Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Maybe I'm a special person or maybe I have been blessed with a gift that allows me to see and hear spirits good or evil but that doesn't make a physic, I call my myself a visionary. I believe God has graced me with a gift and is using me for a bigger purpose I haven’t figured out what that is yet. All my life I could sense evil, see it, and hear it, I can even communicate with the dead. Yes, I know it sounds creepy but it's true. I have so many experiences with the paranormal, before any of this happened, I was a skeptic and didn't believe ghosts existed, or there were evil spirts until I have had experiences with them. First experience I had an experience when I was six years old, the second, when I was eleven and I saw shadows in my room, then I began acting strange and doing things I wouldn't normally do, then the third I was physically touched, fourth I have been choked, and threatened. I was climbing my favorite and pushed out and then something from behind pushed me back and I ran into my house scared out of my mind. I remember my mother telling me a story about her playing with witchcraft and her having her own scary experience with the devil, now I believe my mother opened the door to the other side and let in demons and I believe those demons were attached to my mother and those demons followed her to every house we moved into. I also believe she has put a curse on our family I've had no luck with relationships, jobs, or any type of success. I know this because I see them and had physical experiences and weird dreams. I have pictures of my old house where I have seen an orb and glowing eyes coming from the woods, now seeing this only confirmed what I already knew. At my old house where I lived with my parents, I could feel a strong evil presence there and you fill the animosity, the rage, the anger, the hurt, the pain, the sadness, I suffered from my migraines all the time, I got sick a lot and there even one time my liver failed on me it almost put in the hospital. What happened that house was one of my worst experiences yet, I remember going up the attic to get something I was the process of moving out and I went up the steps made it to the first landing and something pushed me hard and I went backwards, but then something from behind pushed me forward and I ended up gaining my balance after I realized what happened I ran down the stairs scared of mind, there was one thing that happened that made me feel at peace, not long after I ran downstairs I remember praying and I closed my eyes for just a minute and I opened them to see a beautiful little girl all dressed in white standing in front of me, I knew exactly who this little girl was, see a long time ago my sister was pregnant and she had a miscarriage and lost the baby and it devastated all of us now I strongly believe that little girl standing in front of me was my niece that died I believed she was the one who saved it wouldn't have been for her I would gotten seriously hurt and be in the hospital. I'm older and married with kids and I believe that I have been followed and they won't leave me alone, part of it is because they know I have a gift and will use it against me. The demons and evil spirits have no idea how strong I am and I’m a fighter and I will keep on fighting. I have always felt that I have been fighting for my soul, and so far, I'm winning.