Demon: 4. God Squad: 0 by David Dwan - HTML preview

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Half a world away the steel shutters to a supposedly secret location rattled open, and two figures surreptitiously peered into the brightly lit storage locker which was one of three in the facility rented by Michael Davis’ ‘demon time’.

“I can’t believe that’s it,” the young woman said with an edge of awe in her voice as she stepped inside the freezing lock up.  She approached the coffin like box which was the only thing in this particular unit, but Lenny caught her arm as she got close to the black and yellow plastic warning tape that surrounded the strange container.

“Don’t,” he cautioned and gently pulled her away and into an embrace.  Lenny had been told that it was okay to come into the massive storage unit as long as he kept outside of the taped off area due to the camera.

He eyed a webcam attached to the roof of the unit that as trained on the box itself, which was located slap bang in the centre of the place.  He looked down into the girl’s glacial green eyes.  The colour of them made all the more vivid for them being blood shot from the joint they had shared outside.

She was a tiny thing really, perhaps twenty at most, and no more than five-two in height.  Small compared to most but at six-three Lenny dwarfed the girl.  He was about to suggest they leave when she blinked lazily up at him and rose on her tip toes for a kiss.  Lenny still had to stoop awkwardly so their lips could meet.

He knew this was a bad idea and if he got caught it would mean his job, but as she pulled away and he gazed down into those twin emerald pools, his libido got the better of his brain once again.

Lenny was in sole charge of the storage lock up that housed the container that supposedly held the so-called ‘Mister Minx’, at least for the time being.   A fact that would have sent that dickhead show runner Michael Davis into a shit fit if he ever found out.

He would see the producer down here from time to time in between shows and he had an air of the addict about him to Lenny.  He was clearly torn between disgust of the box or at least its alleged contents and the need to see it was still intact and locked away.

Lenny doubted the rumours about the creature were true, but in the end that didn’t mean shit.  The diminutive little punk chick (What was her name again?) and self-confessed demon time junkie had whipped herself into a near orgasmic frenzy when he had confirmed that yes part of his job as a security guard at the lock up meant keeping an eye on the strange curio kept well away from any of the other storage units.

This wasn’t strictly true.  He was a security guard here, but all security pertaining to the demon time lock ups was handled by their own people.

Apparently the girl, Sasha?  Sandy?  Something like that,  had discovered its whereabouts thanks to one of the increasingly obsessive internet fan sites that devoted all of their waking hours in pursuit of the truth behind the myth. 

And as a result she had cornered Lenny in the bar they all hung out at before and after work.  Even that bar it turned out was quite well known in certain circles.  Lenny offered up a prayer of thanks to the world wide web as she pressed against him with renewed urgency.

It hadn’t been cheap to pay off the two official demon time security guards, who normally hung around the designated units for the show that housed not only the box but also all the props and large amount of set dressing.  But as he locked lips with her once more he had the feeling it would be worth it. 

The only nagging doubt at the back of his endorphin flooded mind was the knowing look the two guards had exchanged when he had paid them to disappear for half an hour.  At first he had taken it as a ‘nudge-nudge, wink-wink’ look, but now that he was actually in the unit with the box it felt more like a look of two people who knew something he didn’t.

He shook it off and let his left hand stray to the girl’s right breast.  After all what could happen in thirty minutes left alone with a horny woman and a television prop?

The punk pulled away and gave him a playful slap on the cheek, and for a horrible moment he thought he had misread all the signs, but the mischievous grin she gave him put lie to that.  She was playing with him, it was a little frustrating but he had plenty of time to indulge whatever fantasy she had in mind.  Hell, he might even enjoy it himself he mused.

She took out her phone and swivelled on her heel to face the container.  “I wanna take a couple of shots,” she said.

“Okay, but you need to stay out of the tape.  That fucking camera up there will see you then I’m screwed.”  Lenny told her.  “And keep the flash off, there’s plenty of light in here.”

“Okay,” she said and took a couple of selfies with the box in the background.  “Smile Mister Minx.  Do you think he’s smiling in there?”

“Christ knows,” Lenny said and the thought that there might actually be something in there made him shudder.  “Hey, come on, let’s get out of here.”  For some reason he suddenly wanted to get out of the locker.  Despite its size he was beginning to feel the walls closing in around him.

“Oh, come on,” the girl said.  “Where’s your sense of adventure?”  She gave him a look of pure wickedness and took two steps back towards the tape.

“Hey, I said...”

She took two more and was now within a couple of feet of the taped off area.  “They can’t watch that thing all the time,” she said gesturing up to the webcam.  She let her hand move slowly up to the zip of her leather jacket and seductively pulled it half way down, revealing a black lace bra underneath.

Christ she was so attractive and way, way out of Lenny’s league, he knew that it was his job not his brutish face that had gotten him this far with her and he couldn’t have cared less.  He swallowed hard and looked at the webcam.  It was true, he remembered one of the demon time crew remarking the other night that it was more there to put Michael Davis’ mind at rest that his prize asset was safe and under lock and key, and not running around, than for security purposes.  After all, who in their right minds would try to steal that thing?

That Thing.

Lenny pushed the phrase out of his head.  Dare he?  He asked himself.  He was still conversing with his inner angel and demon when the girl unzipped her jacket the rest of the way and let it part to reveal her perfect breasts.

“I want you to fuck me on the box,” she said making his mind well and truly up for him.

He swallowed hard and looked around redundantly for something apart from the box he could you to climb up to the blind side of the webcam and throw his jacket or something over it to cover the lens.  After all he thought as far as he knew Michael Davis wasn’t even in the country, he was in mainland Europe somewhere the last he’d heard from the security guards, scouting locations for the next edition of the show.

So what if he was watching this very minute?  He would just think the connection to the webcam had gone down and call one of his men (both currently at the bar spending Lenny’s bribe.)  Who knew the score and wouldn’t return for a good twenty odd minutes when the girl would be long gone and he would have an anecdote to make his friends envious of for years to come.