Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

The Fate’s Fate


The sun was high in the sky and Kyros was beginning to slow done. He was tired and had not slept very much. Each step seemed to drag on and as the prince kept rambling on pointing out every beautiful feature Olenos’s landscaped revealed. It would be nice if he would stop adding, “It’s a shame we couldn’t have worked things out. Hope it’s still the same when we come conquering.” They continued to march as the prince stopped at every flower, every rock, and every tree. Kyros had to prod him in the back with his sword several times to keep him moving. And nearly cleaved him in two when the prince stopped to smell a particularly large purple flower exclaiming, “Kyros my savior you have never smelled anything like this”! ‘I have smelled it many times before after all I do live here.” The miles continued and they arrived on the coast both sweating and exhausted. The sun was now setting over the sea as a large and luxurious wooden ship sat in the dock. “A ship fit for the king himself,” he smiled as he stared out into the Mediterranean. Soldiers surrounded the ship as men ran on the port almost in a chaotic state. “They must be lost without their prince . . . oh their almost so cute without me”. He turned to Kyros, “like chickens with their heads cut off ”. He gave a large intake of breath, “you smell that”? He asked as he stared at the sea like he had never seen anything so beautiful. He turned to Kyros who shrugged in reply, “salt”? A smirk crossed the prince’s face as he wagged his tiny finger, “you’re good”. He returned to the sea stepping closer to the edge of the cliff side. “Its sweat, pain, and blood,” Kyros had to shield his eyes from the sun, “sounds like my vacation”? “HA,” shouted the prince smiling broader, “You are a funny man Kyros and for this I shall treat you well . . . come with me”? Kyros had to take a step back, “and what about my country”? “You will be treated like a noble . . . I have seen you in action”. His hand slapped against Kyros’s chest and wagged his finger at him, “very good man”. Kyros shrugged, “believe it or not I am not that good its all just luck”. “Well we sure don’t need your disrespectful brothers to get all that good luck huh”?

The prince began to walk down the dirt path towards the port, “war is coming . . . wives grieve for their husbands . . . . mothers pray for husbands and sons and lock up your daughters. Keep them close by because horny Salamis soldiers are coming by”. His shouts were soft as he smiled joyfully, “I can almost smell the sweat and hear the galloping of hoofs, the sound of the horns . . .” “Um where do you think you are going”? The prince turned around, “I think I’m going off to war,” he waved his hands over the dirt path “care to join me”? “Well, I don’t care about my people disrespecting you and I don’t care that princess Amee wasn’t a virgin all I care is getting her back”. He scoffed at the comment, “She is tainted . . . unfaithful, harlot . . . why in all of Mt. Olympus would you want her back? She is an insult to your people . . .” he froze a little as he looked disgusted continuing “Your own princess wasn’t even true for her own husband”. “Yea but she didn’t love you she was just marrying you because her father forced her too”. The prince made a mocking “blah, blah, blah . . . she was to be a wife, love has nothing to do with it . . . she will do what her husband tells her to do. What the future king would tell her to do”!

He turned to begin walking down the hill, “I am sorry your majesty but out here your blood and title don’t mean more than a hog in slop shit”. The prince turned again, “listen if you don’t mind I would like to get back to my ship after all I do have an army to raise and an invasion to plan”. “No,” said Kyros, “you’re going to come with me”! “OH am I,” said the prince in such a high sarcastic voice. “You and I are going to go and pay tribute to the Sister’s Fate”. “The Sister’s Fate,” yelled the prince, “keep your voice down”! The prince gazed at Kyros skeptically “oh . . . I get it.” He annoyingly began to wag his finger again at Kyros as a small smile began to play on his face, “Kyros . . . Kyros, you are a very funny man I am going to see to it that you are brought into my personal security to have you around would be a treat indeed”. Gripping the sword tighter “the only place that you are being brought is to see is the Sister’s Fate”.

The prince’s face fell as he realized that this was no joke, “the Sister’s Fate”? Kyros nodded as the prince gave a hard and simple “impossible”. He turned once again, “hey I’m not kidding come right now with me”. Ignoring him the prince continued to walk. With a quick slice of his sword the small gash in the prince’s arm became five inches deeper. The prince let out a low moan as Kyros reached forward and placed his hand over the Prince’s mouth. Raising the blade to the prince’s throat the prince gave an angry, “How dare you! You insolent little shit do you know who I am”? Kyros’s eyes were wide as he growled, “I don’t care if you were Zeus himself! Our lives are worth nothing compared to hers”. Kyros shoved him in the opposite direction as the prince clenched his new wound. His skin if possible turned even more paler, “well I don’t think your uneducated mind knows but the fates live in Zeus’s temple on Mt. Olympus, no mortal could ever go”. “Well obviously your uneducated mind doesn’t know Olenos mythology”? The prince stopped in his track but Kyros pushed him hard, “keep walking we got a long way to go still”. “But my men”! “Your men will return home anyway with or without you. You will get that war that you are so keen on having”. Jabbing the sword in his back he moved the prince away from his ship and deeper into the highlands of Olenos.

They continued to walk, “You do realize what you are doing right? You’re deliberately going to cause a war between our countries”. “And what was all that boasting you were doing,” Kyros raised his arms, “the galloping horse, the horns blaring . . . thought you were ready for bloodshed”? The prince gave a scornful look, “I am not in it for the blood. I fight for honor and glory”. “I’m sure you do but I bet your soldiers are only good enough to pay with their blood”. “I only said it because I thought you would care about your brothers-in-arms.” With another great prod in the back, “the only thing I care about is getting Amee back”. The prince walked down a hill as he stopped, “What are you going to do if I refuse to take another step? Are you going to kill me”? Kyros stopped as the prince moved forward, “You wouldn’t dare strike somebody of noble birth even the god’s themselves forbid it”. “That’s funny because I plan on striking a god down myself. Now shut up and keep walking”!

They continued to walk for miles upon miles over hills and moving into a place where the grass ceased being green. The soil turned dead and soon the few trees that could be seen were barren and twisted. The wood was rotted and even the prince began to tremble a little as the sun was now setting in the sky. “Are you planning on setting up camp or marching me to death”? Shaking his head Kyros gave another large prod, “I don’t have time to camp, plus the fates can only come to this place at night”. The soil dead and lifeless, it was almost as if the very ground had smoke coming through it. Soon they came to a rock formation and a path cutting through it. Gazing over the formation Kyros gave a soft, “we’re here”. He raised his sword and pointed through the path, “through here”. Out of breath the prince began to gasp his face sweaty and paler than normal. “I say why did you bring me along on this journey? Surely you don’t need my help”. “You are a necessary component without you it would take me longer to get the answers I need”. For what felt like the millionth time Kyros jabbed his sword in the prince’s back as they began to move through the crevice. Immediately the crevice opened up and in the middle of the range sat a columned structure that was built into the small mountain. Carvings lined the columns as the symbol of the gods was set in the middle of the temple. Kyros moved closer as he motioned the prince inside the dark temple.

Kyros had never been to the Temple of Zeus. In fact he hadn’t known anybody to come out here. The superstitions behind this place where as old as the kingdom of Olenos itself, “I’m not going in there”! Kyros gave him a particular hard jab which made him shriek “ouch, be careful with that”! Kyros smiled “you have got to be kidding me, did that hurt”? “Well it did hurt,” Kyros smiled “and you want to go off to war”? Kyros grabbed his shoulder and threw him into the cold deserted temple.

The ceiling seemed to cry a little as they entered the dark temple. The wind seemed to make the temple howl a little as the inside of it contained three statues carved into the columns themselves. Each sister was dressed in what looked to be a robe, their faces covered and dead looking. The very temperature was cold as the high ceiling seemed to rise into nothing but darkness. “I am not sure how this works,” “after this are you going to take me back to my ship”? Kyros ignore him as he approached the middle of the temple over the seal. “Oh mighty Zeus I ask that you offer me an audience with the Sister’s Fate.” The temple remained silent, “please Zeus Hades has taken my love. You have to help me”. Silence still filled the temple, “I don’t think he wants to talk, now can we please go back to the ship”? Gripping his sword tight in his hand, “talk to me”! The time seemed to pass slowly as the seconds seemed to drag, “all I want is to see the Fates”! Kyros stared down at the seal maybe he was missing something? Maybe he needed to offer something he moved over to the prince and grabbed his hand. “What in the world are you doing?” as Kyros grabbed his blood stained hand and dragged it across the seal. The prince withdrew his hand “by Zeus’s mighty sack why on earth did you . . .” A large wind blew through the air and a white light cracked the sky. A lighting bolt shot through the temple and smashed into the wall. The electricity traveled through the granite around the walls and moved to the columns which began to glow a bright yellow.

The columns seemed to throb as they glowed brighter and brighter. Soon Kyros had to shield his eyes as he stared down at the seal. The seal vibrated violently as Kyros and the prince wobbled on the spot. Then as quick as it had come the light died and the temple grew as silent as it was before. The columns began to fall as if small chunks of rock were falling from the column itself. A crumbling sound could be heard as the Sister’s Fate began to stir in their rock prison. The rocks began to fall like sand as the Sisters stirred more. “Oh my god,” cried the prince who began to back away in terror. Their rock dead legs stepped out from the columns as all three of them removed themselves. The rock fell like dust as they wiped off their black robes. They each removed their hoods to reveal different dead looking skulls except the one in the middle had a single icy blue eye in one of her empty sockets. “Who is it,” squeaked the shortest of the sisters, “it’s two men . . . a soldier and a dandy”. “You’re the Sister’s Fate,” Kyros asked as the one in the middle blinked and popped out her eye. “I am Present,” she handed the eye to the shortest of the sisters as she exclaimed “Past and this right here is Future”. The tallest of the Sisters slapped the back of the Sister’s skull, “I can talk for myself you old fool”. “Now give me the eye I want to see him . . . sounds cute”? “Sounds cute, you wouldn’t know what to do with him you bag of bones”. “I know how to,” Future tapped her forehead, “how can you . . . you don’t have any skin”. Future took the eye from Past who pushed her back, “well you should know I would like to have somebody jump my bones”. Future popped the eye in her socket, “literally”. “I can’t help it if all we see is the dead and some of the gods”. Present rushed over as she began to fight her, “give me the eye I want to . . .” Past just stood there smiling, “well you both have never had any problems getting men, skin like Aphrodite herself.” “Hey,” yelled Kyros as they all stopped in their place. He tried to ignore the rotting skin that hung from their skeletal arms. “I need to ask you a question,” They all leaned in and began to whisper “He wants us to answer a question”.

Future came forward, “impossible we never answer questions from mere mortals”. “Well I promise you a tribute,” they all looked at each other and clearly could not hide there curiosity. “The only tribute is one paid in blood,” “I know about your story, I know what happened. I know why you were cursed”. “Do you,” cried Future who came forward slightly, “If I pay this tribute,” they all began to chuckle, “one question answered.” Kyros gave a small smile “agreed”. Walking over he pushed the prince towards the Sisters, “what are you doing”? “This is your tribute,” the Sisters gazed at him. Future took a step back, “You offer us the blood of a dandy”? The prince stared at them disgust in his face, “this, this can’t be happening”? “I offer you the blood and flesh of Prince Ariston of Salamis,” “your offer . . . that’s what you kept me for”! Kyros shrugged as the Sisters drew closer sniffing at him like dogs. “You kept me alive to be a sacrifice! How long did you know you were going to do this,” Kyros watched the Sisters circle the prince, “since the moment I met you”.

The Sisters descended upon him as the prince shrieked in pain. The sisters began to tear at him ripping at his flesh. They began to eat him like a pack of wild dogs as his blood shot over everything and everyone. The Sisters began to eat the prince in mouthfuls as the prince’s blood pooled on the floor. The prince fell silent as he fell to the floor dead. The Sister devoured him ripping out chunks of his flesh and devouring most of him. Future stood up a handful of the prince clenched in her rotting skeletal hand. “Your offer has been acceptable . . . one question ask it now mortal,” Future ripped in the flesh as the blue eye stared intriguingly at him. “How do I get Amee back from Hades?” Present stared up from the bloody man, “that was a shame poor Persephone, even the goddess herself wasn’t good enough”.

Turning back Kyros gazed at Future who shook her head, “It’s not an easy trek. It is journey meant for only the strongest. A journey no mortal could make”. “How do I get Amee back from Hades?” Future tore a large chunk from the Prince’s flesh again as she pointed to the coast, “You must cross the sea and go to the mainland and travel to the Apennine Mountains”. Kyros stood listening on every word as the sound of a literal monster chewing on a human made his stomach churn. “There you will need to find a creature called the Kobalos”. “Kobalos,” he repeated never hearing of anything like that before. “The Kobalos will not be tempted by anything of this world. You need to give him a golden apple”. He paused “but Zeus only keeps those for the gods,” she nodded, “and for that he was cursed by Zeus . . . get him the only golden apple on earth and you free his soul”. “Get him the apple and he will tell you how to get to the ferryman, Charon,” “Why can’t I just go directly there”? The corpse cackled loudly, “You have asked your question already”.

Future began to walk away, “so that’s it go to the Apennine Mountains and find a creature named the Kobalos, don’t tell me what he looks like or where to look for him.” Future waddled slightly back to the disembodied body of the prince, “he will find you and I should warn you he will not be caught easily”. “Bargaining is your only weapon,” and with that Future returned to her feeding sisters. “Sister Present you have been quiet this whole time too good to speak,” she pushed the feeding Sister as Past raised her head. She muttered “serves well skin’s as smooth as a porcelain doll. Kyros almost wanted to gag again at the sight of the rotting creature. “Leave mortal,” Future bent over and began to feast again, “wait I have more to ask”. Future showed no sign of interest, “no tribute, no question”. “But I really . . .” “LEAVE,” screamed Future who bared teeth that were pointed and jagged. At that moment Kyros saw the monsters that they were cursed to be. “Our business has been completed,” Kyros began to back away. “How am I supposed to make it through the underworld, no living mortal can go,” “I have a solution,” came Present wagging a bloody finger in the air, “shut up our business is finished he has nothing of value”.

Future looked monstrous and ready to raze towns to dust. “You can have my soul, I just need to get to my love,” this seemed like something of value because Future turned around. “You are willing to give us your soul but that means you won’t cross over”. Kyros took a deep breath “I know just as long as she is safe”. The three Sisters gathered around each other and began to whisper in such ferocity. Future clunked Past on the head, “if Hades found out”. Present began to shake her head as she whispered, “I don’t want to imagine what Hades would think if he knew we had another soul”. Future wagged her finger, “one more soul and we are free from the wretched curse . . . he is the last soul let him serve the curse and take Hades wrath.” Past rubbed her head, “and what if Hades finds out”? Future’s voice rose “that’s the beauty of it by the time he finds out we’ll be long gone”. “But Hades will never stop looking for us when he finds out,” Future slammed her fist on Past’s head again, “any life outside of this is a better life than this”. Their voices dropped lower and lower until Kyros saw their skulls nod in agreement.

“So are we in agreement,” they all turned to him and he fell eerily silent. “Very well we will make sure you can walk in the underworld but it is only temporary,” he gulped as he stared at Future, “what’s temporary”? Gapping her dead mouth wide she said, “Approximately twenty four hours, which should be an adequate amount of time in the underworld”. “That’s not enough,” Past jabbed her bony elbow into Future as she snatched the eye out from her, “He wants to spend a vacation”. “Twenty four hours is sufficient now give us the soul”! “First give me whatever it is I need,” giving a frustrated sigh she reached into her dark robe and removed a small glass vile. As she raised her long fingernails she turned her arm over. She ran it over her dead skin as a dark thick puss ran from the freshly made wound she had made. She pooled the blood into the vile until it was filled to the top and corked it with a little pop! Handing it over, “Drink this before you meet Minos, you will get a guide but it will grant you access. Now give us your soul”! She walked forward and handed him the vile “alright but how exactly do I . . .” he fell silent when Future grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss that made his stomach boil in disgust.

Despite the deathly pungent odor his mouth opened wide as he felt the air inside of him being sucked out. He grasped onto Futures bony arms as Kyros seemed to be taken to his knees from lack of breath. He felt the air leave him as he collapsed on the floor. His body had fallen weak as if all his muscles had gone out at once. He lay in a crumpled heap on the floor as the air filled his lungs once again. However as he rose he began to feel light headed and his body felt foreign almost different. It was if something was missing from inside him but he couldn’t quite place it. He rose as the difference at first didn’t seem to be noticeable but he was sure once he was on his own the differences in his personality and self would become clear. “Now our transaction is complete you may leave,” Future crunched her fingers as she seemed to smile in absolute ecstasy. “So all I do is,” “LEAVE NOW!” She snarled a set of razor sharp teeth and with that Kyros was soon exiting out of the pillars.

The wind began to blow hard and the dust rose like a giant sandstorm. The dirt swirled around the Sisters and soon they disappeared into a swirl of dust. Kyros had to shield his eyes as the wind picked up throwing gravel everywhere. Finally it slowed and soon came to a halt the Sisters were gone as was the prince’s body. The temple lay abandoned and a little more weathered and beaten. The temple lay empty and quiet as if nobody had passed through in a hundred years. The columns were intact but as Kyros walked towards the Sisters Fate they had changed their positions in their individual columns. Removing his eyes from the columns and deciding to begin his odyssey as soon as possible. He began to hike through the rock crevice. He knew where he had to go the only problem. Where was he going to get a boat to cross the sea to get to the mainland?