome my body. I had remembered where I had seen those eyes before. I just stared at Gemma laying there cowering in the corner. I knew those eyes from when I was a child. Sudden images of a man walking into my room when I was about four or five flashed before my eyes replaying itself like a video tape on repeat. Sounds of his voice racing round my head

"It's our little secret sweetheart. Come now you only have to touch it" I knew I had seen those eyes before. They were Mike's. Gemma's Dad... Suddenly everything came flooding back the night in the tree house. The visits to my room. Reliving those memories was something I had feared the most.

It was a part of my brain I had switched off. A memory pushed as far back as I could. There where so many memories from my childhood I had tried to forget but I guess some things you can never hide from. I remember holding Gemma waiting for the nightmare to begin and soon it did. Within seconds the room went pitch black once more. This time things were different I expected the bright light to follow in sequence like a strobe light on a timer. I waited but nothing just darkness. No one entered the room. There was no music playing in the club below. Just silence and a very faint odour. Within seconds I felt my body start to shake blood dripping out of my left nostril. My eyes become droopy as I slowly breathe in more of the fumes.

I drastically search the room just in the hope I could feel where it was coming from. As I search along the bottom of the walls I find what feels like a vent. The pressure of flowing air entering the room. As I try and block the vent with my torn clothing I collapse on the floor. My eyes feeling heavy until I eventually pass out from the toxic gas.

 I wake in a slight haze to find I was still in complete darkness. The sounds of grunting filled the room. As I tried to find my feet I felt the heaviness of a shackle around my ankle. I look down at my feet to see I had been chained to the vent I had discovered earlier. As I struggled to try and free myself the sounds of grunting became louder followed by Gemma's screams. It had begun.

"Who’s there? Leave her alone you bastard I swear I’ll kill you for this"

I tugged vigorously at the sold iron chain binding my ankle searching furiously across the floor for anything that would help me break free. Within the blink of an eye the room once again turned bright distorting my vision. As I try to focus I see Gemma laid in the corner of the room there was a short haired women semi naked pressed on top of her dressed in fetish clothing, violently hitting Gemma's head against the stone floor. I scream in fear as I watch Gemma fight for her last breath her eyes facing me as I struggle to reach her. As the women slowly stands up I noticed a scar across her face as she turned to look at me. I stare deep into her eyes to see nothing but emptiness a sense of pleasure embraced across her face. She continues to stand staring directly at me with only the sound of the door opening drawing her attention. It was Rick

”I'll kill you I'll fucking kill you"   Rick just smiled before speaking

”Oh poor Amy don't you think that's getting a little old now, I’ll kill you I'll kill you" Rick mocks my words in a childlike manner.

"We both know that's not going to happen Amy but I do have some good news for you. I think I'll bring you another friend as this one didn't last too long"

Rick walks over to Gemma’s body and kicks her arm with his foot.

"Oh and before I forget" Rick pauses for a second before turning to the women who's still stood there her eyes transfixed on me.

"You can pay her direct. Let’s call it a customer perk"

She slowly bent down towards with what looked like yet another £50 note in her hand. As she leaned in closer I just grabbed her. My hands in a tight grip around her throat squeezing as tight as I could. Slowly watching her turn blue as she struggled to break free. As I watched every bit of life drain out of her I felt a sense of power and control. As I drop her limp body to the ground I turn to face Rick and say to him two simple words

"Your next" 

In the few hours that followed all I could vision was Gemma's eyes staring directly at me from across the room. I gripped the chain attached to the vent tugging with every ounce of energy I have left in the hope it would loosen the grill covering it.

After what seemed like hours I finally hear the sounds of the bolts loosening. Exposing a gap between the grill and the wall. As I place my fingers in the gap I see a shadow on the wall I turn around and descended back into darkness as a black hood is placed over my head. I wake to the sound of traffic racing past me.

As I looked through the cracks in the hood covering my face I notice the car approaching an old disused warehouse surrounded by woodland. As the car comes to a stop I see Mike stood in the distance. Images of Gemma once again raced through my mind. As he slowly walked up to the car anger rushed through my veins. He slowly placed his hand through the opened window and removed the hood. I stare blankly into his eyes. My body filled with so much anger that I wanted to explode.

"I always said you were my little princess" There was a cold callous tone to his voice.

"How could you? Your own daughter? I screamed at him as I waited silently for an answer

"But you’re my real princess"

I watched as he slowly inserted his hand into his trouser touching himself

"Come princess just like I showed you touch it"

Mike grabbed my hand placing down his trousers slowly rubbing back and forth

"See you do remember" I just smiled at him for a second.

“Yeah I remember, remember this!" and with all my might I pulled as hard as I could forcing him to slam against the car.

"Ah my dick, you fucking bitch my dick"

The more he screamed in pain the more I pulled as hard as I could

"So I'm your little princess yeah?" With one mighty pull my hands where covered in blood as I dropped his dick to the floor.

I watched my Uncle Mike fall to the floor slowly bleeding to death. I quickly opened the door as I climb over Mike rolling on the floor covered in blood a race of excitement rushed over me as I ran to the wood. I had finally escaped I was free.