Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

Echo Of Ghosts

It was midnight, I was so exhausted and I was in a realm I didn’t recognize. It was cold and dark and all I could hear was an echo of ghosts calling for help. It seemed to be coming from every direction, the sound was deafening; it was so loud I placed my hands over my ears. Where was I? How did I get here? What realm am I in? Was I dead? I kept asking myself. I felt so alone but yet surround by spirits. I forced myself to get up, I had been crouching in the corner all night and my legs and body were stiff, it hurt to get up but I got up anyway; I made my way through the darkness trying to feel my way around. I ran my hand through the air trying to feel a wall, or a door. All I could feel were cold hands touching me, they were reaching out for human contact. “Where am I?” I shouted loudly. All I heard were ghosts talking at once. It was hard to think when you have a million ghosts talking at once. All I wanted was silence so I could hear. Maya was seven when she first began seeing ghosts and spirits. She loved being a clairvoyant, she gets along better with ghosts and spirits then humans, and that’s just how she felt. After graduation Maya said goodbye to her parents got into her car and drove to her new life. She was moving out she’d saved up from every job she ever had and bought her own apartment and she going to college she found a community college close to her new apartment. Her new apartment was old, it looked it was made in the 1800s but it was beautifully restored keeping they it looked back in the 1800s, it even had the old original windows. Maya couldn’t wait to move in, she’d lived her mother for far too long and whatever savings she had would go to rent. Her college was paid for by her mother, her father split when she was only four. The thing about this old apartment was that it was haunted, but nobody knew that the tenants that lived there had no clue. Back in the 1800s when it was first built there was a fire and the whole building caught fire mysteriously some say it was arson, others say it was a chimney fire, others say it was someone who fell asleep with a cigarette. Countless people were killed, burned up, nothing left but charred bodies. When the paramedics and firemen came, they claimed it was the most horrific scene they had ever seen. They’re had been reports of some tenants seeing apparitions, or hearing voices some were heard in the basement, but most of were on the 4th floor. In the same apartment where Maya was going to live. Maya was driving on her way to the apartment when suddenly she began to have visions, she pulled off the side of the road and parked the car. She saw visions people, so many people, they are crying out for help but it too late and all she saw was fire and flames, they were flames everywhere and it hot, so hot that she could feel the heat. She saw herself walking around this building being surrounded by flames. A voice kept calling into the basement of the apartment it trying to lead her down there, but could she trust this voice? Was it good, was it evil? Then all of sudden it was quiet; she went down anyway to see to what she could feel. She walked down the stairs, the basement felt cold and she felt more than one presence there. Some were good, there was an evil spirit there she could feel it; it was so strong it made her physically ill. She felt weak, and nauseous, and her head began to hurt. The evil spirit was just about to lunge at her when a ghost came from out of nowhere and pushed her out of the way it took the brunt of the attack. She quickly ran back upstairs; she made her way to the fourth floor. She began to get flashes of people running left and right and everywhere trying to escape the fire but it had been too late. She heard screaming coming from every direction, the sound was earsplitting. She covered her ears, and slumped on the floor against the wall, she made herself get up, she went to the door apartment 4-1. She walked in an immediately was hit with spirits, it had been a family of four that locked themselves in the closet and had been huddled together, she walked to the closet and opened it, there were the bodies burnt and huddled together. It was a heartbreaking sight. All these spirits were trapped in this building and were earthbound as if something were keeping them here. Just as about a spirit was going to show her what happened a policeman had driven by seeing her in the car and gently knocked on the window. “Miss, are you ok, are you need of medical attention, miss? Suddenly Maya shook herself out of her vision, the policeman has scared her. “Oh, hi officer. Mays said. You surprised me. Oh, sorry about that miss, I saw you just sitting here and wanted to know if you are ok. Yes, officer, I pulled to the side of the road because I wasn’t feeling well and must have dozed off. Maya answered. I’m glad you’re okay miss, I need you to move on, ok? Yes sir, of course officer.” She replied. She waved goodbye and closed her window and drove to the apartment. She pulled into the parking garage and parked her car; the moving truck would be here by noon. She began unpacking the car and taking things upstairs, the minute she walked into the building she began seeing flashes of what happened, she saw many spirits, then she saw him she saw the evil spirit he tried to hide from her. The spirit who saved her showed what the evil spirit had done, he taken a can of kerosene and matches and lit the whole place on fire. She saw him grab the kerosene and matches from his father’s garage. The man walked to the apartment, walked right in, went straight to the basement, and doused with kerosene and lit the match and threw it. His plan was set the fire and run except he accidently caught himself on fire and he died instantly, he burnt to death. The whole apartment went up in flames some people escaped unharmed, and other died in the fire. Over one hundred people died that day, that was one hundred spirits trapped including the arsonist. What Maya saw was absolutely horrendous. This was slowly taking a toll on her, she only take some much, she was becoming weak, the spirits were taking her energy. She shook her head, shaking her vision away, she continued to walk up to her apartment. Four flights of stairs she walked till she reached her apartment which had been 4-1. She walked in and was hit with the spirits that lived here. All she heard was help us, help us, help us. How could live in a place that was haunted? Easy, she has learned to co-exist together. She been going up and down flights of steps all day and was growing tired. She had grabbed her last thing of boxes and taken them upstairs, she’d unpacked all day long; she was tired and hungry. The whole she spent unpacking it had been quiet, not one single ghost had bothered her. She’d ordered a pizza had it delivered she ate it and went to bed. All night she toss and turned, then all of a sudden, she was pulled into another realm, she felt herself swirling and twirling in circles. She felt herself hit the hard floor with a thud, she rubbed her leg because it hurt and was sore. She opened her eyes, still feeling sleepy, she looked at her watch it was midnight, I was so exhausted and I was in a realm I didn’t recognize. It was cold and dark and all I could hear was an echo of ghosts calling for help. It seemed to be coming from every direction, the sound was deafening; it was so loud I placed my hands over my ears. Where was I? How did I get here? What realm am I in? Was I dead? I kept asking myself. I felt so alone but yet surround by spirits. I forced myself to get up, I had been crouching in the corner all night and my legs and body were stiff, it hurt to get up but I got up anyway; I made my way through the darkness trying to feel my way around. I ran my hand through the air trying to feel a wall, or a door. All I could feel were cold hands touching me, they were reaching out for human contact. “Where am I?” I shouted loudly. All I heard were ghosts talking at once. It was hard to think when you have a million ghosts talking at once. She feels a door and reaches for the knob, she turns it and it opens it, the door flies swings open and she’s nothing but evil spirits and dark entities; one comes at her she slams it shut before it reaches the door, she quickly locks it. She can see and hear spirits all around her. They were grabbing her hands and arms, reaching for her, and pulling her every which way. “I must be in a spirit realm, but how in Hades did I get here? Can I travel on dream plane? Did I astral project myself here?” She asked herself. “Question is how do I get back home?” She heard a voice, it sounded like it was coming from upstairs and it was a voice that sounded familiar. “Maya, Maya, it said over and over. I’m Melena you’re spirit guide; I’m here to help you.” She followed the voice upstairs and it led her to a room and around this spirit was a bright white light. The spirit grabbed her hand and Maya saw a bright light flash in front of her eyes and suddenly she was back in her bed safe and sound. The spirit was there with her, Maya could feel her around, she felt like family. She looked like family too, Maya found a picture of her great- grandmother, she looked at the picture then the spirit and back at the picture again, it was her great-great-grandmother. The spirit touched her hand, Maya saw a flash and she was in her apartment except everything looked different it the furniture was different it look it was Victorian it was beautiful. The apartment building itself was brand new and just built. There her great- great- grandmother sitting a rocking a baby it must have been her grandmother she was rocking. All of sudden she saw smoke all around her, she smell it. Her great-great grandmother grabbed the baby and hid in the closet, in a flash Maya was in the basement there was the man who started the fire she seen everything she saw him. He saw her and watched her the whole time as he started the fire as if he were proud of what he did. He smiled evilly and in the smoke behind him was an evil spirit almost demon like. The spirit of Melena came to her and said this, “You must send him back, you must send him back, send to the realm. His name is Nathan Harding. “Nathan Harding, I condemn back to your realm, now go!” Maya said in a firm voice, the smoke demon and Nathan disappeared into the floor and was gone. The apartment had gone up in flames and it was too late, all she could hear was screaming all around her, she ran upstairs to her great- great-grandmother she saw her great-great-grandfather he had broken into the closet and rescued the baby, but it had been too late for his wife, she was gone. He ran outside with the baby, he and baby were the only survivors of All the people in the apartment had died of smoke inhalation and burnt to death, they said it was the worst fire of that time. So many tragic deaths, it was no wonder why so many spirits were trapped there. Maya realized she was in the apartment the whole time, the echo of spirits she thought she heard in the realm she thought she was in was the trapped spirits in the apartment. At that moment she knew what she had to do. She crossed over every single spirit trapped in the apartment, except for the one she condemned, the building she lives in is now ghost free. Maya still sees her great-great-grandmother from time and time. Maya is now a medium and she helps people with haunting in her home and helps the spirits cross over, and condemns the evils ones, Maya still lives in that apartment till this very  day.