Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 1



There was a full moon in the sky and the countryside was quiet. Times were dark and being out at night was a punishment served with prison time or even death. Nobody dared to even look out their windows, after all these were dangerous times. A man appeared in the tall grass, he was draped in the traditional Dark Order robe. If he was caught, he would be put into jail, and if he was put into jail, well he didn’t even want to think about it.

He crouched into the bushes slowly as he came upon a small rural town that looked like it had missed the last fifty years of technology. He could have sworn that last summer the roofs of these houses still had hay on them. He skulked around the alley to a white plastered house, whose bricks were showing. He crept across it and looked down the street. The D.O.P. or Dark Order Patrol was out tonight, refugees had been trying to leave the constraints of the Vampire Nation in greater numbers. The increased security on the border was deemed a necessary caution that needed to be addressed with an “iron fist”. He had his black robe on which should help as he walked down the sidewalk never leaving anything unexamined. The streets were deserted as small bits of trash fluttered over the cobble streets of Kinsfore, a small vampire town in the remote forests of Romania.

He saw the dark patrol car drive behind a house and didn’t reappear for a whole five minutes. At this point he assumed that it would be safe to go. He came out from the side of the house and began to sprint down the side street. He hopped over the fence and sprinted behind all the houses. He needed to get to where he needed as fast as he could. He hopped over another fence and landed in another yard. “Oh crap,” he landed right in front of a patrol man. The patrolman was alone but he wore a long black robe ancient vampire writing was written along the sides of the hood. His face was covered as he seemed to smile when he saw who had landed in front of him. His hand ran across a former Sintel sword that was painted black with the skull of the Dark Order on the handle. “Well, well, if it isn’t Rifkis. What are you doing out here?” Rifkis was still on his knees, he knew the voice but couldn’t place it “I . . . I just needed to see my family that is all”.

The patrolman looked at him oddly, “Really . . . well isn’t it common knowledge that your family was killed for being . . . traitors?” “No . . . they are alive and well as a matter of fact. I just need to . . . you know see them.” The patrolman smiled still a mystery to Rifkis, “Being a traitor must run in your family’s blood, no sense of loyalty my old friend”? Rifkis hissed at the man, “Yeah, you would know about loyalty wouldn’t you. You loyalty has changed Chiko. The only traitor see is you”. Rifkis could see the fire in his old friend’s eyes as he finally realized who the man was. “How dare you,” Chiko lunged at Rifkis, who was still on his knees. Rifkis took out his only dagger which was hidden in his boot. He caught his friend by surprise driving it deep into his stomach.

Rifkis put his hand over the man’s mouth and then pushed him down on the ground. He was even surprised that he had taken out a patrol member. Evidently his friend was another poorly trained, rushed guard that had barely and maybe not even finished training. Chiko had always wanted to be a Sintel. He had applied since their second set of education and was consistently turned down and it looked like for good reason. It was after all the Dark Order’s idea to get as many of their soldiers out in the field even if they were poorly trained. At least these guards would provide some sort of security for the still unstable Vampire Nation. Rifkis slide the knife out placing it back into his boot. His excitement for taking down a Dark Order officer even though he was a poorly trained boarder patrol officer, he was in trouble now. There was no way that he was going to be able to go back to the Dark Order’s capital recently renamed Ezbanium. Rifkis would now be a renegade, and there was only one person that could protect him. His quest was now even more important, which made his actions costly mistake. Trying to ignore the feelings, he slid the body behind a large bush and hopped over three more fences, before he came to a house that he recognized. All the houses in this town were designed and colored the same. Although Rifkis knew that this was an important place, a place where he could get the information that he needed.

Rifkis went up to the patio glass door and knocked on it three times. A little girl came to the door s dressed in pink overalls and long black hair that seemed woven from silk. She had pigtails which danced wildly when she said “Mommy, Mommy Rifkis is outside”! The door slid open allowing Rifkis to slink into the house. The little girl looked exactly like her mother, who came into the room in a blue jogging suit. She smiled looking normal and healthy. Although considering she was a vampire, she easily could have passed for a regular human. Although the blood that was in her glass seemed to give her away. Rifkis smiled, “Bella, it’s so great to see you again,” he exclaimed giving Bella a big hug.

“What brings you out here Rifkis, don’t you know what would happen if you were caught out of curfew . . . especially on the boarder?” “That doesn’t matter right now, I have more important business.” Bella nodded and sat down on a chair in the kitchen, “Well what it is must be important for you to be here at this hour”? Rifkis came over and sat down at the same table. “I need some information that I think only you can provide,” she looked curiously at Rifkis as he leaned in across the table, “I need to find the queen.” Bella started to choke and gathered herself together. Rifkis waited for her to regain her breath, “Listen I want to meet up with the queen. I want to help the resistance.” Bella looked side to side, “But Rifkis I have no idea where the queen is, she is in exile”.

Rifkis eyed her suspiciously, but she had a worried look, “I took care of a patrolman.” She shook her head, “The ears of the Dark Order know no boundaries.” “I need to see the queen. I believe that I can help with the resistance.” Bella put her finger to her lips and said “Shh!” “Rifkis you are going to get me killed,” Rifkis was starting to get upset. “Your parents were killed because of their involvement with the queen, why would I risk that? Subject me and my daughter to the same fate”.

Rifkis leaned into the table, “Because your family and you know as well as I know, that we were wrong about supporting the Dark Order and now we should help to make things better for everyone . . . for your daughter. So don’t lie to me I know you know where the Queen is.” Bella leaned in closer to Rifkis, “The queen is in exile . . . deep in the . . . Black Forest deep in the forbidden zone.” Rifkis got up from the seat trying to hide his smile, “Thank you” and walked over to the sliding door. Rifkis saw Bella sitting in her chair not moving. She just sat there with a face of pure fear and regret. Her blank stare seemed to mask the phrase, “what did I just do”? “Rifkis, can you do me a favor,” he eyed her suspiciously as her hands began to move in her sweater jacket. “Can you please take Selena with you to the queen . . . protect her,” Rifkis spoke up, “what are you talking . . .” Bella yelled “just answer the question”! Tears began to run down her, “of course I will take care of Selena.” Her hand began to come out of her sweater, “We both know that I am already dead for telling you and the information I know. It’s only a matter of time before the came for me and take Selena away. Tell . . . tell Selena I love her.” Rifkis saw something sliver came out her sweater, “NO BELLA DON’T!” The silver object went to the back of her throat, BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

The night was dark as a large building stood surrounded by large flood lights. A large stretch limo pulled to the side of a street as a tall mane emerged from within. The man’s name was Ezbium and he was one of the four Blood Gods. His eyes were black like two small rocks of coal. As his fangs extracted they were sharp and fine as if they had once belonged to a cobra. He had grown his brown hair out long and his unshaven beard had been replaced with small black tattoos. Tattoos ran over his face, the many different symbols and language of the ancient Vampire language. Ezbium got out of his limo and headed into the King Reidling’s Maximum security prison. However Ezbium did want to change the name, but he decided that he would in time there was still so much to do. The doors to the prison slid open as two men in black hooded robes approached and bowed to him. One of the men hissed out, “My lord, it is an honor to have you here. What do we owe the honor of you being here?” Ezbium hissed, “I want to see Hecto and Markis.” The men continued to look down face hidden behind the cloak as he said, “of course, right this way my lord.” They began to walk in a hurried pace down a hallway, definite signs of improvements have come under recent construction of this place since he was last in here.

It took them a while to get to the cells of Markis and Hecto because of all the new security features. Ezbium decided to first go to the cell of Hecto former Sintel member. Hecto was sitting on his bed and looked the worse for wear. Hecto had not seen Ezbium in over three years and looked as if it were too soon, “What could you possibly want from me?” Ezbium hissed, “Don’t you bow to your king . . . to your God?” Hecto growled his fangs bared, “God maybe, but you are not the rightful ruler of our throne. You’re just an imposter.” Ezbium hissed just as loud back at him, “If I am not the rightful ruler, then why did the people of the Vampire Nation rise up against your queen? Why would the Sintel abandon their posts? Why did the Sintel run away when their queen needed them the most?” Hecto looked away from Ezbium for these were the exact questions that he had been asking himself over the years. It did not make any sense to him, their must be something behind the massive uprising.

Ezbium interrupted his thoughts, “I need to know where the queen is? Where would she go, you know the safest place? I need to crush this pathetic little resistance she has going on.” Hecto sighed, “I have been over this with your guards more then a million times, and I do not know where she is.” Ezbium snarled at him, “You are lying and I can see it in you.” Hecto did not answer, in truth he didn’t know where the queen was he had some theories, but he didn’t know where she was. Ezbium looked over at the guards, “I need answers, take him to the interrogation room.” The two Dark Order guards slid open the cell doors and both grabbed Hecto.

Normally, Hecto would have fought his way out of the cell, but trying before over a dozen times, but never could escape from the prison. During these prison attempts he had found that he was more guarded then even he knew. They dragged Hecto to the interrogation room, Hecto which was the last place that he wanted to go. He had spent many painful hours in that room and was not going to stand here again and let them torture information out of him. Hecto grabbed both the Dark Order members’ arms, and all of a sudden did a giant back flip to free himself from their grips. He landed a little rusty but returned to the air with a quick jump and gave both guards two front kicks to the face. They fell to the ground, but when Hecto turned around Ezbium was already grabbing him by the throat. Ezbium lifted Hecto high into the air with the littlest amount of effort. “Why must you always fight with me every inch of the way?”

Hecto bared his yellow teeth at him, “I am going to get the information I need, all your information that you have told us thus far has been false, I want the truth this time and I want it now.” Hecto was pawing at Ezbium’s hand which was holding onto his neck with a vice like grip. Hecto took his hand and poked Ezbium in his black eye. Ezbium fell back with a yelp of pain as Hecto gave a round house kick to the new oncoming Dark Order members. There was another guard one coming. He threw a punch at him which Hecto blocked easily. He retaliated with a counter punch that sent the man flying onto the floor. Hecto was about to run, but Ezbium grabbed Hecto again by the neck. Hecto threw his grip off and gave a quick little sidekick. Ezbium grabbed his leg, and then swung Hecto around by his own leg. He was slammed against the wall and twirled as if he was made of nothing more than air.

He released Hecto who was sent flying into the wall and then crumbled down on the floor. Ezbium walked over and grabbed Hecto picking him up and slamming him against the wall. “Hecto, you know that there is no way out of here except in a body bag.” Hecto hissed at Ezbium, “You will tell me where the queen is so I can put down this silly . . . pointless little rebellion.” “I really don’t know Ezbium,” Ezbium carried him over to a chair in the middle of the room. He slammed Hecto down in the chair as Dark Order members tied him to the chair. “Hecto listen just tell me what I need to know,” Hecto laughed a little, “And then what you are just going to let me go.” Ezbium punched Hecto in the face, “TELL ME WHERE THE QUEEN IS!” Hecto did not respond but he could feel a bruise beginning to form. “I really don’t know,” Hecto tried to look convincing.

“Enough,” Ezbium looked down at him and then nodded at the two Dark Order members. They dragged a cart over and attached electrodes onto Hecto’s ears. Ezbium smiled, “Now I am going to ask you again, and if you don’t answer my questions . . . well you don’t really want to know.” Hecto knew that this was going to and only could end up bad, “Where is the queen?” “Ezbium, I don’t know,” Ezbium nodded and the Dark Order members began to turn a dial on the machine that sat on the cart. Hecto let out a scream of pain, it felt as if fire was entering his veins and stinging every corner of his body. Just as suddenly as it had started, it was gone leaving Hecto breathing really hard. Ezbium began to pace back and forth, “It’s hard for me to believe that the Imperial Major of the former Blood Council doesn’t know where the queen is?” Hecto was still breathing hard and choked out “Because nothing like this has ever been done before . . . every happened before”?

Ezbium slammed his fist on the wall, “How can other people know where the queen is and I don’t. How have I become so blind to know?” Hecto muttered, “Maybe you lost your powers?” Ezbium turned and ran to his face, “I have the power to see into the near future, NOT the power to read minds.” Ezbium began to look into the eyes of Hecto as if trying to read his. Ezbium shoved his face and then growled loudly, Hecto began to rearrange his jaw.

Hecto could see a smile appearing on the face of Ezbium, “What are you smiling for, I don’t know anything . . . your plans to stop the rebellion are futile.” Hecto noticed the two men that were guarding had left Hecto in the room. “Your loyalty is commendable. It is something that I wish my people would have.” He glared at Ezbium with an odd expression on his face, “If you won’t tell me willingly because of this loyalty.” Hecto began to tug at the robes that were binding his hands, “I will just have you become loyal to me.” Hecto screamed, “I will never join you”! Ezbium began to wag his finger at Hecto, “You should never say never . . . ask Jericho about his loyalty.” A hooded man dressed in a black cloak entered the room and behind him the two guards carried a wooden coffin. Hecto eyed it suspiciously, “What . . . exactly what are you planning to do?” Ezbium approached Hecto, “You will now learn what it means to be loyal, especially to the Dark Order. The Vampire Nation is dead!” Hecto realized that what had happened to Jericho was going to happen to him, he began to shake his head, “No, please!” Jericho pulled back his hood and revealed a pale white face that resembled a corpse.