Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


It started with a warlock who in the late 1800s had been friends with my great, great grandfather betrayed this warlock, he ended up taking the warlock’s girlfriend and had a torrid love affair and when the warlock found out he cursed my great grandfather and put a hex on him his girlfriend, and any future family he may come to have. The hex started with just minor accidents, car accidents, or just being accidently getting hurt, then his work became affected, he be working for eight weeks then he got fired and he’d move on to the next job, so and so forth. His girlfriend Margie who had recently became his wife became affected, she’d fall out of nowhere she’d get bruises on her arms and legs, Margie shop where she was seamstress and her business caught on fire, or moths would come in or out nowhere and eat her customers’ clothes, it became so bad she closed her shop and had to sell it. But it didn’t end there, about a year after Max and her were married they had become pregnant with their first child, but they lost it due to a miscarriage, they tried again, miscarriage, tried the third them and it finally stuck. Then not long after the birth of their child Elijah, their house caught fire and burned to the ground. The poor DuPont family, they were now homeless and not sure where to go the family had no choice but to move in with Max’s parents. Max’s parents knew of the curse and had the house blessed they even tried an old witch doctor who had lived in the woods on the edge of town try to help. It helped for a little while and things would start up again. They involved a priest to see if he could help, the situation was hopeless. The family would be stuck with this curse forever. The only way to remove this curse was the have the one who placed on your un-hex you and remove the curse. Max’s friend was way too angry and was holding a grudge against Max and his girlfriend. Max and Margie even tried apologizing to his friend and see if that would help but it was no use. Max and Margie just happened to fall for each other and fall in love it just sort of happened, it’s not like they were plotting against Max’s friend, his friend didn’t see that way and he wasn’t going to let it go. Max and Margie had to live this curse forever and it would pass on to the next generation and so on. Years went by and the Dupont family eventually grew larger and poorer and life for them got worse due to the curse but somehow way, somehow stuck together. Some say it was love that saw that couple through, others would say it was divine intervention. Years had passed and Max had lost his parents, and everything was left to Max and his family now they had a roof over their heads, they still managed to put food on the table despite everything this family had gone through. The kids were now adults and moved on with their lives, Max and Margie had been in their 80’s and now poor Margie was on her deathbed she somehow managed to get cancer and it was terminal and she passed three days after. Now Max who loved Margie, it’s said thar he died of a broken heart. Max and Margie’s kids and kids of their own they now were cursed. They suffered many hardships in their lives, failed relationships, bad accidents, struggling to hold down jobs, they hated it but somehow, they managed to get through, maybe it was the love the siblings had for each other, the closeness, maybe it was faith, or maybe divine intervention was involved yet again. The kids would try everything to rid themselves of this curse and they knew the warlock was either dead or too old to care about a curse and there was no way he’d help anyway, they even tried going to his wife and kids, but they were no help either. They were stuck with a curse they no longer wanted, they hated it because they saw their parents’ go through it and how much they suffered from this curse. The kids didn’t blame their parents because you can’t choose who you fall in love with. How do you live with a lifelong curse that’s been passed down from generation to generation? You don’t, you just sort deal it with the best you can and move on with your life and that’s what the Dupont kids did. Now it’s years into the future and the Dupont kids are now dead and gone and the only living generation left is Juliann Dupont who is the daughter of Elijah Dupont. All she ever wanted in life was to be happy, loved, and successful; but instead, her whole life was nothing but a struggle, it was total crap shoot. She tired of the freak accidents, the struggling, everything. Nothing in her life seemed to go her way, no matter how hard she tried. She struggled through school, college, and now she couldn’t even barely hold a job. She couldn’t understand why. Was it her, was it the universe raining constant dread on her, or was it something else? She didn’t know. She just knew she couldn’t take it much longer she could take it; she was becoming sad and depressed; she was losing sleep. At first, she thought maybe I’m not applying myself, or working hard enough, maybe not enough schooling. Whatever it was she had to figure this out. It drives her crazy, but she’d figure out was going on. Julieann was sitting on her couch watching tv, and she started wrack her brain on why nothing in her life ever worked out and she knew it was the obvious reasons, it had to go deeper than that. She remembered a story than was passed down through generations about her family being cursed. And now she was stuck with the family curse, no wonder why her life was total crapshoot, goodness she hated this family curse and after years of hearing stories of her family suffering and now her she couldn’t take it anymore; she had to figure out how to end this curse was going to end with her even if it killed her, she did whatever it took. She made a promise to herself that she’d not ever get married or have kids until this curse was ended, this was g She was going to do whatever it took. First, she did research on curses and how to break them, and she knew she couldn’t go to the source because well he’s been dead since forever and so was his family, so she found an article online about wiccans who were white witches and knew how to undo curses and hexes, she clicked on link and it took her to a witch’s shop called “Wiccan World”, and it was downtown, and it was two blocks away from her apartment. She got up from the couch, set her laptop on the coffee table grabbed her keys and purse and headed out and on the way there she crosses the street, and a bus comes out nowhere and it’s her. She hit the ground hard, she was bloody, disoriented, she bruises all over. A witness from across the street who saw everything called 911, Juliann was rushed to the hospital. Poor thing went into a coma and almost died, but somehow, she managed to fight for her life. Now it’s said that Wiccans are empaths and entuned with other people, ghosts, spirits, and other wiccans, and the very wiccan that Juliann was going to go see, knew she was coming, knew her whole situation and had to help. Dealing with hexes and curses was Jewel’s specialty and she felt bad about Juliann’s situation. Jewel knew about Juliann’s family curse and the whole story behind it, Jewel was the last generation in her family and was the great, great, granddaughter of the warlock that cursed Juliann’s family. Now Jewel has seen many curses and knows what that’s like for a family to go through and how rough it is. Some curses didn’t end up as well and the Dupont family though she has seen some curses end in death, or murder/suicide. It was a horrible thing. Jewel knew exactly what to do and what she needed in order to undo the hex her great, great grand grandfather did. She needs to go back to her shop, that was her grandfather’s shop, she would need a sprig of rosemary, paper, pencil, scissors, a piece of red cloth, paprika, or chili powder, red cotton. She went to her shop and grabbed all she needed. When she had the ingredients, she went to the hospital and placed a rosemary necklace and placed into around Juliann’s neck, she took a pencil and wrote down her grandfather’s name then she back to her shop to finish the spell. With a red pen she drew a doll shape around the name ad she cut it out with scissors, then she laid the paper doll down the paper doll on the red cloth, and sprinkled with paprika, then she tied the cotton around the middle of the doll and laid it her hands and repeated this spell: Enemy of mine, your power is gone. The hex is broken, the spell undone. Enemy of mine go away. So, it shall be from this day. There was a huge blast of magic surrounding Jewel and it was so scary, she felt the earth shake under her feet, a huge thunderstorm came out of nowhere and just for a split-second Jewel swore she saw her great, great, grandfather that day and he looked angry, but as quickly as he came, he disappeared just as fast. She knew that he was angry with her, but she didn’t care, she used her powers for good, to help someone in need and that’s all that mattered to her. She wasn’t an evil warlock like her great, great grandfather was, she a white wiccan and they used their powers to help people. Everything felt quiet and peaceful, the magic ring that surrounded her melted away and it was normal again. It was about a week later and Juliann was still recovering in the hospital and something felt different, she felt different, she felt lighter somehow, like there was no longer a dark cloud of doom hanging over her everyday of her life. Just then Jewel had come to visit, Juliann still had the rosemary necklace on. “Hi there. Jewel said. I’m Jewel. Hi, I’m Juliann. Juliann returned. Why is this rosemary on my neck? Juliann asked. Oh that? Jewel countered. That was something to protect you, that’s why I’m here. Oh? Juliann retorted. I’m a white, wiccan witch and I’m the great, great, granddaughter of the warlock that cursed you and your family. Jewel explained. Really? Juliann asked. Yes, I am but I am I promise you I’m nothing like my great, great, grandfather was. You see Juliann, I knew that you were coming to see me, and I knew about your family’s curse and I had to help. I felt so bad, I heard stories of my great, great grandfather about him being a horrible, mean, vengeful man and what he did to your family, so I broke your family’s curse forever you are no longer cursed. You’re finally free Juliann. Jewel explained. Are you serious? Juliann queried. Very serious. Jewel returned. Thank you so much for your kindness and your help. You’re more than welcome Juliann. Jewel retorted. She got up to hug Juliann and left.” Juliann ended recovering and was released from the hospital, she went to become a famous successful, photographer and her work has been published to National Geographic. Juliann, she ended up retiring at the age of sixty-five and now lives in an old folk’s home.