Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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(Alternate Ending #1)


Her hand trembled as the phone shook, she covered the phone “Bobby,” she whispered not really sure where he was.

“Carla,” exclaimed Mrs. Donaldson, “Mrs. Donaldson the huge one with blue eyes covered with the pile of stuffed animal rabbits in the corner”. “Carla, I know and I am telling you there is just a pile of normal stuffed animals in that corner. We don’t have any large ones,” dropping the phone to the floor Carla turned towards the bedroom. Fear filled her eyes as began to shake on the spot. Her eyes rested upon the heaving figure of the bunny standing in the door frame. Only the rabbit was not pearly white anymore, it had many stains of red as bloody hand prints covered the rabbits face. “Oh my god,” she whispered in terror, “Carla . . . Carla”! Mrs. Donaldson’s voice sounded panicked “Carla what’s going on”? The rabbit just stood there, “who . . . who are you”? Backing away she tried to make her way to the children’s room. The rabbit’s smiling face never left her, “please”. Her words seemed fumbled as her whimpers were overpowered with shear terror. The man in the costume raised his hand and tapped the black nose and a message played. “Little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”. She backed all the way to the children’s door. Reaching blindly for the door knob she shook her head in confusion, “you . . . you were calling this whole time”? Her hand found the door knob, “what do you want from me”? “BOBBY,” she screamed as the door swung open, the rabbit reached behind the door frame to reveal a large sledge hammer. His bloody paws seemed to twist over the wooden handle, “little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”.

Without taking another glance she hurriedly entered the kid’s room and shut the door. “GUYS,” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she pulled over the dresser. A body slammed against the door as she let out a scream in fright. She turned to the bunk beds and shook the lumps under the covers. “Wake up, wake up, we got to get out,” something solid slammed against the wooden door which began to splinter. “Billy . . . Marcus,” the crashing against the door seemed to grow silent as she withdrew her hand to discover it was covered with red. Her head trembled and tears poured down her face. A sickening feeling filled the pit f her stomach. It seemed to take forever for her hand to reach the covers and pull it back to reveal chubby faced Billy’s pale white corpse lying in his bed. His body was covered in blood as the innocence in his eyes had been distinguished like a once blazing fire. Slowly running her hand through his hair she whispered, “I’m sorry”. She stood up and expecting the worst she was prepared for Marcus. Pale as his brother only she lost it when she saw a little smile appear on his dead face. Unable to contain her pathetic sobs, “I am sorry too Marcus”. Bang . . . bang . . . bang . . . bang . . . the door was splintering as she finally turned around to see the bloody gloved hand reaching around the door. “GO AWAY,” she screamed as his hand moved to the dresser.

Giving the room a quick glance the robotic voice sang “Little bunny better run in fright for the hunter lurks within the night”. The bunny’s paw grabbed the door knob. He was mere seconds from entering the room. Quickly running to the window she slid it open, she stared down at a straight second story drop. Pieces began to crash to the floor as the rabbit began to shatter the door splintering it into dust. “GO AWAY,” she screamed again as she turned her head out the window. “SOMEBODY HELP,” her voice echoed through the neighborhood. The door crashed to the floor as the figure strode over to her twirling the sledgehammer in his paws. Having no other option she climbed out the window as the rabbit sent the hammer smashing through the glass. She screamed as she released her hands letting gravity take care of the rest. The ground was hard and her body felt rattled as it crashed to it. The glass rained down on her as her vision seemed to be coming back. A slight pain began to increase in her back as she stared up at the second window. The rabbit’s head hung out the window, it looked angry despite the large smile on its face. The sledgehammer shook in its furry paw as the other bloody paws ran across its face. It stood there starring at her until a sight of salvation appeared red and blue lights could be seen swirling over the house. The rabbit’s gaze left as it gave one final shake of anger and with such reluctance it left the window. As the adrenaline subsided and her vision grew cloudy, her mind was slipping into unconsciousness and she fought long and hard until a young faced officer knelt down to her. “Miss,” he asked, “are you alright”? “Help me,” the officer rested his hand on her shoulder, “don’t worry back up is coming your going to be alright”. “Alright,” she whispered softly as her eyes closed, “miss stay with me”!

Waking to a soft buzzing in the air, her back felt unusual as she lay on a hard concrete slab. Opening her eyes she found that her arm had been bound as her back felt sore and bruised. “Where am I,” she exclaimed as she rubbed her head with her one free hand. Her head felt like it had been split into two and only the Aspirin the size of a hockey puck would be able to fix it. Raising herself up she noticed that she was in a small room and “Hey what the hell is going on”? Getting to her feet she realized that she was in a jail cell, “Hello, what the hell is going on”? “They locked you up,” came a soft voice from behind her. A blond haired woman with hair that curled in the back, her face was smooth and creamy a true definition of daddy’s little girl. “Obviously,” she shot back at her, “why am I here, I was attacked”. The woman behind her gave a soft chuckle, “They can’t hear you. Two of the male inmates were going at each other all the officers are busy”. “But why am I in here and who are you,” she waved her hand “oh that isn’t important so is it true you were attacked by a person in a rabbit costume”? Unable to answer that question, “I don’t know how I can answer that question, why am I in here”? “Well after they saw Billy and Marcus dead and no rabbit maybe they wanted to lock you up”. “Why couldn’t they just do it in the hospital or . . .” she stopped as she turned to the woman who beamed up at her.

“How do you know all this . . . who the hell are you”? “Oh a little birdie told me,” “a little birdie” she repeated. The mystery woman stood, “It’s awfully sad that they couldn’t find that rabbit of yours”. Carla turned away, “that’s not bothering me . . . I didn’t do it so I have nothing to worry about”. She paused as her mind began to drift, “I am just thinking of . . .” “Jack,” she said softly. Turning towards the women, “or are you thinking of Bobby”? Her mouth fell open as the girl’s smile was now gone. “How did you . . . who are,” her voice was silenced when the mysterious women chortled, “Did you really think that a guy like Bobby didn’t have a girlfriend”? Shaking her head, “I didn’t know. He wasn’t with anybody from my high school”. “Well do you think that there could be other high schools and other people in this world . . . but no as long as you get what you want. Was he good”? Shaking her head, “I didn’t know, I would have never if I had known”. “I love Bobby and he is mine, my property and you have defiled it. And you didn’t even enjoy it every moment he rocks on you is like a second of inebriation”.

“You were watching,” she smiled as she moved closer towards her, “You should have run little rabbit”. Her hands outstretched as Carla screamed. Bobby’s girlfriend choked her as the uselessness of her one arm was easily subdued. “Die you stupid bitch,” Carla felt the girl’s hands squeeze around her neck as the air began to cut off. They wrestled on the ground as the girl wrapped a hand around Carla’s wrist, “I am Jackie and Bobby is my boyfriend you should have stuck with what you had”. Coughing as the air left her body Carla’s eyes popped out of her skull as she tried desperately for air. The color from her face was drained as a bluish tint came over her skin. Her wrestling body began to slow as Jackie’s vice like grip squeezed her throat until a soft snapping could be heard just before her last breath left her body. Her kicks slowed until she died on the floor the hunter had gotten her in the end. Why didn’t she run when she had the chance?

The End