Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Little Boy Ghost

In the city of Murrysville there had a kidnapping and murder of a five- year-old little boy, who was killed in the woods and his body left there to rot, all that was left was his clothes. Mason Collison looked his surroundings, and he was confused on where he was at last time, he remembered he was playing outside with his friends and then some strange man had kidnapped him taken to the woods and strangled him with his belt, he walked around but he felt different lighter somehow, then he walked to his body and saw himself. He saw his lifeless body, he looked down and felt sad, it felt because he knew he was dead. He thought about his parents and how upset saddened they must be and sat there and cried. He cried for his parents he no longer had. He was angry too because his life was ripped away from too soon, and he was taken away from his parents. When his parents found he’d been kidnapped they were saddened and wanted to find the person that did this so they could bring their son home safe and sound. Little did they know that their son was dead, nothing is worse than losing a child. It was around four and Mason had just been dropped off from pre-school and babysitter was already there waiting for him. His mother was working her shift at the diner and his father was away on business trip. Mason hated that both his parents. The son had been an only child due to a car accident the mother could no longer conceive. The family was very happy led a good life; they were a close family who loved each other. The babysitter had been watching tv and texting on her cell phone when Mason snuck outside to play with is favorite ball, he had been sitting in the yard rolling the ball back and forth against the garage when… strange man in a rusty beat-up van came out grabbed him and put in the van and drove to the woods and made the little lay on the cold ground and that little boy fought back hard, he kicked, he bit, he punched his kidnapper The kidnapper placed his knee on the little crushing his ribs and breaking every rib. Mason could hardly breathe it hurt to take a breath, he two hundred fifty-pound man on top of him, Mason knew the end was near, he laid there thinking this isn’t fair. He wanted to see his parents to tell he loved them one last time he wanted to be hugged and kissed. All that was ripped away from, he felt the belt go around his neck: Mason placed his hands under the belt keeping it from tighten the kidnapper would smack his hands away, Mason bit him hard, but his assailant hit him knocking him out cold. When the babysitter realized he was gone it was too late, she searched the whole house, the yard, and the neighborhood, she had no choice but to the Collison’s what happened it was too late, the babysitter was fired on the spot. He placed the belt around his neck and squeezed with all his might and watched as the little boy died and waited until he knew he was dead. After about an hour after knowing the boy was dead, he just left him there to rot, the kidnapper didn’t even care, he just left and went on this his life. It been about two days since Mason went missing his parents were beside themselves, they were tired, stressed, and distraught. They called every possible friend, checked all of Mason’s favorite places, they couldn’t find him. After the third day The Collison’s called the police and reported their son missing, and gave every available detail possible, an officer by the name of Dylan Charley came to the house to take their statement. He felt bad for the couple for he had kids of his own and couldn’t imagine anything happening to them. This had to rough for them to talk about their son still having hope even though the officer already knew the outcome. Officer Charley had seen so many cases like this one and they all ended badly. He hated kidnapping cases because it mostly involved a pedophile or a murderer. The Collison’s invited the officer in and asked him to sit down and offered him a beverage and they began talking. They told the officer everything and he wrote down and said they all form a search party. The very next day all the neighbors and the police force, plus the Collison’s went and searched for Mason except one neighbor. One who had nothing to do with the neighbors or anyone, he was a registered pedophile and wasn’t supposed to anywhere near close to kids but somehow managed  to buy  the  house and the neighborhood is  close  to schools and parks. No one would have ever thought to suspect a neighbor after he did try to keep his nose clean till recently. There was gossip and rumor in the neighborhood of a creepy pedophile living in the neighborhood, but no one knew what is, it’s like they tried to look online. Some heard from another neighbor that a pedophile was just released from jail and moved into the neighborhood went by the name of Scott Harley and was arrested for exposing himself around children, one of the parents caught him and called the police and he was arrested and tried. Could Scott be the killer? Was he capable of killing a child? Was it possible? He did kill kids in the past before, was he capable of it now? Was he that messed in the head? He was fine when it went to therapy and when he was taking his medication. What would happen if he stopped taking his meds? He went insane and the killer in him came out he didn’t want to be a killer it just happened and once it happened it loved it. Now the killer has come in him again and he urges to kill. The killer told him to stop taking his meds and Scott listened now Scott has killed again but has no recollection of it. search party began looking in parks, schools, playgrounds, anywhere that Mason loved to go they had no luck. Mason’s ball was missing too, and his parents knew it had been his favorite ball, it was nowhere to be found. They began searching the woods and looked everywhere calling Mason’s name. Mr. Collison was with Officer Charley when they found his son. He fell to his knees and placed his head in his hands and cried. Mrs. Collison ran over rushing to husband’s aid, the officer shook his head at the other officers, and they tried holding her back. She ran over and saw her son and she cried. She screamed out, “NO”, No, No”. Her and her husband held each other and cried. The officer himself broke down and cried, he at the moment who did this. He had been following a similar case to this a couple of years ago and they arrested who they thought was the killer but it a different pedophile then the one they were looking for. This time they were going to catch him and put in jail for good. After about two hours they wrapped up the search party and took the Collison’s home. By this time Mason’s death and made the news there some reporter snooping around the crime scene and it got on tv. The crime scene was investigated by the police and forensic team and the body had been taken by the coroner to be examined. The forensic team found a belt that looked it been dropped by the killer, and there were footprints, they measured the prints and it like shoe size had around the size of fifteen. The team called Officer Charley over to show him the evidence. “Holy shit! He exclaimed. This the missing evidence we been searching for. It’s possible that killer left this behind. Not very smart of him though, seems like he wants to be caught.” He had the team place the evidence in an evidence bag and make a cast of the footprints. Holy balls!! I know these shoes; I know who the killer is!! Officer Charley exclaimed. Dr. Evans was the head medical examiner, and she was looking over the body, it made her sad to see such a young child on her table. How could anybody do this to such a precious child? It made her angry and sick to her stomach. Killers that murder children in to rot in the deepest part of hell and roast. No parent needs to deal with a child’s death, that’s the worst. She loved her job but hated it to because sometimes but rare that she got cases like this. She was more used to murder victims that were older. But they are kids are or teenagers, she hated it, but it was her job and she had to do it, however she got help to put killers and murderers in jail and to that was the best part of her job. She checked the ligature marks around the boy’s neck, and it showed signs of bruising and cause of death of asphyxia. There was bruising on his ribs and it looked his ribs were broken, and on his head was a contusion. The team rushed back to the police station and the evidence down to the medical examiner. She checked out the belt and shoe prints, the belt matched the marks around the boy’s neck and confirmed that the belt was the murder weapon. She checked the belt for fingerprints and ran it through C.O.D.I.S. the results came up that the prints belonged to Scott Hamilton and it gave the address of where he lived, he lived in the same neighborhood as the Collison’s. Dr. Evans called Officer Charley and told him of her findings. He wasn’t shocked at all. Thank you, Dr. Evans was, all he said and hung up. Back at the house it felt so empty and quiet without Mason around, Mr. And Mrs. Collison were sad and depressed, and yearning to see their child again. What they didn’t know is that there little boy was around, after he passed, he made his way back to his parent’s house and he stayed in his room. He would be quiet at first, he wasn’t sure how to make noise, to make himself known. It took him a couple days to figure it out, at first, he’d cry or moan so his mother would hear him. Then he takes one his toys and turn it and it make it go. His mother came in one day to see what it was all she saw was a toy moving about on its own. It wasn’t until the third day Mason’s mom finally figured out that Mason was around. She could feel him, she could feel his presence, and would make her happy. She’d tell her husband about Mason, but he wouldn’t believe and just dismiss it. A mother knows. That day she saw Mason sitting in his room and he was sobbing. “MASON”. His mom called out. “Mason is that really you baby boy, mama’s here.” She could feel Mason wrap his arms around her waist as tiny as he was. For once she was happy again. “Oh, baby I’m so sorry for what’s happened to you, we’re going to find your killer and bring him to justice, so you find peace. “His mother said. Mommy. Mason called out. Yes, I know who killed me Mommy, and so does Officer Charley. You do? His mother queried, The officer does. She repeated. Yes mama, it’s one of our neighbors and he lives close by. Babies tell mama what happened. Mason’s mom replied. Ok, mama. I was playing outside that day and the babysitter wasn’t paying any attention to me she was watching tv and texting on her phone and I snuck outside to play with my ball and the neighbor who had a creepy van came and grabbed me took me to the woods and killed me. Oh, Mason. Baby, I’m so sorry little love. His mother replied trying not to cry. Officer Charley went to the house where the medical examiner had found the prints, this was the address of Scott Hamilton it was the same killer they went after years ago but never caught. He knocked on his door. Scott answered. “Hi officer how may I help you? Where you the day Mason Collison was taken? The officer questioned. I was here in my house Scott lied. The officer looked down at Scott’s pants his belt was missing. He looked into his house he saw muddy footprints, the prints looked to be the size of about fifteen. I have search warrant to search your house, we’re looking for a size fifteen boot, do you where that size? The officer queried. He let the police in to search his house. “Officer Charley! His partner yelled. We found the boots and they match the cast. “Scott Hamilton you’re under arrest.” Scott was taken into custody, where he was arrested and tried for all accounts of murder and spent the rest of his life in jail where he is still serving his sentence to this very day. The case of Mason Collison was solved as well as the ones in the past that were still ongoing. Officer Charley was promoted and now Officer Charley was promoted to a detective. Mason still hangs around his parent’s house where he stays till this very day, but every so often when someone takes a walk out in the woods and on trial near a road, you’ll see a figure of little boy and you’ll find reminisce of his clothes. Some say it’s the ghost of Mason Collison, where he sometimes haunts those woods where he died.