The sun broke the mountainous horizon to the east and spread its light across the valley – the area of land where Stewart Hollow had sat the day before. It was gone – all of it. Stewart Hollow would not see another Halloween.
The buildings up and down Main Street, and the houses around town, were now nothing by smoking piles of charred ruins.
Bodies were scattered around town – some bloodied, some burnt, but all were dead.
FEMA vehicles charged into the final resting place of Stewart Hollow like a motorcade. There was no easy place to start. Especially since people just wouldn’t understand what had actually happened.
The legend of the Blood Coven had been true all along, and their ultimate goal was fulfilled. The light of Stewart Hollow had flickered out, and the town had run its course, at the hands of the Lores.
A town that once celebrated its rich Halloween history had fallen victim to evil – serial killers and witches. It was truly a horror show, year after year.
Stewart Hollow is now a legend in itself. People around the country, around the world, talk about it and the mysterious supernatural forces that supposedly took the town. The only two people who knew exactly what happened was Deputy Jamie Dart and a news reported from Seattle, Washington, Jessica Morgan. Both of whom are scared for life.
There was never anything discovered in the aftermath of the Stewart Hollow burning that confirmed Sharon Ferguson and her daughters were still alive. However, from the bell tower of the church that fateful night, they had promised to ‘start all over’.
Maybe it was coincidence, or maybe it was something more, but weeks after the death of Stewart Hollow, black roses began to rise from the ashes, and mysterious cackles could be heard in the wind.