Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Those moments that followed as I raced deeper into the entwining woodland that surrounded me gave me strength. I held on to the hope that my nightmare was finally over.

As I raced through the thorn bushes and nettles my legs and arms been ripped apart in the process I enter a clearing in the woods.

I remember the smell of fresh woodland flowers that filled the air. Sunlight beaming on the freshly cut grass creating a carpet of warmth beneath my feet.

I walk leisurely across the lawn soaking up every ounce of tranquillity that surrounded me. As I took in a deep breath a sense of relief flowed through my body. I had finally broken from the nightmare.

I close my eye blissfully unaware of what was next to come as I open them slowly I am greeted with the face of a small frail women. Her white dog tailed hair blowing in the gentle breeze.

"She's here baby I got her she's here"

The women stood giggling at me as she pointed into my face

"I got you"  I stood there for a second wondering who she was talking to surely it wasn't me?

"You sure did momma you sure did"

As I heard that voice I froze to the ground. Rick walked through the woodland onto the clearing. You could see the joy on his face as he slowly approached me holding a Benally M4 shot gun. If there was one thing I knew it was guns my dad was in the army all his life I remember sitting on his knee as a child hearing stories of his time in war. BANG!

The sound of gun shots echo in the air. I instantly jump to the ground frantically panicking.

 Rick slowly walks over to me pointing the barrel of the shot gun directly at my head.

"Don't move"

You could hear the anger in his voice a darkness filled his eyes as the evil that flowed through him filled his body.

I was laid on the fucking floor fearing for my life where would I go?

It wasn't long before I found myself once again back into darkness and been dragged by my hair across the ground.

I lay still choosing not to fight I guess I just didn't have the strength.

I expected to find myself waking in a slight daze back at the club but this time it was different. The smell of wood burning filled the room. There were sounds of footsteps creaking the floorboards below them. I could feel a cold breeze blowing onto the back of neck.

I wait for a blow around my head but nothing came. Apart of me wished that someone would strike me, kick me, anything but still nothing.

As I gently open my eyes the glow from the fire blinds me as I focus on the room.

Then like a speed of a bullet I felt a hard slap across my face throwing my head back. I finally grab my focus as I feel the tight grip from Rick’s firm hands around my throat.

It made me think of a few days before when I had wished for anything just to have his hands touch my body. It repulsed me that at this point I was having these thoughts race through my head but I just couldn't help it.

I gaze into Rick’s eyes while I gasp for breath hoping that I might get a slight glimpse of someone human behind those clear mesmerizing green eyes.

The more I looked the more sexual my body became I felt sick to my stomach that a part of me enjoyed what was happening.

I found myself pushing my throat deeper into his grasp. Rick suddenly loosened his hand.

"You’re enjoying this aren’t you?" There was a sense of confusion in his voice as he spoke.

I gasp for breath gulping in air as much as I could as I stare at him before slowly nodding my head.

What was I doing I could not understand how I could be thinking this never mind feeling it but something inside me craved more.

I wanted his hands on me more than anything. There was something telling me what I was thinking was not right, but the more I knew I should not be enjoying what was happening to me the more it seemed to turn me on.

Things changed in that moment I went from feeling scared and angry to feeling this rush of sexual energy racing over my body.