Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Demon in Me

There is a ghost story about a young girl who went into a house that was supposedly haunted by a demon where a witch lived there and committed suicide, and it’s known as “The Witch’s House”. It’s said that a young girl was wondering the streets, wondered into the house and when her parents found her, she wasn’t herself, she began acting strangely, even things around the house were changing and one night when Rose’s parents were sleeping, she took a knife and stabbed them to death and then killed the family dog and ate it. This story begins in small rural town in Calhoun, Ohio in the year 1998, Rose Allerton was only sixteen she was in high school and living at home with her parents. Strange things would begin to happen to Rose like she’d do things, weird things and have no recollection of doing them, she be asleep and then wake up and be in her bed, her mood began to change. Her grades began to slip, and even her friends noticed something strange going on with Rosie. One night while Rose was sleeping, she gotten up while she fast asleep and broke into the old witch’s house and when she came out, she had become possessed. Now at this time no one knew Rosie had been possessed because she is acting like her normal self, but there would little things that were showing signs of possession, like shadows on the wall, hot and cold spots, voices, banging, knocking, footsteps, and whispering. Anytime Rosie was in a room it be freezing cold, and the family dog Mitsi would look at Rosie, stare at her and just growl and bark. Mitsi loved Rosie and Rose was her favorite person in the whole world, Mitsi knew something was wrong with Rose and she didn’t like it. Anytime Rose would get close to Mitsi to try and pet her Mitsi would growl and bark at her. Rose’s parents were growing concerned for they loved and cared for their daughter and only wanted to help her. They called a psychiatrist, she gone to many sessions, but it wasn’t helping, she was put into a mental ward to see what was going on, but they could find nothing wrong with her and she put on meds. Rosie would end getting worse, she wasn’t sick at not physically and they could nothing wrong with her. At this point it was for sure that Rose was possessed but no one really knew it yet, her parent’s just thought it has just been a teen and acting out, it was more than that, something deeper scratching it’s way to the surface ready to break free and take over. The parents had grown overly concerned and they called a medium to come in and to see she could help they called Misty Myers she was the medium they could, and she was a good friend to the family in fact Misty and her daughter Milly were best friends, Milly had a gift just like her mother and even she could something was wrong with Rosie, she could sense it. The night that the medium had come over was the start of one of the worst night Allerton’s would experience. When the medium came over, she asked to a sweep of the house, she went from room to room; when she reached Rosie’s room that seemed to be the center of the action. She could feel evil surrounding her, at first, she swore she heard a witch cackle, and then she heard a deep guttural growl and then a long hiss. Misty closed her eyes, she reached her hand and scanned the room, she felt a cold spot and there in the corner of the room she saw him. It was the scariest thing she ever seen as medium. The demon was big, and scaley, it a long tail, its eyes glowed red, it had saliva dripping from its teeth. She saw a house with a witch that lived there, and the attic was a demon and this demon somehow had been released by the witch and she became possessed, and the witch ended up killing herself in the house. The she saw Rose going into the house and she drawn to the attic as if some voices were calling her up there and when she followed, the demon lunged at her knocking her head into the wall and causing her to go unconscious and when she out the demon possessed her and when Rose woke up, she was acted like her normal self. Then it hissed this, “The girl’s soul is now mine, everyone in this house will be dead, for I will kill them and then eat suck the souls from their bodies.” The voice gave Misty the chills, just then Rosie who had hiding in the bathroom lunged at Misty knocking her down, Rosie who was holding a scissors tried to stab Misty, they rolled around on the floor, Misty was trying to take the scissors from Rosie, Rosie was growling and hissing, her eyes went from blue to black in a matter of seconds, and then her face changed as it morphed somehow into the demon thar had talked to her. The bit her arm then scratched her, Misty kicked it off and went running downstairs. She ran straight to the Allerton’s and told them what she’d found and what she encountered. “James and Kate”. I have found that your daughter is possessed by a demon, and that somehow there’s a witch involved. Misty explained. So, are you saying our daughter is possessed not only by a demon but also by a witch? The parented asked. I’m not sure if the demon is attached to the witch, when I went to your daughter’s room, I definitely saw a demon, and I thought I heard a witch cackle too. It could be that the witch either conducted a spell and somehow released this demon or maybe during a séance. My conjecture is this, your daughter needs to be exorcised and then this house needs to be cleansed and blessed. I need to the witch’s house and see how all happened. Misty explained. “The parents agreed, and that night would be last that Misty would see her friends. That night Misty and her daughter ventured to the witch’s house, the door had been broken so it was easy to get into, when they walked in, they immediately felt cold, and there were also hot spots too. Misty could see ghosts from before the witch moved in, there were spirits that were young, they looked like teenagers. They trapped here by the demon that holds them there in this earthly prison, all they wanted was to be free and go into the light. Misty felled bad for these poor trapped souls, she had to do something about, she called over her daughter Milly. They said a little prayer, then said this. I ask that you accept these trapped souls into your loving kingdom, where they find everlasting peace and comfort, I cross over each and every soul in this house present and past and be free of this house at last. Just then there was bright light, it looked a portal at first, the light was bright and vibrant, there music playing, an angel came out of the light and escorted the souls into the heaven, and Misty and Milly watched the spirits leave one by one. The house was empty and quiet, and peaceful, but still somehow felt heavy, dark, and evil. Out of nowhere there was a witch’s cackle and it send chills down their spines; they hear heavy footsteps coming from the basement coming closer to them. Then, spiders and snakes appeared from out of nowhere surrounding them, they were trapped, the witch came closer, Misty and Milly could feel her presence and it was so evil. They had one choice, they had to banish her to hell, how could they when the demon was attached to her and was possessing Rose. Meantime back the Allerton house things were getting bad, Rosie was full on possessed her parents had tied her the bed and locked her in her room, in fear for their lives, they had gone to bed and locked themselves in. After about an hour they fell asleep, Rosie was in her bed fighting her way out of the ropes and she became so strong she broke free of the ropes, she went downstairs, grabbed a knife, she first killed the dog then at it, then went upstairs kicked opened the door and stabbed her parents sixty seven times before she ended fleeing the house, then the demon inside her sucked the souls out her parents and went running out the and onto the streets with a bloody knife, there was blood on her clothes, Rosie ended in an old abandoned apartment building where she stayed there in the dark. Milly and Misty were shaking from being so scared they were trapped in the house at the mercy of a witch surrounded by snakes and spiders. Misty was able to get into the witch’s head and she was talking to her. “Please let us go, we mean no harm, we came here because a friend of ours is in trouble, she is possessed by the same demon who possessed you and probably wreaking havoc as we speak. Please, do the right thing and let us go and I will and free you spirt from this house and from that demon. The witch looked at her and pondered the thought for a moment, she did hate being stuck in this blasted house, she wants to be free so she could with her other witch sisters. The witch agreed and let the mediums go, thank you Misty said.” The witch nodded at her and disappeared into the wall. “Now Misty said we have to figure out how to release that witch from that demon, I think somehow they are bound together. Misty said. How come the witch didn’t possess Rosie, why just the demon if their bound? Milly queried. I don’t know Milly. Her mom answered. That’s what we need to figure out. The witch came out of where and brought them her Grimoire and handed it to Misty. Misty said thank you and then she opened the book to where there was a binding spell. It was a spell about how to bound a demon to a witch and other witches did this as punishment to witches who either have wronged them or witches who don’t want to be witches anymore. The witch that was possessed didn’t want to be a witch anymore she wanted to be normal, and when the other witches found out she wanted to leave the coven they revolted they came to her house tied her up and did a spell binding her to a demon forever, that witch when she became possessed couldn’t take being possessed and she killed herself, she hung herself in the backyard in a tree. Her soul trapped in the house still bound to that very demon. Misty searched the Grimoire for an unbinding spell. They needed certain ingredients, the witch, the demon, and the soul it possesses, it only be a matter of time before the demon binds itself to Rosie. At the Allerton house their police cars, there was report of a stabbing at the residence. The police searched the house for any suspects but came empty. They had gone upstairs to check the parent’s bedroom and that’s when they found him. They were a bloody mess, the family pet was nowhere to be found, they just figured it ran out the opened door and ran away. They searched the house for the murder weapon and never found anything. No fingerprints, no nothing, this was going a hard case to solve. Rosie was squatting in an old apartment building and was feeding off of mice and rats, Rosie looked horrible her eyes were black, she had black and blue marks all over her body, she was aching all over. There nothing was nothing of Rose left not a thought, not a memory, she felt empty except the demon that filled her. She only knew it knew, she had its thoughts, and memories and whatever it saw Rosie saw and Rosie hated, she hated all the death and evil, and killing. She watched through the demon’s eyes as it killed the witch it once possessed. It was heart wrenching and so disturbing. Rosie didn’t know how much more she could take; she was getting weaker and her soul was consumed by the demon. The demon was slowly lulling her back to the house where it all started, the demon wanted her dead so it could consume her soul. The demon led her back to the witch’s house, Rose could barely walk, she dragged herself up the steps and into the house. Misty and a Milly were busy looking for ingredients to the spell and didn’t hear Rose come in. Once they found all the ingredients they headed back downstairs. The house felt cold and weird, Rose sitting in a dark corner rocking back and forth. Milly was the first to see her. The look of Rose gave her the chills. Milly spoke out to her. “Rose, Rose, is that you? Rose isn’t here anymore. The demon hissed as he answered. Rose if you can hear me and you’re still there, fight ok, were going to help you. Milly announced. Oh, are you now, we’ll see about that? You will not win demon. We will fight you and we will win. Milly challenged. Oh, is that so. I’m stronger, older, and faster than you. The demon retorted. No one has fought me and won. The demon challenged back. For a minute Rose came through. Milly, please help me I can’t hold It off much longer, I grow weaker every day. Rose, hang in there ok, please keep fighting. Milly, I have to confess something in case I don’t make it the demon killed my parents and family dog, it made me stab them and then it made me eat my dog. Rosie went on explaining. Milly gagged, and gulped. Rose it’s not your fault ok and whatever it is we will figure it out ok. Milly, thanks for everything I love you.” Before Milly could answer the demon came back through grabbed the knife held it to Rose’s throat and sliced it. Blood came gushing out Rose’s neck and she slumped over and was dead. Milly sobbed as she watched her friend die in front of her, she watched as a black smoke came out Rose and disappeared into the house. Milly screamed for her mother, who rushed downstairs to see a dead body of Rose. “Oh no, we’re too late. She spoke. She called upon the witch, who helped form circle of salt to trap the demon then made a pentagon on the sealing which would trap the demon. The witch, Milly, and Rose said a spell that went like this. Demon of bind, you’re so unkind, killing, and consuming souls, go back to the days of ole, we send thee back to hell, where you be forever bound, we release from this witch, and world, go back into the ground where you dwell. Boom, there a blast of light the demon was unbound from the witch and was free from Rose where her spirit was free, and her spirit went into the light and was gone. The witch was free and unbound from the demon. Milly and Misty said a prayer. We ask that you take this soul that was once a witch, she wanted to make it right and become who she once was. She was forced into a life of being a witch and she wants to be forgiven so she can free. All of sudden a light surrounded them, an angel came from heaven whispered something into the ear of the witch and was escorted into heaven. The witch turned and smiled and replied, thank you” And she gone and went into the light. The case of the Allerton murder went cold and was never solved, the witch’s house never sold Misty and Milly cleansed and blessed the house and burnt to the ground the spot where the house once stood now remains empty.