Memories of Darkness by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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August 1, 1980-3:40 a.m.

Vance the magnificent they call me…



What did I know?

I had wanted to trust Dwayne.

He had been completely honest about everything in his life, including the struggles he had faced with his mentally challenged wife Marsha. How he had fought the demons that had plagued her mind…the demons that had finally driven her to find safety in that broken-down old house.

Dwayne had shown his character by taking care of his troubled wife as long as he had. He deserved our support and respect. That’s what everyone said anyways…and to be honest, I had agreed with them at the time.

I had never known my father.

Dwayne’s mother, Hilda, had died of natural causes shortly after they arrived together on the island. So, at first, I thought we had something in common.

To be perfectly honest, I enjoyed having someone around who would watch out for me. Rules aren’t always bad, rules make life a lot less complicated. You don’t have to think for yourself if you have them.

“Just relax, we’ve got it good. The town has never been better run than it is right now. People are happy, why do you want to go hassle the guy who made it possible? Sure, he’s a little strange, but just think of how strange you would be if you’d gone through all the things that he has? Imagine your wife going off the deep end, how would you react?”

Those were some of the words that were said to anyone who asked questions.

Charismatic, powerful, and generous…Oh yes, everyone in town knew how much Dwayne donated to the local charities.

How he worked for the good of everyone.

He had almost completely eliminated the fuel thefts in our town. Given enough time, he had promised to bring perfect order to our island.

Why would anyone fight against such a man?

If only we had received a sign, an omen of what was to come. Perhaps…but those thoughts are futile.

The stars above have lost their fascination.

All I want now is freedom.

My fingers have been busy, they have found a knot in the ropes. Slowly and with determination my fingers begin working on the knot.

The waterfall roars in my ear.

Susan’s weight shifts, tilting the canoe dangerously.

My heart stops.

My throat rasps as I gasp for breath.

A semblance of stability returns to the canoe.

I pause to consider my partner in this voyage.

Susan is a beautiful classical music fan. Much too beautiful and sophisticated to be stuck with someone like me.

I’m thirty-one, with a head of short red hair, green eyes, a blunt nose, and an unshaven face. According to past flames, my magnificent smile crinkles the edges of my mischievous Irish eyes.

This is why I was given the nickname of Vance, the magnificent.

There isn’t much to smile about at the moment.

The waterfall grows closer by the second.

My mind is racing with possibilities.

There must be some way to escape the pull of the current.

What is it?

I need it now.

I wish I could force my fingers to work faster.

My mind wanders to the memory of my partner Bruce and his fate…