Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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(Alternate Ending #2)


Her hand trembled as the phone shook, she covered the phone “Bobby,” she whispered not really sure where he was. “Carla,” exclaimed Mrs. Donaldson, “Mrs. Donaldson the huge one with blue eyes covered with the pile of stuffed rabbits in the corner”. “Carla, I know and I am telling you there is just a pile of stuffed rabbits,” dropping the phone to the floor Carla turned towards the bedroom. “There can’t be,” she whispered, “Carla,” exclaimed Mrs. Donaldson but ignoring it she moved her way back into the bedroom. The moonlight poured through the window as the life size rabbit sat in the corner. Her body filled with terror as her eyes had fallen upon a purple rabbit lying by the foot of the rabbit. It had abandoned its brothers and sisters falling to the floor almost shuffled in haste. As her eyes traveled over each stuffed rabbit she tried to recall them from the moment she had gotten here. How was the pile arranged? Was that rabbit always there or did it just simply fall down? The rabbit still smiled wide as it sat underneath the pile. The madness of the stupid rabbit was driving her crazy, “Carla,” screamed Mrs. Donaldson from the abandoned phone.

Despite her brain screaming “run” her feet had curiously kept her moving forward. Every step took several breaths and a few pauses Mrs. Donaldson’s cries had died and soon silence engulfed the house. The bed lay empty most of Bobby’s clothes still lay scattered over the floor. He was not gone, Bobby still was in the house but were would he go? She took a couple steps forward stopping to pick up the purple bunny and throwing it at the white rabbit’s head. She watched in great anticipation for something, anything if somebody was in the suit they would do something to be noticeable. The stuffed rabbit connected with the giant rabbit’s face, it just sat there lifeless as the purple rabbit rolled back down to the floor. Quickly she reached over and smacked the head of the rabbit. Jumping back to expect something horrible she felt her mouth drop when she realized that it too was a costume. A little piece of peach skin could be visible from under the rabbit’s costume. “Who are you,” she screamed but the body in the costume did not stir. “BOBBY,” she screamed at the top of her lungs, “where the hell are you”? The house remained silent and with a trembling hand she began to outstretch it towards the mask. Tears filled her eyes as she whimpered a little with every inch her fingers stretched. Grabbing the mask she pulled it off with such haste, her scream rang through the entire house.

Bobby’s lifeless body had been stuck inside the rabbit costume. A small trickle of blood was running out of his mouth as his eyes were glossed over. His body was white and as she removed all the stuffed animals and grabbed his skin in a panic it felt cold to the touch. She grabbed his cheeks as she shook him, “Bobby . . . Bobby”! “I wonder if you would act like that if I were murdered,” Carla turned to see, “Jack”! Relieved she ran over to him, “we have got to get out of here, there is someone in the house and they killed Bobby”. “Bobby,” he exclaimed, “What the hell is Bobby doing here”? Shaking her head, “That doesn’t matter we need to get out of here”! He shrugged, “What do you mean . . . there is somebody else here”? He gave her smile and run his hand over her cheek, “you mean besides you, me, Bobby, Marcus, and Billy . . . no, there is nobody else here”. Her body tensed up as she took a step back, “what are you doing here Jack”? He smiled, “I came to check on you at least now I know what has been occupying your time”. Shaking her head, “I am sorry Jack I wanted to tell you but we need to get out of here”. “RELAX,” Jack yelled “there is nobody else in this house besides you and me,” shaking her head, “what about the Billy and Marcus”? “Technically I guess,” backing away again “what do you mean technically”? She backed away more, “so was he good”? Shaking her head in total shock, she was finally putting the pieces together. “You killed Bobby,” as his sadistic smile turned to a frown, “he had touched you . . . had you . . . felt you . . . your mine and you will never leave me ever again”. “Billy . . . Marcus,” she whispered to him as he shook his head, “helped conceal the lie”.

“You’re a monster,” she covered her hands as she sobbed in them, “don’t worry Bobby got stuck like a pig but you . . . I still love you “. “I hate you,’ she screamed at him, “Why do you think I cheated on you”? Shaking his head, “You will love me again even if I have to cut it out of you”. Reaching into his pants to reveal a long butcher knife, it was stained bloody red, “now come here and get what’s coming to you my love”. Raising the knife high, Carla didn’t pause for an instance. Immediately remembering her self-defense classes, her foot connected with his manhood as she watched Jack’s eyes pop out of his head as he let out a groan. However taking your eyes off of somebody that wanted to kill you was not a very smart thing to do. Dodging him like a football player she weaved around him, but feeling a sharp pain in her leg she fell to the floor. Her screams echoed through the room as she stared at the large butcher knife punctured through her entire leg. “GOD DAMN IT,” she screamed as she clenched her bleeding leg. Jack jumped on top of her, “it didn’t have to be like this . . . end like this”! Fumbling with his hand she felt the knife leave her leg. “All this for some dumb jock, I thought we were more”. The knife fell as she raised her hand but screamed when three of her fingers flew off. With a quick wrestle the blade landed on her throat as her eyes were flooded with so many tears. “Please I don’t want to die,” he leaned in towards her, “then you should have run like a little rabbit . . . like I told you”. “Jack I love you,” she watched his eyes subside as the rage seemed to quell, “please I never loved Bobby . . . let me go and we can run away together . . . just you and me”. The knife dug harder into her neck, “It’s too late, you blithering idiot! You think I am going to feel sorry for you now! I gave you everything and it was never good enough”. She sniffled, “please Jack,” the knife slide across her throat as Carla’s voice came instantly silent. “Luckily we will get a second chance,” he stood in front of her as her hands clenched her bleeding throat. He stood there watching her as if waiting for the moment when it would be too late for her to be saved. Then when her breathing began to slow he smiled, “poor stupid rabbit . . . pathetic”. He raised the knife to his own throat, “see you in a minute”.

The End