Karma: Retribution by Thaddeus Knight - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

The week of the beta test had arrived too quickly for all concerned.

Tonya and her assistant, Theo were in the lab fourteen hours a day, and still it seemed like there was yet something else that each of them needed to accomplish.

Their checklists were reviewed twice, and Theo, eager as he was, would have begun the third walkthrough of the pre-operational task sheet, had Tonya not stepped in with a calm hand, and suggested that they take the last day off, in order to prepare themselves for the test as well.

Theo was relieved.

So the day before the beta test, Dr. Meredith decompressed at the beach, watching the sunrise on the eastern horizon…

Theo took the opportunity to sleep fourteen hours, amble about for three, catch a soccer game and down a few drinks at the local bar...