Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

The Grim Reaper

There in the dark in the corner of her room something watching her, she could feel it’s cold, evil, eyes on her piercing her soul. It gave her the willies; she knew it was coming for her it was only a matter of time. All of sudden this thing that was in corner jumped on her and grabbed her, it tried to pull her off the bed, but another entity came into her room and swung at thing that attacked her scaring it off, it hissed as the scythe hit its arm causing to bleed, it was oozing black blood. Lillian screamed in horror and ran out of the room. “Oh, my goodness, what just happened? What just attacked me and what the hell came to me rescue? “Lillian asked herself. It was way too dark for her to see anything but there were two entities in her room. She stayed out of her room for the rest of the night, she was afraid for It came to every night at the same time. She grew tired of these visits and her losing sleep wasn’t helping. She was afraid of those these entities one of wanted to harm her or possibly worse but why did it save me. Lillian thought to herself. She pulled out her laptop and looked the grim reaper, the grim reaper is supposed to reap your soul and save people, he was technically a demon or entity if some sort. Why did he save her? Why did take her soul and drag her to hell? Why spare her? And what that other creature it looked really big and really scary, it had horns, it looked scaly, and had a big tail, and long sharp claws. Whatever this creature was didn’t like the grim reaper it almost like it was afraid of him or something. She felt grateful that the grim reaper saved her life she wanted to know why. That next Lillian was exhausted from the night before and wanted nothing but sleep, she slept till about three am when she awoken by that creepy creature in the in the corner of her room, this it was growling and hissing, he came closer waiting to jump on her and just it is about to jump the grim reaper appears again, this time the grim reaper and creature wrestle on the ground. Lillian steps and grabs the lamp on her nightstand awaiting the right moment to hit the creature, she made her move the grim reaper moved, she whacks its head knocking it out. The reaper is just about to leave when… she called out the reaper. “Wait.” She yells. The reaper turned around and looked at her his face was ghastly; it looked a ghostly face of a skull and he wore a black hood over his face and held his scythe. “Why do you keep saving me?” Lillian asked cautiously. He waited a moment then spoke. “I’m here to help you on your journey”. The reaper hissed. “Wait what?’’ Lillian queried. “I’m not here to reap your soul, I’m not other reapers I’m different, I’m a saver of souls, a protector. That thing wants you and he take your soul to hell. He’s soul demon, he was trying to suck your soul out of you, he’ll take your soul first, then devour your body whole.” Lillian gulped. She had no words to answer the reaper. My journey? What journey? You my dear will die and you embark on a journey through hell, but this soul demon wants you and will do anything to get it. I’m going to die. How? You die in head on car crash and die instantly. The reaper explained. Oh. Lillian said looking sad. I have to go now I’ll be around watching out for you. The reaper said. Thank you.” Lillian said. Before the reaper left, he gave Lillian a gold medallion necklace and told her to call upon it whenever she needed him and he’d be there. “I’m going to die!!!” Lillian exclaimed. This is nuts she said to herself and a journey through hell, a soul eating demon? She felt she was in some bad horror movie. Wow what a night. After hearing that God awful news there was no way she was going back to bed, but oh my stars, the creature was still in her room knocked out, what was she going to do with it, what if came to and it came after again. She walked into her room to it if it there it was gone and left behind was some type of powder and smelled nasty. She was glad it was gone at least for now, maybe she could finally get some sleep. That day her friends called and invited her out for drinks and dancing and Lillian was really excited about except for one thing, her death. She didn’t want to die especially in a car accident, that the worst way to die. She didn’t want to go tragically like that, she wanted to die as an old woman, peaceful in her bed. She was told of a vision of her death and there no way to avoid it. Poor Lillian felt so sad and depressed. What was going to do her death was predicted by the grim reaper and I don’t he was lying. I guess I better get going. She got ready to go, took a shower, threw on some makeup and shoes, and she grabbed her keys and headed out the door. She got into little pink V.W. Bug, it been a gift from her father and she’s had since graduation. She pulls out of the driveway and heads to her favorite club where she was meeting her friends, she goes to make a turn and… a truck careens into her hitting the side of her car, her head hit the steering wheel hard, everything went black. Her cell is ringing and ringing, she’s getting texts, it’s her friends and their worried out of their mind worried about her. It was hours later and EMTS were there, firefighters, police. They trying to Lillian out with the jaws of life but it was too late, she as dead. The paramedics pick up lifeless body and held her in their arms and placed her on the stretcher. One of her friends had gone coroners to identify her friend’s body. Missy couldn’t believe her best friend was dead, Lillian had been like a sister to her, they had been best friends since kindergarten, and all through high school and college. Missy had been family to Lillian, no Missy had no one but her best friends and family. It was the week of the funeral and Missy had tons to do, her and friends helped with the funeral arrangements, today was the viewing and was going to be rough. The funeral home had done a wonderful with Lillian, she looked beautiful she was wearing her favorite summer dress, sandals, and jewelry; it was rough seeing her if Missy could make through today, she could make through the funeral. The eulogy, which was given by Lillian’s friend Cherish, it was rough to listen to but she nailed Lillian everything about her. The service was long and was growing tired and sad, she missed her best friend very much. At the same time Missy could feel her around and if Lillian were here, she would have loved everything. It was a beautiful service and funeral was after. It was early in the morning when she her and besties were heading to the cemetery, Lillian had plot where she could be buried next to her parents. Missy listened to the pastor read from the bible and say some kind words, and then some of Lillian’s ex-boyfriends stepped up to be pallbearers and lifted her to her final resting place, Missy lost it and just cried and cried and that day Lillian was laid to rest. When Lillian woke up, she was in a place she didn’t recognize, it smelled of charred burning flesh the smell was enough to make her wince and it was hotter than hell literally. T There were jagged, craggy rocks jetting from the ceilings and floor of the cave, it looked uber creepy and scary. She never pictured herself ever being in hell she always thought she’d go to heaven, but I guess God had a different plan for her. “Where am I?” Lillian said out loud to her herself. “Oh no. I must be dead and now I’m in hell it’s just like the reaper predicted.” All of sudden she was sad, one minute she was driving next, she was here. Her friends must be wondering where she is was, she had no family for they all passed away. She thought what the grim reaper said about the soul demon. She heard a noise and it was coming closer and was getting louder, she hid in nearby cave ducking in the darkness praying she wouldn’t get discovered. She peeked out from the opening of the cave, it had been the soul demon, it was sniffing for something it got louder then grew quiet, and then went away. She looked around the opening to see if the coast was clear and she made her move and looked for exit. She followed the dark, narrow hallways of the bowels of hell itself. Her journey began and for she was on her own, she makes her way through the hallways she sees unspeakable things, things you only see in your worst nightmares. She heard yelling, and screaming, and moaning, and what sounded like people getting tortured. The sound was so eerie and hellish, Lillian wanted to get as fast as she could. The reaper was there he is watching over her he was staying a stone throw away. Why didn’t he come when the soul demon attacked her? She wondered She heard something behind her and it sounded like it was running, she picked up the pace and began to run, she ran and ran until she reached a series of caves in which she picked on and dove in it. The grim reaper was from hell but he was from the darkest, deepest part of hell he was different from other demons in hell, you see the reaper wasn’t born this way or made by the devil he used to be a human who was banished to hell by a witch and turned into the grim reaper, he betrayed the witch and which sought his revenge on him. The reaper is still part human which what makes him want to save them and not reap their souls, however he still had to reap souls once in a while since he saved Lillian’s life it to take soul in place of saving hers and he was going to reap the soul of the soul demon. Lillian felt something cold hit her chest as kneels in the cave and hides she looked down it was the medallion that the reaper gave to her. She forgot all the necklace and what it could do but since she was on a journey, she wanted to this on her own. She wanted to be strong, to be a fighter and not call on the reaper, unless she really needed to. The soul demon sniffed the air, snot dripping from its nostrils, it hissed at the smell of a soul. To it souls smelled like innocence, and it smelled of something heavenly, something that attracted the soul demon. It looked the caves checking each and every one, Lillian could hear it coming she backed herself into a tight corner and hid praying she wouldn’t be found but it found her anyway and now she was on his turf. It lunged at her, jumping on knocking her over, she screamed they wrestled. The demon put his mouth to hers and starting sucking but nothing would come out. Her soul was being protected by someone or something of higher being, she reeked of a heavenly scent and too much for the demon to take. He tried biting her, his teeth sank into her arm and tore off a chunk of flesh, Lillian screamed in pain, he liked the taste of her and wanted more. Lillian smacked him away with her good arm and ran to hell trying to find a way out, the soul demon was close behind her and he was ticked. She ran to all sorts of demons who hissed and growled as she ran past, hell was an endless maze and she scared she’d never get out, hell she was scared she would die here. But she couldn’t let that happen, she was growing weak and her arm hurt and was now becoming infected. She was about to give up all hope when out of nowhere came this bright light and an angel appeared and showed her the way out it was her mother. She followed her mother to a crack in hell that was big enough for her to squeeze through, she goes through but something is pulling her back it’s the soul demon, he is tugging hard it was hurting her arm, she fought hard to pull away but he was so strong. “You’re not leaving hell my pretty. The soul demon hissed. Oh yes I am I don’t belong here and you will not have me.” Lillian growled back. The demon grew angrier and took another chunk out her arm as he bit down, Lillian screamed. She grabbed her medallion with her good arm and wished upon it. Just when she thought she a goner the reaper showed up and he now fighting off the soul demon. “Where were you when the soul demon attacked me?!” Lillian yelled at him. Something was keeping me from you, the soul demon is powerful and was keeping me from you.” He yelled back as fought he soul demon.” He took his scythe and swung it at the soul demon lopping off its head, he watched at fell to the ground, its body fell down with it. Black blood oozed out it. He bent down and just before the soul of the demon disappeared the reaper took it and placed inside of him. The reaper helped Lillian through the crack and looked at her wounds, her mother who had been watching the whole time laid her hand on her daughter’s arm and healed it. The reaper’s face changed he was no longer scary or evil looking, he looked normal, he looked human. The angel looked at the reaper and said this. My child you have been cursed for far too long and have proven yourself worthy and I remove the curse that’s been put upon you and now you can live freely. Thank you, the reaper, said, thank you Mother Lillian said. You’re both very welcome the angel said now go and be free of this place.” The reaper turned to Lillian and replied. Hi, I’m Jeramiah and I was cursed by a witch who damned me to hell and turned into a reaper. I have always been human and it was the human side of that saved you. I have been watching over all your life. Hi, thank you for saving me yet again. It’s my pleasure the reaper retorted. Let’s get out of here, just as they walk out of hell hand in hand a stairway to heaven appears and they walk up together and Lillian was reunited with her parents.