Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Turning Point

It was then my life changed I went from been a scared abused woman and became a sexual animal wanting and craving more.

Sick thoughts raced through my mind. Visions of Rick ripping at my clothes and beating my head against the wall as he fucked me hard.

Something had changed in me, I was not sure what but I soon found myself liking it. I lay there pushing my throat deeper into Rick’s hands as he slowly bent down and whispers in my ear.

"I have you now, just where I wanted you"

Rick was right he did have me. What glimpse of the Amy that was before no longer existed. That struggle to fight had gone like a distant memory.

"We all have secrets we hide Amy. Pleasures we choose not to disclose to the world. Secrets we like to keep hidden"

As I stare deep into Ricks eyes repeating those words in my head he was right we did all have secrets. I could never tell anyone that I wanted to feel abused that I had started to enjoy what was happening to me.

As Rick released his hands from around my throat and slowly stood up hovering tall above me. All I could feel was a sense of disgust. A hatred for myself I had never felt before.

I lay there staring into emptiness. Waiting thriving on when my next encounter with Rick would be like. I was stuck in a trap. Blinded by sexual obsession. Then like a switch I flipped back to who I was before. Flashbacks of who I was reminded me of the previous days before. Sexual obsession soon turned to anger.

I sit up and stare at the door across the room waiting... It was not long before the door opened. In walked Rick ounces of that smooth charm beamed out of him. He was holding a deep brown paper bag in his left hand. He stops for a second before throwing me the bag

"Work time Amy oh and I brought you a friend. Take more care of this one will you"

He chuckles to himself before giving a little wink. I just stare directly at him anger racing through my body. Images of Gemma's loose body lying on the ground flickered in my mind. I was not going to let Rick see it hurt me. I looked into the paper bag to find deep red lingerie with small black bows embroidered onto the seams. I just looked up at Rick and gave him a smile.

"So is this for your pleasure or theirs?"

I pointed up to the small camera in the corner of the room. I had noticed I was been filmed a few moments before. Rick just laughed at me

 "I own you Amy I get my pleasure with you when I want and we all know you like it rough you proved that earlier. Don't worry remember we all have our secrets"

Rick was right I had enjoyed it I didn't want to think about that now all I wanted to do was kill him who was he to say he own me.

"But in answer to your question my dear both some people just like to watch. Bring her in"

Rick called out to the small bald headed man that had appeared in the doorway. He lead in a tall slender women she had jet black hair. Her skin pale. She looked barely alive.

"My gift to you Amy meet Jasmine. You have been with me for a while now haven't you Jasmine"

Rick grabs a hold of her face so she looks directly at him.

"Still she never really took to it well unlike you Amy."

Rick turned to look directly at me.

 “You have been here a few days and already you like it. Then I did say it was the perfect job for you. Maybe you can help this one. Show her you can enjoy your work"

Rick pushes the frail girl in my direction as she falls to ground gripping me in panic.

"Just remember take care of this one. Gemma never did last long"

There was a sense of Joy in his tone as Rick just smiled and left the room. In those few hours that followed I sat there trying to get Ricks words out of my head

“Gemma never lasted long did she?"

His voice swirling around like a tornado ripping through my mind.

 As I stare over to Jasmine sat curled in the corner. I see a broken women no fight left in her any more just an empty shell of nothing.

The more I look at her the more it gave me the strength to fight on. I was going to get out of here I just had to get Rick to trust me.

I stand up and take the lace underwear from the brown paper bag I had been given before. Making sure I was in full view of the camera I slowly place the deep red bra covering only part of my breast.

I stare deeply into the camera all I could think of was how I would kill all you bastards watching one by one. As I still stood there staring into the camera I notice the wire leading down into a small vent below it.

 I turn quickly to look at Jasmine still laid there broken. I walk over to the vent just moving out of the cameras view as I pull at the grid slightly loosening it.

I stopped for a second in the hope that no one had heard me. I squeeze myself into the vent all that raced through my mind was that this time I was going to be free.

The thought of escaping from the nightmare I had been thrown into powered me on. But there was one thing I needed to do and that was kill Rick I had to stop him from ever doing this to anyone else again.

As I struggle my way through the vent I hear the noise from the door creak behind me.

"Where is she? Fuck where the fuck is she bitch" I hear Jasmine scream out

"I don't know please I don't know"   You could hear the sobs behind her voice as she spoke

"Find her for fuck sake find her"

I could hear Ricks voice growing louder. I freeze for a second if Rick found me I would be pushed back into that nightmare. I push further through the vent till I reach an opening overlooking what looks like a security room. Monitors with video links to different rooms across the building. I push the grate at the other end of the vent and lower myself onto the table below it. As I look at the monitors around the room I notice Rhianna on one of the screens. I felt a sense of satisfaction race over my body.

It was Rhianna who had done this to me. The more I watched her tugging at the chains that bound her to the wall. I felt a sense of release. If there was one good thing to come out of this is that bitch was paying. Paying for what she did to Gemma to me.

I turn away and head quickly towards the door as I slowly creep out of the room I search for anything I can use as a weapon. I see an axe on the wall encased in a glass cabinet. Open in case of emergency. Some crazed nutter has kept me trapped for three days I think that consists of an emergency.

 As I break the glass with my bare fists I feel a sharp pain as blood poured from my hands.

"Fuck" I said to myself fighting back tears.

I had not cried yet I was not going to let a shard of glass make me. As I make my way down the bright lit hallway lined with rooms either side. I could hear the screams of other women trapped in the rooms around me. I wanted to help but I just couldn't I knew there would be no point.

As I continue to search for an exit the screams from the women grew louder around me. I stopped for a second I had to help them. Every part of me was telling me to race to find an exit but I just froze. I had to try as I turned around I raced into the room to my left. I thought to myself if I could just save one person I wouldn't feel like I just left them there. Never knowing if they would get out alive.

As I slam the door behind me I find a little girl crying in the corner. She must have been no more than seven. Her pink dress with small flowers imprinted on it was torn and covered in blood. I stood there in shock for a moment I could not believe what I was seeing. I had never expected to find a child I guess it just blew the wind out of me. Everything changed in that moment I no longer just had me to fight for whatever strength I had left now I had to make sure it was enough for the both of us.

"It’s ok. You’re going to be ok"

I bend down towards her with my arms reached out.

"You’re going to be ok. What's you name baby? Can you tell me your name?"

The little girl slowly removes her hands from her mouth and wipes her eyes.

"My. My name is Sofia"

"It ok Sofia my names Amy. Your safe now baby your safe now"

I wrap my arms around her to comfort her as she begins to sob once more. All I had to do now was find a way out of here the sound from the screams still echoed in the background.

"Sofia can you move baby I need you to come with me" I grab a hold of Sofia's hand and head toward the door way. As I open the door I hear the sound of footsteps coming up the hallway. I turn to Sofia

"Stay here don't make a sound"

"No please don’t leave me" Sofia starts too grip at my arm in a panic. "Don't worry I promise I'll come get you"

 As I creep out the door I notice the small bald headed guy I had seen earlier. I hid in a small gap in the wall with the axe waiting. As the footsteps grew closer I jumped out and took a big mighty swing while closing my eyes I didn't mind killing him I just didn't want to see it.

All I hear is an almighty crack as blood sprays across the walls. I had a direct hit I stare down at the man’s loose body on the floor his head rolling down the hallway creating a trail of blood behind it.

I race back into the room to get Sofia I had to save her. As I entered the room I expected to find her waiting but she was gone. There was no blood nothing it was like all trace of her had vanished as if she was never there to begin with.

Where had she gone? I raced back to the door to see if she was heading down the hallway. Maybe she just slipped out behind me saw what happened and got scared. I found myself running deeper into the building once more searching under every cove and in every room. "Sofia"

I tried to call out as loud as I could. The more I wandered deep into the building the more I thought to myself I had made a bad decision and probably one of the worst ones I had ever made.

As I continue to walk down the hallway I find myself faced with no exit other than the door that stands in front me. I had searched everywhere and no signs of Sofia. I slowly open the door as I enter into a dark lit warehouse there was documents stuffed in boxes on the tall shelving that lined the centre of the room.

I close the door slowly behind me in a hope that no one would hear. As I head deeper into the warehouse I turn around quickly every few seconds just to check that I was not been followed.

“Sofia are you in here? Come out its ok”

I wait to see if I could hear her call back out to me but there was nothing. The further I headed into the warehouse I scoured the room to see if I could find an exit. I hear the sound of footsteps shuffling behind me.

Quickly I hide behind the shelving hoping that no one had seen me. As I stare from behind the boxes as I watch a slim framed women walking through the warehouse before stopping for a second. She turns to look through one of the boxes. She is wearing a deep blue pin striped suit as I stare more at her I notice she has G.D.S wrote on her collar. Memories raced through my head I knew I had seen that symbol before.

The man at the club he had it wrote on his pocket. I continued to watch as she finally found what she was looking for and headed back out the room. There had to be something in these boxes that could explain what it meant maybe it could give me the answer of why I was here and who was behind this.

I searched frantically through the boxes hoping that something would give me the answer I needed. I searched through what felt like a thousand boxes and still nothing. No trace of G.S.D or if they even existed.

 I had started to give up hope when I came across a document with headed paper that read. Guaranteed Sexual Discretion. As I read down the document it revealed payment for services taken. I could not believe what I was reading. I took a close look at the signature at the bottom and felt a sense of sickness fill my body as I stare looking at the name Lester Wright. It was my father.

 Tears just stream from my eyes I had always stayed strong but seeing my father name on that paper just broke me to know that it was him who had put me here. His own daughter.

I guess it slowly started to makes sense Gemma, Mike. I knew he had to be involved somehow but seeing his name on that paper made everything so real.

The feeling of sickness overtakes me as I curl over and vomit on the floor. I take a deep breath in trying to calm myself that last thing I needed was to panic. I still needed to find a way out of here. I grip the document tight in my hand and race frantically through the warehouse searching for an exit. Suddenly I'm struck in the face I try to grasp my vision as I fall backwards onto ground.

I look up to see Rick staring at me.

"Now what have I told you about trying to escape. I own you remember. I see you know that already"

Rick bends down and pulls the document from my hand.

"See here"

He points to the tiny writing at the bottom of the page.

"It's always in the small print"

Rick just laughs too himself as he thrusts the document into my face. He was right it was there in black and white I had been sold to him. "Fuck you no one owns me"

I push the paper away from my face as I slowly stand to my feet.

"You want to fight do you Amy?"

Rick looks directly at me I just stand there. So much anger racing through my body that I cannot move.

"I thought not" Rick grabs a hold of my arm and pulls me towards him.

"Daddy wants to see you"

I was lead out through the warehouse into a small office at the far end of the building all I could think of was my father’s name at the bottom of the document and how he was responsible for all this. After waiting for what seemed like hours guarded by Rick I hear footsteps approaching the office.

Rick just turned to me and said

"Daddy's here"

Moments later my farther appeared at the door. He was wearing a blood stained apron like the ones you would find in an old slaughter house. His wispy White hair seeped from under his worn out flat cap.

"Amy darling how nice to see you" he said in a patronizing voice.

"Fuck you how could you do this. What is this place?"

I throw my arms out at him in the hope to strike him when I feel an almighty slap around my face.

"Calm down Amy I never brought you here you did that on your own."

What was he talking about I never want to come here. I was thrown into this without a choice.

"Remember Amy we all have secrets I guess this place is one of mine"

 He moved his hand through the air as to show me all he had achieved. "This is my world. I set this place up not long after you was born. I saw the demand for people's sexual pleasure things you just wouldn't normally do."

"You bastard how could you" I screamed at him

"How could I what Amy? Provide a service?” He snarled at me while looking me up and down.

"You won’t get away with this" My father just paused for a second before walking over to whisper in my ear.

"I already have Amy. I have some of the most wealthy people in the world pay me to provide them with a service. So I have got away with it and will continue to do so”

"Who's is there to stop me? You?"

I felt a deep rage racing through my body all the love I ever had for him was dead like an empty shell of nothingness. He was right I had no idea how I was going to stop him I had not even managed to escape and all hope of that was gone.

"Where's Sofia you bastard she's just a child"

There was a slight pause for a second then Sofia walked into the room.

"Ah Sofia there you are. I see you and my daughter have met."

Sofia slowly raised her head I could tell she was trying to not look into his eyes she's was like a frail little girl.

 "Sofia has been with us since she was born. I found a market for children they make excellent play things"

Sickness just raced through my body I was not sure if it was adrenaline or fear but I somehow managed to race towards him throwing Rick to the ground in the process.

As I grasp a hold of my father’s head I slam it down onto the desk. Repeating until blood splatter across the ground leaving him loose and limp. I grabbed a hold of Sofia's hand and pulled her towards me.

"Come on where going. You’re safe now I promise I'll never let him hurt you again."

As I raced back through the warehouse searching for the exit visions of my father’s head bouncing of the table flashed before my eyes. What had I done?