Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

The Black Forest


The forest was dark and the sky was a dark blue with a dark navy tint. The trees gave off an eerie feeling and the name the Black Forest was a suitable name for it. A gentle wind went through the trees, making all the pines rattle softly making the trees groan in the night. A woman with black hair and pale skin still youthful in her looks but the dead look that only being a vampire supplied was apparent on her. Her name was Nestra, former queen of the Vampire Nation. Nestra was sitting on a log poking a stick at a small fire that cackled in front of her. People were gathered all around her, although do to the circumstances only the most loyal of vampires met in this place. These vampires were the ones that suffered greatly from the rise of the Dark Order. These were the people that dared to cross the border in order to find safety.

These were the people that were driven from their homes because of the Dark Order and their soldiers. It made Nestra angry at first she had been reluctant to accept the position. Over her reign she couldn’t imagine her life without it. Her kingdom had stretched through many countries and many towns across the world. She had grown fond of every mile contained in her nation. She had hundreds of thousands of people in her kingdom, and now her kingdom was the size of a football field in the middle of the forbidden zone. The zone that the werewolves and vampires and been disputing about for hundreds of years.

Although her now pitiful “kingdom” was considered the only safe haven for vampires to escape to and live a life they considered “normal”. People still looked up to her and came to her for advice, for help, for safety. Now-a-days it seemed like everybody was coming to her, refugee’s kept pouring into her camp and she was running out of blood to feed them. Her small camp was turning into a growing urban center and the minimal blood supply that she could get from loyalist blood banks was quickly becoming insufficient. Soon their secret location would be revealed and when the Dark Order dared to enter these woods they would eventually be captured. Rocky was lying next to her in the dirt, but didn’t seem like he cared. Nestra could never rid this nauseas feeling that seemed to settle in her stomach. How was she going to get out of this mess? This refugee camp would turn into a death camp quickly because of the lack of blood. She continued to poke the fire with the stick as thoughts dwelled in her head. The problems that she was being faced with held her down like a bag of rocks. She was still getting reports about what history would call the great battle. A man walked over to her in a white robe, he had a long nose and looked like he had not known of braces in his childhood. His straw brown hair seemed to be glued to his head, “Your majesty, hello . . . may I please sit next to you I have the information that you have requested.”

Nestra waived her hand at a log that was sitting adjacent to her, “What’s your name?” She noticed that he was holding a stack of papers, “My name is Dronkin, and I am one of the only members left of the Blood Council.” He pulled out the drop of blood necklace with the two intersecting swords and showed it to Nestra. “Yes, I believed you when you first told me.” Dronkin looked ashamed now for his actions, but she tried to smile trying to show that his actions didn’t matter. He began to shuffle the papers, “Anyway yes, the information that you requested is all right here.” Nestra began to poke the fire again with a stick. The information that she had been waiting on for months was finally here. But now that it had arrived, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the information. “The Sintel is down eighty nine percent, all Imperials are reported missing . . . Hecto is currently locked up in King Reidling’s Maximum Security prison. Official reports state sixty nine percent are dead or have been executed, nine percent joined the Dark Order and eleven percent is missing.”

Nestra barely heard him, she wanted to just cover her ears and eyes and forget this whole thing ever happened. “The Blood Council as whole is down . . . ninety percent. As of now no form of Royal Council exists which means we have no more government in the Nation nor our fellow cities around the world. Also . . . your personal Royal Cabinet and officials were in session during the siege on the castle”. A tear seemed to fill his eyes as he said, “nobody survived”. Nestra looked up from the fire shocked by this. Dronkin seemed unable to continue on. He paused and Nestra knew that he was debating whether he should continue on or not. She nodded at him as if this was to say that it was alright for him to proceed. He began to stutter a little as he said, “ninety . . . . ninety percent of your people are starving and in poverty weakened from a lack of blood supply. Blood banks are drying up. As of yesterday every blood bank is has officially been turned over to the Dark Order and Ezbium’s control. Your majesty I should point out that many our growing weaker each day that passes. Recent numbers from our underground resistance show that ten percent of the population supports you and want you back on the throne. We believe that ninety nine percent of the vampire population would support you, if it weren’t . . .” Nestra turned fire in her eyes, “Well maybe they should not have all turned against me in the first place. They overthrew all the regional governors and put Dark Order members in their place! They marched right along with the Dark Order when they laid siege upon the royal castle”.

Dronkin seemed to shrink in his seat, “due to your majesties request we have discovered why the people rose up so quickly against you. It seems there was something in the blood, a temporary nerve toxin, we are still studying it and should have answers soon. We believe that this toxin is still in the blood and that is why Ezbium has been able to keep a firm grasp on the Nation. We believe that their fighters are weak, ill-trained, and they don’t stand a chance against us. We are all counting on you to take back your kingdom and everyone is willing to help. Our Sintel Knights are at least worth ten of theirs.” Nestra cut off Dronkin who grew upset by his comments, “Where is Hecto again?” Dronkin began to scramble through his papers rapidly and then stopped as he traced his finger along the paper as he read it again, “Hecto was captured and being held in King Reidling’s. He’s the only member left of the Imperial Blood Council and I am sorry to say your majesty, but we have reports that he is being tortured.” Nestra began to panic, “Well does he know where we are? Do we have to move? Are we all in danger?” “No, he doesn’t know where we are, but obviously he has heard of the resistance, I mean everyone has. Although we have a strong belief that Hecto hasn’t told them, also there is an usual amount of presence at the border.” Nestra began to calm down, that’s right he didn’t know the location refugee camp. He was in the maximum security prison and information about the resistance most likely didn’t travel freely. Nestra clenched her fist when she realized he had been captured during the great battle. Somewhere deep down her heart seemed to urn for his wisdom and genuine belief in her abilities.

Once again, Nestra began to poke the fire, “Your majesty, when we win back the nation, everything will have to be rebuilt. The Dark Order is tearing apart what your family has built for over the centuries.” Nestra began to nod, but she didn’t feel confident about it though. She did not want to hear anymore, but something was bothering her, “Before you go Dronkin, who is on our side? Do we have any allies?” “Well . . . first you are going to have to talk to America, and get them to stop a bill from being passed through their human congress.” Nestra huffed as Dronkin continued “The bill will give government funding to the Cleansers, which might spark other countries to follow suit. If they get funded there is no telling how big their organization will get. They will hunt down our people and eradicate them. Cleansers will cleanse their population and that money can only increase their numbers.”

“That is not what I am asking, is there anybody on our side,” growled Nestra. It made her mad that the United States had betrayed her and her people. “Well, we have a lot of our citizens on our side,” Nestra muttered softly in reply, “so in other words, nobody is on our side.” Nestra noticed that Dronkin looked just as upset as she did, “Your majesty why don’t you try to get the Himlogs on your side.” “The who,” Nestra had heard that name before, but did not remember when, Dronkin seemed to hesitate, “You could try the Himlogs, I mean it is worth a shot right?” Nestra began to shake her head, “No I don’t know who the Himlogs are you need to explain.” “The Himlogs . . . they are that group of people that hide in the mountains, nobody knows how they got there but they are vampires,” he then turned and muttered softly, “In the truest form.” Nestra had no idea what Dronkin was talking about so just ignoring his comment she asked, “Can you tell me a little about Ezbium? Is he really a blood god? Dronkin began to rub his neck, “Well I don’t really know that much about them, but as far as we have seen I would guess that there is no doubt that he is one.” Dronkin paused but decided to continue on, “he was the god of the Mayan society and apparently has the power to see into the near future.” Nestra replied, “Gods don’t die so tell me is there a way to kill him.” Dronkin smiled, “Only you have the power to kill him, only the prophecy can kill him.” “How many other blood gods are there? Do we know where they are located?” Dronkin rubbed his neck again, “Well all I know is that, there was one god for Egypt, Mesopotamians, and the Aztecs. It is written that the blood god for the Aztecs should be feared above all, his name means Apocalypse, and if he is released our world will end.” Nestra now was on the edge of her seat, “What is his name”? Dronkin shrugged, Nestra frowned but said, “Listen do me a favor, I want to know everything there is to know about Ezbium, and how he relates to the Mayans.” Dronkin began to nod his head, “I will do what I can. Your majesty it looks like we have more refugees.” Dronkin pointed to a man in a dark black robe, who was holding the hand of a little girl.

The man walked over to where Nestra was sitting and asked “are you the queen?” Nestra nodded weary about the dark caught but returned to poking the fire again with the stick. “Oh I am so glad I found you your majesty! You have no idea, what I have been through? How difficult it is to find you.” Nestra motioned her hand towards another log that sat by the fire, and he sat down with the little girl next to him. “My name is Rifkis and this here is Bella,” Dronkin stood up, his papers fell to the ground. “I remember you,” Dronkin pulled out a pistol and aimed it right at his head. “You betrayed us,” Nestra stood up, “No Dronkin put away the gun. How can you bring out a gun in front of this beautiful girl”? Dronkin lowered the pistol but still kept it out as if a warning. Rifkis spoke up, “Yes he is right though, I was working for the Dark Order, but I have been helping out the rebellion for quite awhile now.” Dronkin growled, but Nestra looked worried, he could be a spy. Although Hecto could have sent him with some information from the prison, maybe that is why he was here? Rifkis grabbed the little girl’s hand again, “Look I can’t expect you to forgive me . . . because of my betrayal my family was killed. After that all I wanted to do was help to take down, Ezbium and the Dark Order.” Nestra still looked worried, “What exactly do you want from me? Why have you come to me?” Rifkis said softly, “could you please watch over Bella here? I can’t exactly help out the rebellion if I have to watch over her.” “You do realize that this is not the safest place. I can’t guarantee her safety. I can’t even guarantee my own safety.” Rifkis shrugged, “I figured the safest place would be with the queen. I hope to continue assisting your majesty in the rebellion.” After several seconds she motioned for Dronkin to take her. He rose off the log gave a quick bow and took her hand escorting her away from the fire.

Rifkis watched the queen poking at the fire, “Your majesty I have been sent here to bring you some news from other members of the rebellion.” I did not think that there were other groups other then this one?” Rifkis smiled, “No your majesty there are many, many other groups some are small and some are even bigger then yours, I mean if there was only your group wouldn’t you think you would have more people here?” Nestra asked, “Are their any Sintel, Blood Council, or Royal Council members in these groups?” Rifkis looked down at the ground, “Few, they are rare and hard to find, most of them died in the two battles, and then the survivors were hunted down and killed. No prisoners are ever taken”. Nestra shook her head, but asked, “What is it that you wanted to tell me?” “The rebels have a ship, it is on the coast, and is going to take you to America to talk to the president and try to smooth everything over, because of the upcoming legislation bill.” Nestra waved her hand, “I know about the bill, please continue.” Rifkis said softly, “Ok, the resistance is waiting for orders from you . . . thousands of citizens are ready to take back what is ours and put you back on the throne.” Nestra leaned in and asked, “How far does the resistance extend,” Rifkis smiled, “Far enough to bring hope.”

Nestra leaned back on the log, “What about the werewolves what are they up too?” Rifkis smiled, “The Werewolf League is not fighting against us nor are they fighting with us.” Nestra muttered, “I asked what they are doing?” Rifkis replied, “They are looking for Bala by any means necessary they are killing congressmen, senators, any government officials for information on Bala’s whereabouts and they are warring with the Cleansers . . . heavily”.

Nestra was now curious, “What are the plans of the Dark Order . . . I mean what is Ezbium planning?” “The rebellion believes that the Dark Order is planning two things most likely, knock out all the governments around the world, and make an entire vampire world, embracing the old tradition and ways.” Rifkis paused, “go on.” He rubbed his hands together, “Or they plan to play them all and keep them happy to live in harmony with humans.” Nestra laughed, “The Dark Order would never be like that. Why would you even consider this an option?” Rifkis did not look like he could answer the question, “We believe that Ezbium knows that if he does fight against the humans, he will loose because the Vampire Nation is divided. People are starting to realize that there is something in the blood, but from the drought they are literally stuck”.

The fire lit up the night sky sending embers into the air, and Nestra looked over at the refugees. Her people should not have to live like this, living in tents made of blankets, or houses made of wood a sheet metal. Rifkis said softly, “Your majesty you have no idea how far or deep the rebellion goes, all we need is for you to make a move . . . when you do that, you will see the Dark Order’s rule fall.” “We have the strength to take down the whole rule of the Dark Order.” Rifkis nodded, “We suspect more people will join when the rebellion actually begins.” Nestra looked confused, “Why don’t they just attack now,” Rifkis smiled “They are waiting for you to lead them.” Nestra began to shake her head, “Your people are starving, the Dark Order burns villages, slaughters families, and tortures people to death. They live in fear, and with you inspiring the fight, they will stand with you. The nerve toxin in the tainted blood is a mind controlling substance and putting into the blood banks and blood supplies was an easy way for the people to get hooked and with the added address of Ezbium . . . well words provoke the masses”. Nestra was lost as this all seemed surreal. It has been months that she had been in hiding, and she has not heard any of this information. Rifkis continued, “The Dark Order knew that if they got to the blood, they could control society. I mean the plan is really ingenious. After all we need to drink blood, and . . .” Nestra turned and snapped loudly at him, “INGENIOUS, this man destroyed us, destroying are people, are way of life, and even if I did win the Nation back, the damages that he has done and is doing to humans will never be forgiven. We will be hunted down and killed.” Rifkis seemed to loose a fire that he had and knew that he had said something wrong. He asked very softly to her, “What are you going to do?” Nestra replied almost as softly as him, “If I am going to take back the throne, I might as well try to fix what is broken, and try to get some allies.” Rifkis smiled, “America,” Nestra saw the fire in his eyes return and could not help but smile back, “America.”

(To Be Continued)