Karma: Retribution by Thaddeus Knight - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

The media interpreted a corporation embracing the open-source model as a radical deviation from the position of high-competition, to a more socially conscious position of cooperative discovery.

Newspapers, Magazines, and Television shows all praised Jim Henkleman, CEO of Detention Tech for his insightful and compassionate business practices.

He responded in turn with the appropriate forms of self-debasement, and humble, dutiful acknowledgment.

Jim also kept his unspoken word to Dr. Meredith and did not bother her any further after their encounter in the lab.


The impacts of the test were also felt on several other levels throughout the nation.

There was a presidential address which highlighted the Prison Space project, in the context of “promising technological innovations to alleviate the burdens of the American People.” Pundits offered criticisms or praise as they saw fit, and the well informed consumers of various media discussed the project amongst themselves on densely populated internet forums.


The reverberations of the upcoming experiment were also felt in the federal, state, and private institutions and there were fears amongst the various administrators that the new system, with its technological efficiencies would render their positions obsolete.