Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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The White Rabbit

(Urban Legend)


Robby Richardson


It was nearing eight at night as Carla pulled up to the second story residence of the Donaldson house. It seemed just in time as well her old Honda car didn’t run the same since she had hit that pot hole a month before. She had always been meaning to fix that but with the current pressures of college applications and her upcoming S.A.T and A.C.T her life was in a hectic situation. Pulling over to the curb she growled as she slammed the car door shut. The neighborhood lay empty as it seemed everybody was out having a good time. Every house that lined the street was dark as the very night seemed to egg on everybody. Playing off a nice breeze as the large willow tree in the Donaldson’s front yard swayed in it. “Stupid car,” she kicked the door as the car started to make an unusual clunking sound. “OH what now you stupid hunk of junk,” she kicked the tire but when she felt her toe become stubbed she yelled with pain. She had forgotten that she was wearing sandals at that moment and the curses that left her mouth would have made a sailor cringe in disgust. She bent over and rubbed her throbbing foot. After several gentle caresses of her toe she stood back up and headed up the driveway. Removing a braid from the numerous amounts on her wrist she tied her long silky black hair into a long ponytail.

She made her way up to the door as she gave a small knock. Even though the sun had set Mrs. Donaldson opened the door and exposed her small sanctuary to the mysterious night. The small suburban neighborhood was quiet and let its residents fear nothing in the dark. Mrs. Donaldson was older as her graying hair was curled into a bun like a pile of wet spaghetti noodles. Wrinkles appeared on her face but her eyes and smile were as bright as her personality which could have melted ice. She was dressed in an outfit that looked to be fitting for a golf themed country club. A salmon colored vest draped over a button down white shirt and a salmon themed skirt which hung down to her wrinkled ankles, “Carla, I am so glad you are here I thought you weren’t going to make it”. “I am sorry Mr. Donaldson my car doesn’t run like it used to,” she bit her lip as she stared at her car. “My dear, I completely understand how is your other job going,” “it’s a nightmare with school and all . . . Mrs. Donaldson would you mind if I came in my jean jacket is really tight and I would like to take it off ”. With a quick intake of breath Mrs. Donaldson moved to the side, “I am so sorry my dear you watch over our kids so often I forget that sometimes you are the babysitter”.

Walking into the warm house, “I appreciate the sentiment Mrs. Donaldson,” the small foyer was filled with buckets of paints and tarps. “Were you guys painting,” she beamed, “Arthur said that I could remodel the upstairs and the kids needed new rooms just wait until you see them”. An older gentleman marched from under the stairs a container of yogurt in his wrinkled hand. His skin seemed to hang loosely as he looked like a man who had lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. “Arthur William Jennings Donaldson what do you think you are doing”? Her bald headed husband froze as his large coke bottle glasses slid off his nose in shock. He fumbled with them staring at his wife who had placed her hands on her hips. “What do you want from me women you said eat healthy I’m eating the disgusting crap”! She shook her head, “You are going to spoil your appetite”. “OH god forbid I spoil my appetite for my upcoming salad,” she raised her finger “Arthur mind your tone we have company over”. His eyes rested on Carla, “hello Carla, I am afraid there is nothing to eat in this house so I left you some money for a pizza”. “Arthur,” growled his wife but he turned as he licked the container clean. “It isn’t for me, why should she have to suffer,” his wife turned to her and gave a little smirk. “I know you Arthur you are going to come snorting around in the middle of the night and start sneaking pieces while I’m sleeping”. He gave an unconvincing shake of his head, “no dear I would never do that”. She nodded, “I am sure you wouldn’t, now go and get in the car”. Shaking his empty yogurt container, “quite telling me what to do I am not a child”.

And with that he gave a final smile to her, “it was good to see you dear, the kids are watching television you know everything already we will see you tomorrow morning”. As he exited the room Mrs. Donaldson just smiled as she shook her head, “god I love that man,” she turned to Carla. “You’re going to be alright aren’t you being here overnight?” Carla nodded, “very good why don’t you go upstairs and get reacquainted with the new design the kids should be fine for awhile, take care dear”. Mrs. Donaldson gave her a hug as she pulled away slowly, “and if you do order that pizza make sure to finish it Arthur has lost ten pounds and lowered his cholesterol by 3 points.” She smiled and gripped Carla’s shoulders a final time and left the room. Deciding to take up Mrs. Donaldson’s offer Carla headed up the stairs finally relieving herself from the constriction of her jean jacket. She moved up the stairs and passed by the closet mirror. Catching her reflection she stopped to remove the single strand of stray black hair from her ocean blue eyes. The second floor had been completely redone giving the old loggers cabin look an updated modern version. Each room had been redone and filled with the latest in technology. She laughed when she saw that the rickety oak desk that sat in the Donaldson’s bedroom adjourned with the old iron typewriter had been replaced by a large cherry desk. “A computer,” she laughed “I never thought I would see the day”.

The Donaldson twins had received a bunk bed set but the strangest room was the daughter’s room. A Miss Stephanie Donaldson who was currently residing at her usual month long summer camp retreat had her room redone as well. Carla smiled as she stared around at the Easter themed room. The walls were painted in a light purple and yellow as every inch of the room seemed covered with rabbits. The shelves were lined with stuffed animals, all rabbits of every size, shape, and color. Purple rabbits holding red hearts, yellow fluffy bunnies holding oversized orange carrots, pink bunnies, red bunnies, small green bunnies, it was uncountable.

She walked into the room as she laughed a little taking one of the rabbits in her hand as she looked it over. “Jesus it’s like a regular bunny farm in here,” she circled the room until she saw an over sized rabbit sitting in the corner with a pile of stuffed rabbits sitting around and on its lap as if preparing for a bedtime story. The largest rabbit sat with a huge buck toothed smile as its sky blue eyes seemed to twinkle in falseness. Its head rested upright as it seemed to stare at her. She didn’t like it. It was by far the creepiest thing in the room. She stared at the bed that Mrs. Donaldson insisted on her spending the night in. Maybe she would end up just sleeping on the couch like she wanted to. “Carla . . . Carla . . .” came the yells of the two most rambunctious boys that she had ever known. She gave one last disgusted look at the room hoping that it would be the last time that she saw it. Heading out into the landing she was nearly tackled by two boys who immediately began their tirade of requests. “Alright, alright slow down you two,” a curly black haired boy with freckles on his face and five missing front teeth wiped his hand over his pajamas a pair of SpongeBob Squarepants one piece. “You like my new pajamas,” rubbing his cheeks “I think they are really cute on you Billy”. “Silly Billy,” his brother mocked, “And what about you Marcus? Why didn’t you get new pajamas”? The chubby faced boy rubbed his rosy cheeks, “They didn’t have any in my size”. “He was too fat,” Carla rested her hand on Billy’s shoulder, “don’t say things like that about your brother”. Billy just smiled, “we’re both hungry can you make us something”? Removing a loose strand of hair from her face Carla replied “Yeah of course . . . as soon as your parents leave,” Marcus pointed towards the front door, “They already left”. Slapping them playfully on the back, “alright well go downstairs and tell me what you guys want I’ll be down in a minute.”

They smiled up at her and began to run down the stairs not really sure why she was doing it. She crept back into the rabbit den and made sure the giant rabbit was still there. She let out a loud sigh of relief as she saw the rabbit’s wide buck tooth smile remain as it stared at the open the door. “God are you creepy,” she turned from the bedroom and followed the kids down the stairs. Heading into the kitchen to find the boys digging into the cabinets, “what’s wrong with you guys you seem tired”? Billy’s chubby face smiled back, “we were playing all day”. “Oh yeah with . . .” her sentence died when the phone began to ring. She smiled and pointed to the top cupboard, “Check to see if there is anything up there”. The phone rang for the first time and she answered with a “hello Donaldson residence”. A soft breathing and a voice as soft as a whisper said “little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”. “Excuse me,” the breathing continued “is this some kind of sick joke”? Slamming the phone she had to shake it off and replied, “Wrong number dear” to Billy’s confused stare. Placing the incident in the back of her mind, she made a grilled cheese with a side of macaroni and cheese complete with chocolate milk shakes for dessert. The Donaldson children were full to burst as Carla was able to get them to settle on the couch watching a rerun episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. When the credits began to roll Carla grabbed Billy’s chubby foot, “why are you guys so quiet I had to take a nap before I came to make sure I could keep up with you two”. They sleepily looked up at me both curled up under a large Buzz Lightyear blanket. Billy rubbed his chubby fist into his beady eyes. “Alright let me tuck you guys in your parents are going to be here tomorrow morning,” dragging up two sleepy boys to bed was not an easy task. But finally after slipping them into their beds she whispered a good night and shut the door.

Trying to stop her concerned feelings of the twin’s mysterious laziness was a hard thought to quell. But when a sudden knocking came from the front door the thought had quickly been lost in the moment. Staring down at the door she saw a shadowy figure rock back and forth on the front stoop. Feeling her stomach tense a little she began to walk down the stairs when the phone began to ring. Rolling her eyes she made her way to the base of the stairs and to the small table containing an antique looking phone “Hello”? “Little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”. “Who the hell are you,” the phone clicked and died the dial tone was all that remained as the knocking continued. Quickly returning the phone she heard a voice yell, “Come on Carla the sprinkler is on”! “Bobby,” she exclaimed in such disbelief as she quickly opened the door as a skinny boy barged in. “Sorry,” he exclaimed slamming the front door. He removed his lettermen jacket as he removed his hat to reveal a wave length brown hair that seemed made from the finest silk. He had brown freckles with a button up nose and large dimples in his cheeks. He had a wide nose and cheek bones that would make male models jealous. “I’m sorry they left their sprinklers on,” examining his body he whined, “I got water all over my letters”. Carla scrunched up her face as she wiggled her nose, “oh poor baby”.

He smiled “I am glad to see that you care”. He outstretched his arms but she rested her hand on his chest, “What the hell are you doing here, I am working”. Bobby chuckled, “You’re babysitting,” frowning “it’s still working”. They stared at each other, “so what are you doing here Bobby”? Removing his jacket, “well I got out of practice and had to take a shower. Why would you want me to come over all sweaty”? “No, I didn’t want you to come over at all,” “well that is not very nice to say”. She growled, “Jack could come over and what if he catches you here”? “So what I can take him,” throwing her hand through her hair. Her frustration was getting to her, “It’s not a matter of taking him, he could,” Bobby waved his hand “he is nothing”. “He is my boyfriend . . . you and I are done,” taking a step back, “hold on there . . . done”? She nodded, “I am with Jack can’t you get that through your thick jock head”. “Yeah well this thick jock head didn’t get any indication that we were done,” “we are done” she retorted. “And were we done when you snuck into the shower room after practice the other day”? “Well . . . I” she began to stammer. Seizing his chance Bobby pressed on “and what about the time in my garage . . . or Rickie’s party while Bobby was in the other room”.

There came a loud creak from upstairs as Carla turned quickly up to see a deserted hallway. “And the time . . .” “Alright,” she said moving closer “You made your point”. “So can I stay,” the silence between them seemed to linger on as she finally gave a flirty little smile, “alright but you have to be quiet”. Ring . . . ring . . . “Jesus,” heading over to the phone she answered with “Donaldson residence”. “Little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”. “Listen you freak I got my . . .” she stopped mid-sentence when the phone clicked and all that could be heard was a dial tone. She slammed the phone down, “what a creep”! “Who’s a creep,” asked Bobby. Carla just replied, “Some creepy guy that keeps calling here”. Placing his jacket and hat onto the coat hook, “so why is he creepy”? “He keeps saying little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”. Shrugging Bobby walked forward “I have no idea can’t a guy get some grub”? Shaking her head as she chuckled “men . . . food and sex”.

Their conversation turned to school as Bobby complained about his coach and some of the latest gossip. The pots boiled and soon the kitchen became an efficient little delicatessen. As Bobby began to stir up the remaining macaroni equipped with a nice T-bone steak the phone began to ring again. After the fourth ring Bobby gave her a suspicious look, “no I’m not answering it”. Raising a fork he pointed to the phone, “well I think this one you might want to take”. Doubtfully she raised her eye from the left over grilled cheese that she had been picking at. The caller I.D read Donaldson cell 708-555-5748. “Oh my god,” nearly tripping over the stool in her haste she picked it up with a quick “hello Mrs. Donaldson I didn’t expect you to call so soon”. “Little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night.” Withdrawing the phone she stared down at it and dropped it like it was a used tissue. She almost shook in a soft terror, “alright this is starting to scare me”. “Call the police,” “and tell them what”? Scoffing as he waved half a piece of cheese saying “That a man is calling your house and harassing you”. She snorted, “pigs don’t do anything you know that”. Removing his steak from the fryer, “It was only a suggestion”.

They both fell silent when a knocking came from the front door. Carla turned to Bobby who had gone slightly pale with shock. “Did you invite anybody else over,” he shook his head as she pointed to the closet, “Hide in there”. Luckily Bobby was good at taking orders dropping his almost complete meal he stopped “my stuff is in the hallway”. Waving him to the closet, “I got it” she whispered. Moving to the door she grabbed Bobby’s hat and jacket, “whose there”? “Carla,” her heart seemed to skip several beats, “Jack”? “Yeah it’s me,” heart pumping as she began to shove Bobby’s coat and hat under the couch. “What are you doing here, you know I am babysitting”. Making sure the cushion lay flat she straightened her hair better, “you haven’t been answering any of my calls are you alright”? Straightening her hair more, “I am sorry I have been busy working”. “Can you please let me in this sprinkler is soaking me,” taking a deep breath she opened the door and Jack hurriedly entered the door. Shaking off the water like a wet dog he removed his hood from the sweater. His golden locks and young face gave him the Heath Ledger resemblance that she enjoyed.

“Bobby you shouldn’t be here what if the Donaldson’s come home or the kids wake up and see you,” his blue eyes twinkled so peacefully. “Carla we have been friends since we were kids and dating for years you can tell me anything”. “Just keep it down . . . and you don’t need to worry it’s nothing . . . and nothing is wrong I just have been really busy,” “too busy to give your boyfriend a kiss”? She smiled and gave him a seductive little kiss, “Alright can you go please they could be home any minute”. He took her hand, “I thought they were going to be gone the whole night . . . can’t I stay”? She took her hand and rubbed his cheek, “no I’ll see you tomorrow we can go out then”. His face fell, “Are you sure everything is ok you seem a little nervous”? She shook her head as calmly as she could “no sweetie I just don’t want to get in trouble and loose this job”. “Well there is another car out in front is there somebody here,” hiding her gulp was tricky but with a playful stroke of his locks, “no sweetie just me and the two boy, the car is probably a neighbor or something”. She saw in horror that Jack was staring into the kitchen as he saw all the dishes and the leftover mess. “You certainly made a lot of food for just three people,” with a flirty giggle “well you know two growing boys”. She patted his stomach playfully his attention was drawn back to her. “Hey you’re the one that insists on Dominos at one in the morning and you don’t gain a pound,” she pushed him “hey you like my ghetto booty”. They both laughed, “Listen I really should check on the kids and check in with Mrs. Donaldson can I talk to you later”? “You’re going to call me,” she nodded “I’ll believe that when I see it”. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, “hold your breath”. He gave a little smile, “I’ll see you soon my little bunny”. He opened the door as she stared at him, “what did you say”? He turned on the stoop, “I’ll see you later,” “no after that”? He smiled “hunny bunny,” she frowned “you mean like a little rabbit”? Slowly rolling his eyes, “I guess but you’re my little rabbit”. Almost speechless she just muttered “ok,” he nodded and smiled “I love you”. She nodded back “Yeah . . . I love you too”.

With a slight pause she slowly clicked the door when the phone began to ring loosing herself in her own thoughts she leaned against the front door. Finally after several rings she regained her composure and answered the phone, “Donaldson residence”. “Little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night.” “Who the hell are you? I am going to call the police”. There was a loud click and the phone went immediately dead, “what an asshole”! She slammed the phone down and immediately dialed 911. She let it ring twice until a friendly voice from a loud obnoxious woman answered, “911 emergency,” not really sure how to start off she seemed to fumble with the words until something fell together. “I am a babysitter and I have been getting some harassing phone calls throughout the night”. “Mhm . . . do you know the man that is harassing you,” “if I knew that I wouldn’t be calling you would I”? “Alright miss there is no need for the tone is the person male or female?” Wanting to dig her nails into her skin she gritted her teeth and growled “male . . . I think”? The woman on the other line clicked her tongue, “and can you remember anything the person had said”? “Yeah its one message and all it says is little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”. The woman was silent for a couple seconds, “I can try and put a trace on the number but I am afraid that without a threat I can’t go any further”. “And what do you call little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”? “Gibberish is what it sounds like,” stunned Carla retorted “aren’t you going to do anything”? A couple more seconds past “I will put a trace on the line I’ll call back if anything develops”. “In other words you’re doing nothing,” snorting the woman exclaimed “miss I am doing the best I can when I see the previous number call I will . . .” Without even letting her finish Carla slammed the phone down “useless”!

Giving a loud groan she ran her hands over her hair for what seemed like the hundredth time. Steadying herself as she regained her balance she tried to wipe away the goose bumps as she entered the kitchen. With a slight breath and a comfortable lean on the door frame her mind left her as she thought about how disappointed Jack had been when she escorted him out of the house. Vowing to call him in the morning she nearly slapped her forehead when she remembered, “Bobby, yeah it’s ok to come out now”. The closet door opened and Bobby frowned “Jesus Carlz took you long enough”. Biting her finger nail, “one don’t call me Carlz only Jack can call me that, you can just call me Carla. Two if you cared you would realize that the creepy guy called again”. “Is that who you were talking to on the phone,” narrowing her eyes, “no I was talking to the police”. Closing the door behind him, “and what did they say”? She shrugged “nothing,” Bobby came closer “so why can’t I call you Carlz”? “God are you dumb, I told you Jack only calls me that . . . and if you hope of getting anything tonight you would do wise to shut up and don’t ask me anymore questions”.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and smiles. Even though Bobby put on amazing juggling skills and his own personal impression of Bill Cosby the real issue seemed to be playing deep within her. As they lay under a blanket and held hands Carla could see this issue flame in his eyes. She knew he wanted to ask about her boyfriend, he wanted to know why she was doing this. She knew the question before it was even asked. Why was she doing this to a guy that clearly cared about her? But in truth she knew that tonight he wouldn’t care a thing about him.

As the first morning hours began to open, Bobby and her were going at it like they had never experienced sex before. Bobby had held her in his arms as they kissed so passionately Jenna Jameson would have turned in disgust. She had to whisper to him, “You got to keep it down the kids are sleeping”. With a playful smile he carried her across the threshold in a passionate lip lock. They twirled into the room until she stopped, “what is it” he asked. Dropping her legs to the ground she stared at the smiling white rabbit. “Can we go downstairs and do this,” Bobby smiled “are you sure that is wise . . . why”? The rabbit stared at them both his stupid smile wide in excitement. “Should I go over there and sit in its lap,” grabbing his arm “no just leave it alone”. “It’s just a stupid rabbit full of cotton,” she shrugged “I guess”? Once Bobby got going it was hard to get him to stop, it was difficult for her to get in the mood while the life sized rabbit stared at them the whole time. She could see Bobby’s sweating body reflected in the rabbit’s eye rocking on top of her. Halfway through she was begging for the moment to be over and when it came she wished he would leave. “That was amazing,” he said while she gave a polite little, “yeah,” and rolled over.

Eyes filled with silent tears she never sniffled once as the giant rabbit never broke its cobra like stare. All the eyes of every rabbit seemed to glare down at her judging her actions. When she closed her eyes and thought of pleasant thoughts her body sunk into a deep state of slumber. And soon her dreams began to control her thoughts the pleasantness of her relaxation was so great that she didn’t even notice the phone ringing. She was dressed in all black with a white tail as people surrounded her. She was in the middle of a party and everyone was cheering for her. She gazed down to notice that she was wearing a Playboy bunny costume. Running her hands down her curves, she gave a “Damn I look good”. She could almost feel herself smile as one of the party goers yelled, “Look everyone its Carla bunny of the year.” She smiled as she saw what was presenting the reward to her. It was the giant white bunny and it handed her a golden bunny statue. “You,” she exclaimed as the bunny just tapped its plastic eye and then pointed at her. She let out a scream as the vision went black and all that came across her mind was the giant white rabbit. It was just sitting there in the corner all its little “children” sitting on its lap. She could feel its eyes on her as she could almost envision herself sleeping as it watched her lying silently in the bed. She knew that the rabbit was watching. It was plotting, preparing to make a move.

Ring . . . ring . . . ring . . . ring . . . ring Her eyes shot open wider as she heard the phone from what seemed like miles away. Throwing on a shirt and jeans she sleepily made her way to the phone. “Hello,” “Carla,” came the soft voice of Mrs. Donaldson, “Hi”. “I am sorry dear I know you were sleeping I was just checking in and tell you that we made it just fine and the party has just finished”. “That’s great how was everything?” “Well you know Arthur always has to make a scene”. “WHAT are you saying woman,” Mr. Donaldson whispered, “oh nothing Arthur now go soak in the tub before we go to bed”. Continuing to yell “Carla did the kids go to bed fine,” rubbing her eyes “Yeah they are so sweet and such angels”. “Who . . . my kids,” Carla giggled, “Yeah when they want to be”. Mrs. Donaldson returned with a chuckle, “that sounds more like it”. Unable to say anything she just yawned “so what did you think of the remodeling pretty good job right”? “I love it,” she responded but there was some hesitation in her voice. “I know that tone Carla, what is it”? Biting her lip, “No it’s nothing its just well a lot of bunnies”. Laughing hysterically it took Mrs. Donaldson several minutes before she able to regain her composure, “oh tell me about it child”. Turning back to the bedroom she leaned a little to try and gain a sight of the largest bunny. Still there smiling widely and not moving an inch she returned to the phone realizing Mrs. Donaldson was already halfway through her sentence, “sounds like they are giving you the creeps”. Trying not to smile, “actually you were reading my mind,” “which one is it”? “I think you know which one I am talking about,” “um . . . the one with those crooked eyes, they look demonic to me”. Realizing this could take awhile Carla just spared the head ache, “the large one”. In that silence he heard Mrs. Donaldson clicking her tongue, “I am afraid I don’t know which one you are talking about”. Rolling her eyes, “the big one in the corner . . . you know the one with that stupid smile. It’s like life size”. “Life size,” chortled Mrs. Donaldson “I am sorry Carla I am afraid that you have gotten confused we have nothing that big”.

The End