Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

Mystery of Misty Woods

In the mountains of Colorado there is an urban legend about a crazy lumberjack that went whacko and kidnapped and killed two hikers that was hiking in the woods. It was the year 1985 and the hikers were missing for two weeks when a local who was hunting in the woods found when he tripped over the bodies. Now legend has that this lumberjack who was cutting down trees near the mysterious woods known as Misty Woods, he claimed to hear demonic voices call to him and he followed the voice into the woods, and something grabbed him and possessed him, and he went crazy from it. He was the one responsible for killing the hikers, he killed them with his axe and covered their bodies with leaves and dirt. He lives in a log cabin between the Misty Woods and Misty Mountain, and he still lives there. According to locals there are two stories one is an urban legend and the other is a ghost story. Locals say the area of Misty Mountains is a paranormal patch of woods and is haunted by ghosts and demons and that there is some type of demonic creature that comes out Misty Woods and grabs people and drags them into Misty Woods and they are never seen again. One who was hiking in the woods in the mountains claimed to see a ghost and followed it into the Misty Woods and disappeared and was never seen again. The town of Calabasas was quaint and small and small population of locals of about two hundred people had lived there, they knew of the legend and the ghost story and some believed it some didn’t some just believed it was the lumberjack. In town there was someone who has been following the urban legend and the ghost story that did believe and he was a paranormal investigator and just recently the mayor from the town of Calabasas had called him to investigate to see what he could, he had been called because he was the most trusted paranormal investigator in Colorado and he was well respected and had a good reputation and has done a lot of paranormal investigating around the world but was the first in his hometown. He knew of Misty Woods but had never been up there before and it’s not because he’s scared because Lord knows he’s seen his share of ghosts, spirits, and even demons. It’s just that he was always busy traveling around the world on cases and doing investigating. This time it was different the mayor himself Troy Myers, now Mayor Myers was a skeptic and didn’t believe in the paranormal but did believe in being a good mayor and caring about the people in his town that were friends and family. He knew the hikers, the hikers were young kids going out for a hike in the mountains near Misty Woods and one of the kids called pulled into the woods and the other kid who was a young male teen went into look for her, it so happened that a local who was looking for mushroom saw the one of the kids get pulled in by ghostly, ghastly hand, the girl screamed the young teen looked and his friend was gone, he went in after her but they never came out. Now the local followed the young teen into the misty woods and claimed he saw a portal, and the kids got sucked in. Now the witness claimed to get close enough to the portal and said he saw things that would haunt him forever, he screamed and ran, and something came out that portal and tried to grab him, but he got and ran as fast as he could and ran home and never spoke of the incident again. That next day Tuck Evans packed his gear, packed his backpack, and headed into to town to speak to some of the locals, the first stop he made was Mayor Myers house, he had a nice house at the base of the mountains, he was working in home office when…. he heard a knock at his door, and it made him jump. “I’m coming.” The mayor yelled. He got to answer the door. He opened it. “Hi mayor. I’m Tuck Evans. He said as he reached out his hand. The mayor reached his hand out and shook it. Come on in. The mayor said.” Tuck followed the mayor and went to his home office where they in privacy. Tuck sat down a comfortable, leather couch and the mayor sat down across from in his leather chair. He began to tell Tuck the story about the hikers that disappeared. “The hikers, Jack and Julie were friends of mine from high school I was just a kid then and they wanted me to hiking with them but that day I couldn’t because I was going to be busy that day told my friends to go without me. They were just going for hike in the woods just for fun and no one expected this to happen, some guy a local here in town claimed to see them get pulled into the woods by a ghostly hand, and he followed them in and saw them get pulled into a portal; he then saw some creature coming out of that portal and it began to chase him, but he escaped. Also claimed to see the crazy lumber jack that day in the woods and his axe was bloody and he looked pretty suspicious. He ran back home and never spoke about it again. “Now Mr. Evans.” If there is a portal in Misty Woods, is it at possible that my friends may still be in there? Or is it the urban legend true about the lumber jack killing them? The mayor queried. Well sir, that’s what I’m going to find out. Did the police find the murder weapon? Did they find the bodies? Did they find any blood or clues leading to the murder of your friends? What about the hunter and what he found is he still alive? Tuck asked. The hunter I’m afraid died of a heart attack, and anyway no one really knows if the hunter is real or just from the urban legend same for the lumber jack. Some say the lumber jack is real and still living in the mountains. Crazy Leo thinks that the lumber jack is the demon, and they are somehow one he killed my friends, but no one really knows. My friends for about twenty-four hours but before then my friends’ parents came to me asking me of, I saw Jack and Julie and told not since we had plans to go hiking in the woods, but I told them I couldn’t because my family had plans to go swimming in the lake that day. The parents had gone to the police to tell them that their kids were missing the police told them they had to missing at least twenty-four hours before reporting them missing. It wasn’t till that following week that a hunter who was deer hunting had stumbled across the bodies and that’s how the urban legend got started. The police and search party didn’t find anything. But nobody believed it, we searched for them for two whole weeks and came up empty handed, and then we gave up and moved on with our lives. The ghost story goes there’s demonic creature that comes out of the portal grabs people and drags them into Misty Woods making them disappear. Honestly only one person claimed to see this creature and he’s not the most reliable source. Nobody really knows if my friends disappeared in Misty Woods or they were truly murdered by the crazy lumber jack the mayor claimed. If you want my advice, go into town, and talk to crazy old Leo. Go the local library and be sure to check out the archives. The mayor continued. Tuck Evans wrote everything down the mayor told him in his notes. Thank you for your time sir. I will keep you posted and this strictly confidential until I find out truly what happened to your friends.” With that Tuck Evans left and headed into town. He was headed into town and to crazy Leo’s house who was known as the town looney. In honesty and reality, he was crazy he just had experienced something he didn’t know how to explain or now deal with all he knew is what he saw was real and true and now it frightened him, and he was scared. Tuck walked into town and saw Leo’s name on the mailbox, so he knocked on the door, Leo was looking out the front window and acting nervous, almost paranoid. He walked to the door and opened it. “Hi Leo.” Tuck replied. I’m Tuck Evans, I’m a paranormal investigator I’m here to investigate the mystery of Misty Woods. Hi there. Leo retorted. Come on in. Tuck followed Leo into his house, and they sat at the kitchen table and talked. Leo told him about that day he saw Julie and Jack in those woods. I was hunting for mushrooms with my old coon dog who is now dead God rest his soul, and I was near Misty Woods and my dog was rooting for mushrooms next to big willow tree, you see mushrooms like damp places to grow and the willow tree was flooded with them now mind you, they weren’t no mushrooms that make see things but the kind you eat and put- on steak. I think were morals, they are common up and grow and like wildflowers. I was close to the woods and was just watching my dog when I saw those two kids come up the hiking trail and walking past the woods, not the kids knew not to go in there, but I swear too some long ghostly arm came out and grabbed that girl, and then she screamed and her friend or brother or whatever he was heard her scream, he turned around and she was gone. He followed her into the misty woods, I watched him follow her in, but he never came out. Those their woods, are paranormal you see, and strange things happen in there, you like screaming, whispering, seeing ghosts and spirits, but most famous one that haunts them woods is that creature. What’s not told in this urban legend is that demon the one that crawls out the portal, is the one that possessed the lumber jack; also, that the demon and the lumber jack are one in the same and they are responsible for the killing of those kids. I’m not crazy I assure you sir, I don’t know what to believe after I saw, I don’t know. I am a reasonable, smart man, I have a good head on my shoulders, I know what I saw, I those kids get pulled into some type of portal, and when I ran, I saw a demon creature crawl out it and it after me. After Leo was finished Tuck answered him. Sir, I believe you and I will find out what happened and prove you’re not crazy, look I have been following this story since it happened, I believe in the paranormal and everything that goes along with it, it’s my job, and I have been there so I know how that feels and I can relate to you. Thank you, your time Leo.” Tuck said, shaking his hand, he saw himself out. He made his way to the library archives, we walked into town the library. He walked right in and went downstairs to the archives and began searching for clues to find out what happened to the missing kids. He looked through the boxes and looked into the boxes and looked through the papers, no reports had been made by the police about the missing kids, no murder reports, no evidence, clues no nothing. Hmmm., he thought to himself, that’s weird. No evidence, no clues, no weapon, no nothing. He kept searching records of missing kids one had come in a file he missed, it about two young teenage kids hiking in the woods alone and they disappeared. One witness saw the whole thing. The police never reported it because they didn’t believe Crazy Leo, they dismissed the whole thing. They searched for two whole weeks and never found anything they even searched Misty Woods but all traces of them were gone. No backpacks, and nothing to identify them, but something happened to those kids, and Tuck could feel it in his gut and he always followed his gut. Either someone in this town is hiding something, or Crazy Leo is telling the truth. That day Tuck decided to go into the woods himself and find out what was going on. He walked back into the town and back into his hotel and grabbed and all his gear and headed to the hiking trail. He went to the tree where the kid’s bodies were supposedly found in the urban legend, no traces of blood, no torn clothes, no bones, no nothing. He even went to the spot where Crazy Leo was picking mushrooms. Tuck Evans was a bit perplexed; he was never going to buy into an urban story a ghost story maybe especially if there is some truth behind it. He thought about the cabin in the woods from the urban legend about the crazy lumber jack that lived there, maybe, just maybe he could find a clue or some kind of evidence. He hiked his way to the cabin which was up the trail just a way he could see from here. It looked rundown and dilapidated, but it looked like anyone had been living there in years. He hiked up the trail a few more feet and walked up to the rocky, stony, driveway. It looked like the door had been busted open he cautiously walked in looking around picking up things trying to find some type of clue. The house was dark, the windows covered in newspaper and it smelled of rotting meat, at first Tuck thought an animal crawled in here and died but it much more pungent than that. He moved through the cabin sniffing at the air trying to find the foul smell, he continued to walk through the cabin and went to the back bedroom and it seemed that’s where the smell was strongest, and there on lying on the bed was the infamous possessed lumber jack from the urban legend and he was real, he was actually real, except now he was dead. But to know he actually existed was pretty cool. But he the lumber jack would be eliminated as a suspect. Tuck went over to the bed and examined the body, there was a gunshot to the lumber jack’s head it looked