Demon: 4. God Squad: 0 by David Dwan - HTML preview

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“Wait there,” Lenny said and made for the door.  “I’ll be right back.”  He ran through into the corridor outside the lock up.  There was an office just at the end where he could get a chair and a plastic bag or something to cover the cam.  He sprinted down the corridor, his footfalls echoing around him as they bounced off the concrete floor as he ran.

He burst into the office picked up the first plastic chair he came to and looked around for something to cover the cam.  On the table was a plastic coffee cup so he scooped it up and ran back down to the storage locker.  He paused a few feet from the open door to compose himself then strolled inside.

Much to his horror the girl had dis-guarded her jacket and was laid on her back on the box itself.  “Shit, get off there!”  He said but she just arched her back and flashed him a smile of pure filth.

“We’re waiting,” she said and tapped the box.

Despite his growing lust Lenny couldn’t help but wince at we.  Sure this woman was as hot as hell and he could only imagine the weird shit she was into, but still he couldn’t shift the thought that there might actually be some wizened creature in the crate.

“Snap out of it,” he told himself out loud and concentrated on her lean body as she arched her back and ran her hands alone the strange looking metal charms that were nailed to the lid and side of the box.

When she let out a sigh and kicked off her biker boots and popped the top button on her black combat trousers, Lenny decided he didn’t care if there were a dozen freaky things locked up in there, this was going to be the most fucked up, amazing few minutes of his life.

With the agility of a man half his age, Lenny climbed up on the chair and deftly placed the cup over the webcam which was at such an angle that it stayed in place perfectly.

“Gimmie your phone,” Lenny told the girl as he pulled his shirt over his head and she threw it to him.  “Smile,” he said lecherously and took a photo.  She posed seductively and he took another as she blew a kiss at him.

“Hey, I just thought,” she said striking another pose.  “Maybe demon time could use one of these for publicity, maybe I could get a job as a demonette.”

“A demon what?”  Lenny said never having seen the show.

“Demonette, I’m way better looking than those skanks, don’t you think?”  As if to accentuate her argument she straitened her left leg up in the air, pointing her toes to the roof and let her other fall over the side of the box.

It was more porn than art but Lenny didn’t care. “Hell yeah,” he agreed and made a mental note to send copies of these to his own phone later.

`“Well come on then,” she coaxed and Lenny thumbed the phone’s camera option to video and placed it on top of her dis-guarded jacket at an angle so the girl and box, and soon he were in shot.  He then ducked under the tape and as he got close she dragged him on top of her and wrapped her legs around his waist.  She kissed him hard and passionately as she ground her hips against him and let her long black painted fingernails rake down his back.

“Jesus!”  Lenny hissed and had to concentrate on not exploding then and there.  He began to think of anything to bring him back from the brink of (literally) blowing the best sex he was ever going to have.  Football, that bad movie he had seen on TV last night.  Anything, anything to keep control.

Just when he thought he was going to lose it altogether, she whispered in his ear.  “Let’s open the box.”

“Christ no,” He said and kissed her again.  It was an insane suggestion and he was grateful for it as it cooled his lust just enough to keep control.

She pushed him away slightly and for a second Lenny thought she was going to reject him if he didn’t comply, but her green eyes were still burning with desire.  “Hey, swap over, this thing’s freezing against my back, okay?”

“Sure,” Lenny said and they awkwardly changed positions like two lovers trying to negotiate a single bed.

As he lay down the wood felt ice cold on his bare back, and as she straddled him he could feel the various metal charms that were hammered in the lid biting into his back a little.  Sure it was uncomfortable but when she grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts he was glad of the distraction.

At least with the discomfort came the much needed diversion he needed to avoid premature orgasm and the inevitable lifetime of regret he would torture himself with later at the missed opportunity of great sex with the most stunning woman he had ever or would ever be with.

Lenny closed his eyes as the girl began grinding her backside into his crotch.  Yes this was going to be fucking amazing.

Kill her.

Where the hell did that come from?  Lenny opened his eyes but the girl was still cavorting like a wild thing on top of him.  He’d heard the words, no felt the words in his head.  Hadn’t he?  As he lay there the charms at his back seemed to dig a little deeper, and the wood was a little colder on his bare back.

Look at her, Lenny.  Look at what she really is.

Each syllable felt like the sharp jab of a needle behind his eyes.  He screwed his eyes tight shut then opened them again suddenly afraid of the dark behind his lids.

The girl lent forwards and moved to kiss him again, but there was something different about that once beautiful pale face.  Her eyes were a little older, her skin not pale now but yellow somehow like a thin layer of ancient paper stretched over her skull.  She smiled her teeth black and jagged.

“What’s the matter, Lenny boy?”  She sneered down at him, her voice that of an old woman with her throat cut.  “Don’t you wanna fuck me anymore?”

Lenny tried to lift his body off the crate and roll her off him, but he felt as if something with cold dead fingers was holding his shoulders in place, pinning him to the harsh wood and jagged metal.  He managed to glance to his right shoulder half expecting to see that arms had come up though the crate lid to hold him in place but there was nothing, yet still he couldn’t move.

He moved to say get off me but it came out.  “Don’t stop!”

Then; Please... but his mutinous voice said; “more, more!”

“More?”  She echoed and the word came out like a death rattle.  She leant down until her mouth was an inch from his, her lips cracked and bloody like open sores.  But still he couldn’t move as the unseen claws at his shoulders gripped tighter still.

Kill herrrrr...  The voice purred in his head.

Then that once beautiful creature threw her head back and let out an unholy cry.  Lenny screamed and then suddenly felt the grip on his right shoulder give way and he swung an almighty punch catching the thing straddling him hard on the left hand side of her head.  The girl was knocked off him and onto the floor from the force of the blow.  Lenny ripped himself away from his unseen captor and leapt to his feet.

He stood panting over the prone girl, fists clenched ready for her to leap back up and attack him with whatever supernatural force she had flowing within her.

But the girl began to sob and drag herself stiffly onto her hands and knees, blood pouring out of her mouth and onto the concrete floor of the locker.   She looked up at him with a look of pure shock on her young face.  A beautiful normal looking, but terrified face.

“Oh, Jesus,” Lenny said and he could have sworn he heard something hideous chuckling from inside the crate behind him.  “Oh, Christ I’m so...”

The girl suddenly pounced to her feet and flew at him before he could finish.  “You mother fucker!!”  She screamed and began to viciously claw at his face whilst simultaneously kneeing him in the balls.  Lenny went down like a boxer throwing a fight and tried in vain to protect his eyes as she rained blow after blow down on him.

Yes, through ringing ears and indignant screams Lenny could definitely hear laughing now.

Michael Davis watched open mouthed as the camera phone footage played out on his laptop.  It was the third time he had watched it since getting the call from Gorodetsky, his Russian head of security about a ‘breach in security’ at the lock up.

He was on Skype with the granite faced Russian now.  He finally switched off the video file and flicked the screen back to Gorodetsky.  “Where are they now?”  Davis asked.

“The girl’s with our boys at the moment, they’ve had to promise her all kinds of shit to keep her quiet.  She says she wants to be a Demonette!”

Davis shook his head in disbelief.  The poor woman had just been attacked but all she could think about was appearing on the damn show!  “Okay, tell her we’ll let her know,” Davis said.

“She is pretty hot, boss,” Gorodetsky offered.  “Anyway, she knows she was trespassing in the first place and she’s a massive fan of the show.  So she shouldn’t be too much of a problem if we keep her quiet.”

“Tell her we’ll get her Minx’s autograph or something,” Davis said, after all that wasn’t the weirdest thing he had gotten the creature to do.

“Will do, boss.”  The big Russian replied.  “Oh, and about our boys?  I know they fucked up, but I’ve got to be honest boss, we don’t have anyone else willing to look after the son of a bitch.  And besides, they are shitting themselves that they’re going to get fired.”

“Okay, keep them on,” Davis relented.  He knew even those two wouldn’t be dumb enough to do something like that again.  Besides he had already decided to use this little incident as further publicity for the show.  ‘Possessed security guard attacks fan of the show.’  “Now you’re sure Minx is secure?”  He asked.

“Yes sir, still in his crate.  They’ve checked it over, it’s still totally intact.”

“Good.”  Davis replied.  He fell silent for a moment as he recalled the faint but still audible laughing on the end of the phone footage.  It was a voice he knew only too well.  He shook off the sound, they had all become too accustomed to Mister Minx and this was a timely reminder of what he was still capable of, even from inside his wooden prison it seemed.

“Anything else, boss?”  Gorodetsky asked pulling Davis back to the matter at hand.

“No,” Davis replied but then remembered the battered and bloody security guard.  “Oh, yeah.  What happened to the guy?”

“Lenny?  He’s still in casualty.  They reckon he might lose an eye and a bollock!”

“Jesus,” Davis breathed.  He shut the lid of his laptop and contemplated the demon.  “Still got it, Mister Minx,” he had to admit.  “Still got it.”