Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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20 Possessed

It was the year 2008 in a quiet, suburban, neighborhood of Euclid lived a family of four, they had been a good Christian family they had just moved into the neighborhood so were fairly new to the neighborhood and they barely knew anyone. They had left their old house where they for over two years and finally were able to buy a place of their own. The house was a cute little three bedroom bungalow and it was set in a nice little neighborhood. About after two weeks the neighborhood began to change, it used to feel friendly and nice but now it felt evil and creepy you could feel it atmosphere. After about two weeks after moving in the neighborhood felt weird it no longer felt warm and welcoming it felt strange to her, every time she’d gone outside, she get the creeps and she’d get goosebumps on her all over her body. The mother was a medium otherwise known as a sensitive, or spiritualist, she see ghosts, spirits, and other entities. It was a gift she had all her life and her gift was passed down from her grandfather. She remembered him using dousing rods and growing up when I saw him using them, I asked him what are those rods for Pop? He’d tell me he was using those rods to find water, but even though I was young I knew what those rods were really used for. There were originally called witching rods and were used for finding ghosts and spirits and other entities. I always thought it was the coolest thing and I wished I had my own to use. I always wondered if he had the same gift, I did and that’s where I got from. One day while the kids were at school the mother was cleaning her kids’ room and she was putting stuff in trash bags to throw out and once the bag was full, she was going to take out to the curb for trash. When she had gone outside it felt extremely strange, something was off she could feel it in her gut, she immediately got the chills and the creeps. The atmosphere felt different it felt creepy and evil, the mother didn’t like one bit. As she puts the trash to the curb a kid around sixteen years old in a green van comes driving down their street and is staring at her with cold, evil eyes, but not just any eyes his eyes weren’t normal his eyes were black, black as can be and he stared at her with such a coldness it pierced her soul. “Oh, my goodness! He’s possessed! She exclaimed. Now the mother only seen this happen two times before in her life once when she was a young girl and she was choked by a teenage boy and when her father was possessed but only for a second. But this was different, God only knows how long this kid had been possessed for. She looked back at him and it hard not to stare when you’re being stared at by someone whose possessed. This kid was so evil he wanted to come after her she feel his vengeance and malice it was so scary. She was just about to walk back into her house when…. when he parked his car and got out and began to chase her, she ran as fast as she could to run back into the house, he was close behind her, she could feel him. He put his foot in the door to stop her from closing the door she tried fighting him off but he was too strong he forced his way in. She ran into the bathroom and locked it, but he kicked the door in with his foot, the door exploded wood splinters flying everywhere, she screamed. She heard the demon inside him growl, it was deep and guttural. His eyes her black and cold it like staring into a bottomless black pit. He lunged at her wrapping his strong around her throat and began to squeeze as hard as he could. She tried to push this kid off of with her feet and legs but the weight and strength she couldn’t. She coughed and hacked, she tried to pry his hands off her neck but it was too hard and his grip was strong, the demon inside this kid wanted her dead and would stop at nothing to do it just so it could drag her to hell, that’s how she felt. She began to pray to God, please Lord give me the strength to fight, help Lord. She could the life drain out of her, she began to get weaker, the pressure on her throat became more vigorous, this was it the end of my life. Her kids, life flashed before her eyes as well as her own and then everything went black. She closed her eyes and she was still, she had just passed out when the kid though she was dead he left her lying on the floor. A voice was calling her to wake up, it sounded like a heavenly voice, it sounded like God; she obeyed the voice and slowly got up and she slowly and looked the house it  was  a  wreck  and  she  heard  noises  coming  from  upstairs,  he’d been throwing things then she heard a ripping sound, she followed the sound. Quietly she crept, when she made to the top of the steps at the landing, she witnessed the possessed boy turn a cross upside down just by looking at it. But then she witnessed something that day she’d never forget. A bright, heavenly light came out of nowhere and out the light appeared the Lord it was the most amazing thing she’d ever seen, she fell to her knees and began to worship and praise the Lord that was in her presence. He looked at her with warm, kind, loving, gentle eyes and He spoke “everything is okay my child.” I knew at the moment it that everything was alright, the marks on her neck disappeared, He then said nothing placed His hand on the kid and his black eyes were brown again he was no longer possessed he was a normal kid again. The kid looked around all confused and he ran out of the house got into his van and drove off, the mother never saw him again and it’s experience she’ll never forget. Last time the mother checked the kid that was possessed is now baptized, he goes to church, and now is a Christian.