Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Kobalos and the Maze

of the Minotaur


The trek to the coast was long and marching sleeplessly was not something that was easily done. Neither was finding a ship that was willing to make a trek across the sea. Stepping into one of the filthiest bars he had ever seen. He made sure to find the ugliest, drunkest, and stupidest looking captain he could find. After a quick scan he decided upon a man whose grizzly gray beard was tangled in knots and whose eyes were pink with tired. Working his way across the narrow sea was not something he cared much for. The stench of fish and the sweat of men were rampant on the cursed ship. However Kyros was able to catch a few nights of normal sleep which helped to almost recharge his system. After several more days they landed on the beach off the coast of the mainland. “The Roman Empire,” was the captains cry as they docked on the shore. Instead of handing Kyros a leather sack full of gold coins the captain or as everybody called him “Grizzly” handed him a fish gut handshake. Kyros felt his stomach curl as he heard a loud squish! Withdrawing his hand he noticed the slimy after effects of knowing “Grizzly”.

Soon the days turned too weeks and weeks turned to months. Kyros reached the base of the Apennine Mountains near the beginning of winter. The journey was hard and his life had been dedicated to getting back his one true love. The forests were dense as the Apennine Mountain range seemed to stretch into the heavens themselves. It was not a very smart thing to head into a deep forest into the beginning of the winter. However Kyros was determined to go into the underworld itself to get his love back. He already made it this far traveling on the back of hay carts, stolen horses, and walked for hundreds of miles to get to this point. Gripping his stolen brown robe tightly around his cold body he gazed in into the vast wilderness, his heart gave him strength for his legs had quit weeks prior. Slipping on the brown hood he entered the tightly clustered trees and walked deeper into the mountain. Up the narrow peaks, where he was going he didn’t know. But he was sure that this creature would be in the far reaches of the forest were travelers dared not go.

Picking a spot in a nice clearing Kyros made himself a fire and made a bed out of grass. Kyros had never stopped moving, not even wash himself. It was a relentless, never-ending trek until he would literally stop and pass out by the side of the road. The Fates were right. This was not a journey for a mere mortal. However his heart and love gave him the strength to push on when his feet bled underneath him. The fire was soothing as the cold air blew lightly around him. He was finally able to rest slightly having nothing really to do. The Fates had told him that the creature would find him so it was pointless going out and looking for it. “A golden apple,” he said to himself as he lay on the ground like a dog in the dirt. However it was not the worst thing being a soldier had taught him to survive in some of the harshest terrains, yet it was easier knowing he was coming home to see Amee.

The sun was long gone from the sky as the stars twinkled above him like small pearls in the night. The night was growing colder as the fire crackled merrily Kyros had always liked a large fire, the warmth felt nice on his sore muscles. He scratched at his beard waiting for something but nothing stirred or moved in the forest. Kyros decided to rest on his arms and wait for some sort of noise or movement. The Bow of Apollo lay next to him. The golden handle’s emblem of the gods reflected the light of the fire making it dance slightly. It seemed to soothe him as it called for him to rest his sore body. It had been so long since he had lain down and slept. Walking so long until you pass out was not something he could do for much longer. Soon his eyes burned as he waited for something, for anything to disturb his oncoming need for sleep. Soon the handle grew darker and the flames died to the blackness of his eyes.

Snap!!! Crack!!! Kyros’s eyes shot open as the fire had died down significantly. Kyros hopped to his feet as he withdrew his sword. His breath was visible as the night seemed to have grown even colder. His skin felt like ice as the frozen air seemed to have affected him more then the fire was. Footsteps could be heard in the darkness and they sounded like they were getting closer. Kyros gripped the sword tighter waiting patiently. It sounded like actual footsteps by a person. He turned and saw the bushes part to reveal something that Kyros had not been expecting. A woman more beautiful than he had ever seen in his entire life emerged. His mind seemed to be struck dumb at her mere presence. She had golden blond hair which looked like spun gold. She had rosy cheeks and a face chiseled by Aphrodite herself. Her body looked smooth and fine as silk. Her bosom was large and sculpted by the gods. Kyros’s sword lowered as she smiled at him. “Who are . . .” he fell silent as the woman walked around the fire, there was something wrong about this. Gorgeous woman didn’t come out of the forest and approach lonely men. Her cherry lips burned as she grabbed Kyros’s waist and smiled up at him. He could hear his heart almost stomping it’s tiny feet in protest, “no Kyros remember you’re here for Amee”. Her lips moved closer to his “remember I belong to Amee, she doesn’t compare to other girls especially a tramp like this.”

Her lips met his and soon his heart seemed struck down with a coma. It squirmed on the ground as her lips began to kiss deeper her tongue tracing around his lips almost tasting every inch of him. Her chest heaved against him and soon Kyros was saying Amee who? Her kiss tasted like sweets as her arms ran across his back. After several more minutes Kyros realized something, this was not Amee. Amee was taken from him she was carried by Hades on wings of smoke. What the hell was he doing? He opened his eyes as the woman kissed him deeply as if they were lost lovers. A rustle in the tree tops had caught his attention as something rocked on one of the lower branches. It was that black mockingbird, the one that had sung when Amee was taken, and the one that sung when he was escaping. The bird sung softly but as the mysterious woman’s tongue plunged into his mouth, the song began to grow louder.

He pushed her away as she took several steps back. “Look I don’t know who you are or . . .” Kyros fell silent as she had cut him off. The mockingbird had stopped singing and soon the beauty of the moment was lost. Her voice was not feminine nor did it sound human. It was monstrous and deep, “stumbling upon you mister I find that you’re a really bad kisser”. Kyros took several more steps back as he wiped his mouth off. “Kobalos,” he asked as the girl gave a smile and immediately turned throwing herself into the forest. “Wait,” Kyros burst forward but fell face forward when his feet got caught by something. His body hit the dirt hard as he turned to his feet witnessing a mysterious sight. He had tripped over a stick that had not been there previously. Growling Kyros looked back up and was horrified to see a small dwarf like creature. His twig like arms clapped frantically has he hoped from his right foot to his left foot back and forth. Its laugh was high and comedic as it laughed moronically. The creature had a slime covering with green skin like a frog. It had a nose that hung like a sausage with beady black eyes and a bald head. Its ears reminded Kyros of something a bat would have. The creature was ugly and disgusting, “Teedly eedly dee a fool in front of me. Trick the fool this stranger to my forest, stay here longer expect an encore performance”. And with another loud cackle the creature disappeared into the bushes. Kyros stumbled up and crashed through the bushes if this was his chance to catch the creature he was sure not to miss it. Amee didn’t have time for Kyros to sit around and wait for the creature to play another prank.

Getting to his feet as quickly as he could he tore through the bushes hearing the cackling of the little goblin creature. As he darted around trees and crashed through the bushes he didn’t seem able to neither see nor catch the creature. “Where did you . . .” his sentence never finished as he fell face first again. This time it was over a particularly jagged looking rock. Rubbing his throbbing head the bushes around him began to rustle as his eyes traveled around waiting for the creature to spring. The bushes shook harder and a loud snap, the creature was approaching as Kyros reached for his sword. The creature was mere inches as something came through the bushes in front of him. The terror left him as something snorted through the parting branches.

A pig came through as it snorted staring at Kyros. They stared at each other, “go away you stupid pig”. The pig snorted as it began to sniff around Kyros’s face. He pushed the pig, “go away . . . what the hell”! “Who are you faking, I thought you would need to bring home the bacon”. “My word, you must think I’m absurd,” the pig snorted in his face as it retreated into the forest. The Kobalos’s voice trailed away as it yelled, “Don’t lull over the razorback hog . . . I know it’s kind of dull”. Gripping his fingers into the dirt Kyros groaned, “You’re jokes suck piggy”.

“Wait . . . come back,” he yelled feeling the thick bushes scratching at his face. The up hill climb was painful and when he heard a loud cackling down below he darted in its direction. “Come back here, I want to talk,” dashing between two sets of trees Kyros heard another cackle and then came across the goblin sitting on a large rock. “Teedly eedly dee, come and get me,” he crossed his legs and waved serenely at Kyros. “Come here you little,” Kyros began to run towards him and was mere inches from him when a loud snap and the whole world flipped upside down.

Kyros felt his leg almost being pulled out of its socket. His leg had been caught in a hunter’s trap. He swung from the branch as the creature hopped off the rock clapping his hands moronically. “Teedly eedly dee caught again such a catastrophe.” The creature began to circle the swinging Kyros. “Please, I need to talk to you,” the cackling creature pointed and laughed as it encircled more. “Teedly eedly dee, a question the stranger posses for me”? “Yeah,” replied Kyros starting to feel a pain growing in his leg. “I know about your curse,” the cackling goblin had been clenching his tiny stomach when he froze on the spot. “You think you know all to well the curse that has kept me in this hell,” he rhymed. “I can help you, I can help you end your curse,” he wagged his finger, “many have tired all have failed what do you propose to change the scales”? “I can get you the golden apple,” the goblin smiled “and what do propose to stroll right in, what about the creature the dwells within”? The pain growing more intense as he said, “whatever it is I can handle it I am a soldier”. “And what do you propose for thee for your kind generosity.” “I need to get to the underworld . . . I need to find Charon,” “Charon,” cackled the creature. “Even with two silver pieces, Charon’s greed never increases”. “So Charon won’t take me is that what your saying because I’m mortal”? The creature paused a little, the slime dripping off of him like thick mucus. He nodded his tiny head, “well if I get the apple will you still show me where to go”? The creature stood in front of him staring at him as his beady black eyes seemed to water a little. “And what pleasure do I get if you return without it”? “Name it, but the Fates already have my soul,” the creature raised his finger again, “real is this deal if I can make you a meal”. “Alright you can eat me,” the creature gave an evil smirk. Kyros could feel a cramp growing in his leg as he grimaced with pain, “please cut me down”. The goblin grabbed his hair, “if you try and run from me, you’ll hear no teedly . . .” he raised Kyro’s face higher. “Eedly,” he continued as he raised his finger to his throat and finalized with a “dee” as his finger traced its own throat. “I understand just cut me down,” there was a loud snap and Kyros fell to the ground in a small heap.

His leg felt numb almost dead, he doubted if you would ever be able to walk again. He rubbed his leg painfully as the creature growled before him. The happy annoying little creature looked menacing and terrifying now. “Look could you tell me what the creature down there is at least,” the Kobalos rubbed his sausage like nose, “it is a cursed creature such as I more terrifying then you or I”. “Alright well how can it be killed,” the creature stared up into the sky as if he was trying to pull the answer from the heavens themselves. He rubbed his nose which revealed several puss filled blisters. “By stone or axe or bare hand, whatever you can use can kill the creature at hand”. Kyros began to stand up almost testing his leg as if he was entering a cold bath. “So anything can kill the creature, I don’t need like a diamond emblazed horn or a ruby encrusted scepter topped with a nickel plated lighting bolt”? The creature didn’t catch the sarcasm in Kyros’s voice, he just shook his head. “Alright can you take me to where the creature lives so I can get the apple”? Returning his attention to Kyros the creature gave a firm nod and waved his hand. There was no bounce in his step as he pushed through the forest taking him over a giant hill and up deeper into the mountains. “How far is the entrance,” Kyros asked when his brown robe and caught onto a large thorn bush. “Very far indeed over several hills you’ll see,” Kyros gave a soft groan as he gave a soft “alright let’s keep going”.

Kyros climbed up the hills his feet digging into mud and dead leaves. His feet hurt and all he wanted to do was see his love Amee. In truth he didn’t even remember the day or the date she was taken. How long had he really been gone walking and never stopping to rest or catch a bite to eat. His stomach growled as the last meal he had was stolen eggs that he taken from a farmer. Kyros looked up at the moon, what was Amee doing right now? Could she be looking at the same moon that he was? Kyros felt a warming feeling flowing through his body. He almost tasted her on his tongue and smelled her flower like scent in his nose again. He knew for that instance that she was thinking of him and that for that moment they were connected. He lowered his head when the fire seemed to diminish inside him. His heart began to plead with Zeus, “please just let her know that I am coming”. Kyros squeezed his hands tighter as he tried to plead harder, “I just hope she knows that I am coming no matter how long it takes.”

“We’re here,” croaked the creature as he pointed to a small hole in a lump of dead leaves. It was soaking wet and appeared to be only one way. “How do I get back out I mean can I climb back out”?

“At the end of the maze’s hall lies a giant water fall.” “A waterfall,” yelled Kyros, “and what am I supposed to do jump out it and land on some jagged rocks below me”. The slime oozed off the creature as he shook his head, “no rocks down below, smooth sailing for those that let go”. “Alright enough with the rhymes there,” Kyros moved closer to the dark hole. Picking up a large branch he tossed it down the hole there was a quick sound of the branch hitting something and then it sliding for a little bit until it grew distant and then a soft thud. At least it would be safe for him to get in or at least as safe as his scientific experiment of testing it was. “Where will I meet you with the apple, “if you do happen to survive, meet you on the shore just close by”.

Clearly getting annoyed the creature’s face frowned when Kyros began to speak again, it began to yell “enough with that running mouth . . . go . . . go and get my apple out”! His tiny hands pushed Kyros in the chest which sent him tumbling down the dark hole. His body hit something solid as he slid down a slick rock tunnel shooting deeper into the earth. Kyros screamed the whole time as he picked up speed and thought he was going to die when he back had left the solid surface. He flew out the hole and tumbled over the dirt ground. His sword clattered with him and as soon as he hit the ground he thought he had heard a crack. Immediately reaching for his back Kyros ignore the pain as he pulled around the Bow of Apollo. He ran his hands over the smooth surface of the bow until he felt the golden center. He traced his finger around the symbol and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the string and gave it a test snap.

It snapped like brand new and Kyros was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Finally able to take a look at his surroundings he discovered he was surrounded by a large hallway. Vines and branches hung from the ceiling as Kyros ran his hand over the dirt ground. Standing up he pulled out an arrow and carried the bow in his left hand. Only two choices lie before him, he could travel in front of him or travel behind him. Kyros decided that it really didn’t matter where he started as long as he was heading towards something. Dragging the arrow behind him was hard work, crouching as he walked down the dark maze. He continued to move deeper through the dark and damp corridors. The very walls seemed to help channel the ever wafting stench of death. The maze was quieter than a graveyard. Maybe he would be able to slip in unnoticed and grab the apple. The only question was where was this supposed golden apple? Would it be in the center of the maze? That is what would probably be the most likely place right? Every wrong turn made him curse silently but the deeper he went in the maze the darker and gloomier it got. Every dead end he hit seemed like another blow of defeat. Time seemed nonexistent down here. The absence of the sun only could be seen through the smallest crevices in the soil above them. Visibility was also virtually nonexistent but Apollo must have blessed him with an early sunrise.

Barely visible the twisting passages seemed to travel on for what seemed like days. Finally when Kyros had reached a dead end he felt his body on the verge of collapsing. He knew that the maze was not the safest place to sleep but after all this maze had to be as large as the mountain range itself. Slamming his fists on the wall he rested his head upon the cold stones, which felt cool on his skin. Resting his back onto the wall he slouched down in the corner as he curled his legs up to his chest. Adjusting the bow so the end was not prodding into his back he rested his head. And the moment his eyes closed to relieve the burning sensation that seemed to be constantly bothering him.

Sleep seemed to take him over as he awoke to a very strange sight. His vision was still cloudy and reality was very hazy. The ceiling seemed to be moving awfully fast as his body almost felt weightless. He seemed to be covering a lot of ground as he seemed to float barely conscious. He felt his body drop to the ground as a small fire was set in the middle of a large much brighter room. The raging sound of water could be heard as a small pedestal stood at the edge of a waterfall. As Kyros’s eyes shot open he saw a small round golden object sitting on the top of the pedestal. Above the noise of the crashing water a raggedy breathing and heavy footsteps could be heard echoing around the small cavern opening.

A shadow darted across the cavern wall as fear seemed to grip Kyros. His senses were finally returning to him as he knew he was now in the lair of the creature. However the identity of the creature remained a mystery. He squinted his eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the monster. A soft snort and a clatter as Kyros watched the Bow of Apollo be thrown to the floor with the quiver of arrows. There came another small clatter as he caught a glimpse of his sword being thrown next to the bow. When the footsteps began to fade as it seemed the creature was leaving the cavern Kyros braced himself and slowly opened his eyes wider. The room was empty as Kyros seemed to take in the magnitude of the wall of water. The cavern was huge as a small bed made of hay and grass was strewn in the corner of the room. A large pile of bones sat in another corner of the room as bones were scattered all over the ground. The fire seemed to crackle merrily as Kyros raised himself off the hard rock. The room was empty as Kyros took a deep breath and began to crouch towards his weapons. He was mere inches from it when his fingers ran across the smooth surface of the bow.

He stopped when a ragged breathing began to run through the cave like a small gust of wind. Kyros turned and almost fell over in fright. It was something that he would never have believed in if he had not been digging around in the darkest part of humanity. A man approximately seven feet tall with a shaggy head of curly and mated dark black hair with two horns protruded high into the air. The man’s entire upper body had been replaced with that of a bull. It was the dreaded Minotaur that Kyros had only heard soldiers tell around the campfire late at night. He outstretched his massive arms as he let out a bellow that shook the cave. The pain that vibrated in his ear drums had to be ignored as he quickly grabbed the bow and strung an arrow. The Minotaur’s black eyes stared menacingly down at him as it lowered his head and began a death charge at Kyros. He quickly released the arrow which stuck in the Minotaur’s shoulder. Kyros quickly cart wheeled out the way as the creature slammed into the cave wall. The creature gave a back hand which made Kyros cower under its might. The creature and claws that were long and crooked as each swipe would be a costly blow. The creature’s arms flew through the air with such ferocity that it became difficult to anticipate them. With another quick duck Kyros slapped the bow off of the beast’s stomach as he spun around him. He struck the bow several times over the beast’s sides and when the beast made another wild back hand Kyros knew that this was not going to be easy. The beast roared as Kyros leapt into the air colliding both his feet into the beast’s chest. Another loud roar as the Minotaur snorted in anger having not been shaken by the drop kick.

On the contrary it raised its massive hove and slammed it into Kyros former position. Turning backwards he scrambled over the rocks as he reached for his sword. A hand wrapped around his ankle and with a snort Kyros was being dragged by the creature. “NO,” he screamed as he was able to retrieve an arrow in his haste. He turned as he placed it in on the string. He turned just as the beast raised his claws into the air about to strike. The string was released as silent as the day it was created. The wooden arrow hit the creature in the neck as it stumbled back. It’s roared with pain as Kyros got to his feet and finally retrieved his sword. The creature ripped the arrow out and the other in his shoulder and disregarded them like mere twigs. Another large swipe as the Minotaur grew tired using every ounce of strength to strike Kyros. Poking his bow into the creature’s ribs as his blade slide across the creature’s leg, it roared in pain. He backed away as the creature grew silent examining the large gash in its leg. Snatching the quiver of arrows he watched the creature stare at him. Kyros placed the bow down carefully, “yeah you just stay right there you ugly brute”. As slowly as he could he shouldered the arrows as he again picked up the bow.

The Minotaur ground his hoof into the rock as he prepared to charge at him. The apple seemed to glitter as it stood on the pedestal, a mere couple feet from him. His eyes darted from the creature to the apple. He licked his lips in anticipation as he began to shoulder the bow as well. “Don’t you dare,” the Minotaur was pointing at him as his voice sounded inhuman. It was as ugly as the creature was, “you can talk”? The creature didn’t respond as Kyros began to move closer to the pedestal. With a giant step the creature moved closer as well, “I will never allow somebody to steal my apple.” Kyros took another step but the Minotaur moved even closer, “the true owner of the apple must earn its magic”.

Pointing his sword at the beast, “cursed monster I will take what is due to me”. Digging his hoof deeper into the ground, “you will earn what you take”. They stared at each other, “I have waited for so many years of a fight worthy of me, worthy of the apple”. “And what happens if I win,” the Minotaur began to laugh a high almost demonic laugh. “No one will ever win! If they did I wouldn’t exist!” Kyros lowered his sword, “you want to live this way”. “IMMORTALITY COMES WITH A PRICE,” his scream seemed to blow him backwards several inches. “What a fool Zeus was . . . what did you call me cursed, I am blessed,” the Minotaur flexed his clawed fingers. “It has been a century since somebody was able to find there way through and take the apple.” “But through all there searching I am afraid they are too weak for a warrior like me,” the Minotaur kicked a skull at Kyros who dodged it as it shattered on the rock wall. “I’ll tell you what I’ll make a deal with you,” “a deal,” laughed Kyros. “If you are able to strike me down you can take the apple and all the power and magic it possess”. Skeptically Kyros smiled, “wasn’t that already the deal,” “yes but I am letting you take it . . . give me your word as a man that you will fight me honorably.”

“And what happens if I don’t,” “I’ll eat you,” there was a slight pause as he stared at the creature. “Alright I’ll fight you,” the Minotaur pointed “then when you die I promise I will give you an honorable burial but I want your word on it. I am not putting my immortality on the line for nothing”. Giving his sword a fancy little twirl he smiled, “I give you my word as a man”. Lowering his head, “then the true power of the apple can be yours if won through true honor”. He let out a snort and reared back in a loud roar as he charged right for Kyros. Spinning around the Minotaur he took one large leap as the beast crashed into the wall. He turned as Kyros smiled at the monster his hand stretched towards the apple as the creature bellowed. “NO,” Kyros’s hand was mere centimeters away. “If you take the apple through theft the apple will never reveal its secrets,” Kyros shook his head, “I’m not doing this for greed I am doing this for love”!

Snatching the apple off the pedestal he prepared to burst through the waterfall when the cavern began to tremble. He almost tripped over the rock as the beast reared its shaggy mane and gripped its head. “NO, I kept my deal! I tried please don’t take it,” it fell to its knees as Kyros took his chances and jumped through the waterfall. The creature screamed as Kyros was hurtled below. The water was near freezing stinging like hundreds of arrows as he seemed to fall for what seemed like an eternity. He knew that he had broken his word, but what did his word matter to a creature like that. What would his word matter when the pain in his heart would increase slowly killing it? Kyros gripped the apple tight in his hand as he crashed through the water. He seemed to float there for a minute trying to take in everything. The water seemed to cover the world above as if trying to separate the two worlds. As he burst through the top of the water he seemed to drift with the current as he finally seemed to make it to the shore. Washing up on shore like a dead fish he seemed to choke on the water as he tried to take in everything that had just happened. The sandy shore felt warm as if it was baking in the sun all day.

Laying there for a couple hours unable to move, exhaustion was finally taking its toll on Kyros. As the bushes began to rattle he almost wished that something would come out and just kill him, he could already be in the underworld by now. A slimy hand parted the bushes as the tiny green figure emerged through. His hands outstretched greedily as the ripples in the water sent small waves on the shore. His nose swiveling in the air as he quickly stepped back, “Give the apple, give it now, cursed water be gone”!

Rising to his knees he watched the creature dance in merriment as the golden apple lay tightly clenched in his hand. “Teedly eedly dee . . . Give it to me,” he came a little closer to the water’s edge but quickly backed as it rose. The water raining off of Kyros’s soldier attire, “we had a deal”! “Give me the apple or prepare for a battle”. Wiping the water from his face, “oh yeah . . . then come and get it”. The creature snarled as it stared down at the water and then back up at Kyros who anticipated an attack from an irate monster. But as the seconds dragged on Kyros gave a smirk, “you can’t enter the water can you”? Its slimy hand outstretched as the creature had such a longing on its face. “We had a deal! Now tell me where can I find the ferrymen Charon”? Examining Kyros the creature twisted his head as if analyzing the whole situation. “It’s a foolish quest for the cumbersome, no mortal can enter the underworld,” “where can I find Charon”? Running his tiny hands over its bald head, “He who resides in the remote southwestern part of the Black Forest, a lost valley in between two large mountain peaks is where you should seek.” Making sure to catch every word Kyros held his breath, “it is a cursed place where no mortal dare go only those with Charon’s say so. He will not allow any mortal to cross over, Like I told you, he is the ferryman sailing the border.”

Rising to his feet, “how will I find Charon in the valley,” shaking his head, “No need for prayin only the braven must follow the raven”. Walking to the shores edge he tossed the apple to the creature that caught it with tears in his eyes. “Raven,” “Teedly eedly dee the raven will find the . . . Freedom at last,” it cried as its rhyme was lost in the devouring of the golden apple. He chewed it like a dog and swallowed every bite. A golden light seemed to pour out the creature skin as it began to laugh in utter hysteria. Kyros had to shield his eyes as the creature evaporated into a pile of sand. The creature had disappeared in a flash and the night became silent. The number of days he had lost in the maze was unknown. Time didn’t seem to register in Kyros’s mind after all Amee was the only thing that mattered. He had proven that he had broken his word as a man, but his word meant nothing without Amee. It was time to travel to the remote Black Forest of the north. The people of the north were blood thirsty cannibals, it would only make sense that the entrance to the underworld would be there.