Karma: Retribution by Thaddeus Knight - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

The news concerning the readiness of the experiment finally reached the five ‘death row’ inmates, who had all been offered   presidentially sanctioned reductions in their sentences in exchange for their participation in the project.

The transportation vehicle which took the prisoners to the facility   was heavily armored, and stuffy.

The air smelled of diesel fumes and mechanical grease.

One at a time, each inmate was   collected, and chained to a bar which stretched across the rear of the covered vehicle.

Had they been able to see the countryside on the way to the DT facility it may have brought them some measure of peace, but there were no windows.

The wagon was silent a long while, as none of the prisoners expressed any interest in exchanging conversation with one another but was eventually broken when the fourth and fifth prisoners were   picked up from the same institution.

Robert Peerson and his brother John Peerson.

 The three initial prisoners and the guards, all took an immediate dislike to Rob and he was forced to talk mostly to himself.