Karma: Retribution by Thaddeus Knight - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

Fourteen interviews later and Jim was still too shocked by his own public statements to know what he believed any longer. He knew that Tonya had played him, but the thing that dazzled him most, was that she merely set him up to play himself.

Dr. Meredith's weapon of choice was the public image that Jim so amorously manipulated; it was brilliant.

Later when Jim finally caught up with himself, he decided to approach Tanya in her lab.

The beta testing was scheduled to start at the end of the week, and there were a number of pre-tests and calibrative adjustments that Tonya wanted to make before the testing underwent its initial stages.

She was entering some diagnostic information into a computer when Henkelman walked into the lab, still suited, but collar and tie disheveled. He even smelled as though he had seen the bottom of a few glasses of whiskey before confronting the recalcitrant scientist.

Dr. Meredith observed his approach with a raised eyebrow; she had expected this meeting.

 “Ah, Mr. Henkelman, so nice to see you in the Lab. If you have questions concerning the report I will be happy to address them just as soon as I complete this diagnostic test.”

Henkelman fought the urge to lash out at Dr. Meredith, and stood there watching the woman who had brought his empire to its knees complete her entry of a string of data, using her fingers on a vibrant touch-screen.

Tonya, ever-composed and not the slightest bit smug, completed her task, and then turned toward the CEO who stood behind her

“How can I help you?” she asked.

Jim had a slight lilt to his step, and he looked at Tonya through squinted eyes. His eyelids form pouches which puffed out above his face, above and below the eyes themselves. His lips curled into a sneer, and his yellow teeth peeked out from beneath fish-like lips. Dr. Meredith did not budge, and simply stared at her boss expectantly.

“You must be very proud of yourself,” Jim began, “so proud, to have…” he paused in mid sentence and reconsidered his approach.

“Do you even know what you've done?” he asked.

“I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, but I applaud your decision to publicize my report. I've already gotten replies of gratitude from many of the most capable labs across the world. It takes a lot of balls to do what you have done.”

She paused   and lit a cigarette inside of the lab.

“A clever use of other labs as a means of providing additional experiential support for the entire field of material digitization, and no small marketing ploy,” she exhaled to the side, and regarded Jim coolly.

“I must say, I was beginning to lose faith in your leadership,” she continued, “but now that I know you are in it for the betterment of mankind, and not simply to capitalize on the sweat of others or the misfortune of many, I am proud to continue my work with Detention Tech.”

She took another drag from her cigarette, and then crushed it in an almost empty ash tray situated to the left of the computer terminal where she had been entering the diagnostic information.

“I should fire you. I should have you strung up on a pole and brutally fucked for the way that you have disrespected my entire organization.”

He stepped forward and shoved his pudgy finger in Dr. Meredith's face.

“Don't you dare pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. Don't you DARE pretend like I had anything to do with this public execution. You have single-handedly brought down the entire corporation!”

Saliva flew from his mouth, and past Dr. Meredith's shoulders, spraying the touch-screen   dimly illuminating the exchange between the two of them.

“Mr. Henkelman, this conversation is being recorded, and I want you to know that I interpret your advances as sexual harassment. I've already witnessed your news broadcasts, and we are all well aware that you publicly claimed the release of my report was a strategic move on part of Detention Tech, in order to set our corporation apart from our competitors within the field of high-technology. I will forgive your indiscretion, since it is clear that you have had too much to drink, and appear to be having second thoughts about your recent decision. While I don't appreciate being the target of your rage, I do understand the desire to share your feelings with another human being. Perhaps one of your personal attendants would be better suited for this purpose?”

Tonya smiled before continuing. 

“Your ravings and misbegotten sexual fantasies are not welcome in my lab, and if you bring them here again, I will file a law suit which will bring down your precious corporation. Now, if you'll excuse me, Jim, I need to get back to work.”

She did not turn around, she did not dismiss him, she simply stood there and met his stare with a firm, even gaze of her own.

 For the third time in one day, he felt a lump in his throat so large, that he could barely speak; he could not even swallow.

A rush of cold assail his nerves, and it seemed as though a breeze had just swept through the laboratory, except he knew that such a phenomenon was impossible – the lab was four stories underground, and all ventilation was carefully monitored.

Sweat began to bead on his Jim's forehead, and his lip slowly, almost imperceptibly, began to quiver. His focus shifted, and locked once more on the uncompromising figure of Dr.  Meredith. When he was finally was able to speak, his words were curt, and cordial

“Very good, Dr. Meredith. Keep up the good work.”

With that, Jim gave a slight nod, and made his way toward the exit.

Tonya watched him until he left her domain. She took a deep breath, lit another cigarette, and resumed her diagnostic procedures.

There were only five days left until the beta test began, and there was still much work to be done.