Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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It didn't take long for Bill to locate the Boscovs wing and make his way down towards the fountain. A pearly white statue of an angel was perched in the center waters spewing water out from its pointer finger. It was a beautiful fountain that never got nearly the amount of attention in which it so rightly deserved.

Although the pearly angel had been a part of the mall for the past 15 years the majority of the mall's regular customers that had passed it millions of times would not be able to describe a single feature on the angel if their life depended on it.

As Bill got closer he noticed a man clad in light brown hunching over and lightly tossing pennies into the fountain.

The man appeared to be in his upper thirties but tossed those pennies at the speed of an old man. The $342 flannel fedora laced with pearls on his head was a dead giveaway that this was indeed the million dollar man. But why dressed all in light brown?

Bill didn't hesitate to strike off the conversation. "I'd think a rich guy like you would be throwing quarters instead."

Dirty Bird tossed another dull penny between the angels toes as if to tease it knowing damn well that it couldn't move. Dirty Bird tossed another one at its feet for good measure. He then handed Bill a 50 cent roll of pennies so he could join in. "True I could stand here all day tossing quarters but that would only draw attention and that's not what I'm after."

Screw Tooth Bill had already been brought up to speed about Dirty Bird's pithy little sayings he occasionally did at times when he wanted his listeners to think outside the box. Jeremiah had advised him to do like everybody else did and play along as if his sayings made perfect sense when in reality the Dirty Bird talk always ended up being far, far from the "word". True the Bird will always be the word but Bob Miller should be smart enough to know that there had been many birds BEFORE him. Bill got right to the chase to help speed things up. He was very much hoping that there would not be some sort of lame dumb preamble to this strange meeting.

Unfortunately Jeremiah had forgotten to remind him that Dirty Bird himself knew not about the funny knick name that had been bestowed upon him by the township gossipers.

"Ok Bird Man. So what's hot on your plate right now? Why am I out here?"

Bob Miller fessed up immediately. "I know this sounds kind of crazy coming from a millionaire but I need you a lot more than you would need me for anything. I had to go through great lengths to find a man with your experience."

It would be the first time Bob would get an up close view of the screws in Bill's mouth. Bill's grin was so big you could stuff a subway cookie inside there at least halfway before it would crumble.

"Experience? You're looking for a man with experience? I'm a garbage collector for God's sake! Is this some sort of a joke?"

Bob remained calm and continued tossing pennies at the angel.

"I know...ten years as a matter of fact."

"15" Corrected Bill. "The other five years came from another six other companies."

Dirty Bird got excited. "That helps even more!"


Bob kept finessing the pennies as if they were dice and he was trying to show off at a craps table. Bill was noticing that he was aiming for the angels left foot. He opted to make his own personal target the right foot just for fun. He was already trying to be like Bob and not even realizing it. Enough time spent with this man and he would talk like him. He would walk like him. And maybe, just maybe....he would end up with a creepy laugh similar to Dirty Bird's which would later make it clear to the public that he had spent some time with him.

Bob took in a deep sigh. "Is it not true that cops befriend other cops. Doctors befriend other doctors. Judges no doubt would befriend other judges. Is this observation so not true Bill?"

Bill began parting with more of the copper pennies as if determined to quickly get through the roll already starting to feel the uneasiness weighing in. "Well yeah I would imagine that observation holds very true with the way of life....where are you going with this?"

Bob grinned an impish smile. "If that statement holds true Bill then after 15 years in your profession the chances are good that you know a heck of a lot of garbage man!!!" He laid a firm hand on his shoulder. "Your just the man I'm looking for".

Although Bob Miller was getting excited Bill was still left utterly confused. "For what?"

That's when a 29 year old sand haired man dressed in an Armani suit emerged from around the corner to interrupt them.

He was toting a burgundy colored suitcase in his right arm.

"For information that's what. I can take it from here Bob. You can go now before you end up saying something stupid."

Dirty Bird threw one last penny into the fountain and then quickly vamoosed as if the police had been called. Mr.Rogers adjusted his coke bottle glasses and sat down on the bench then placed the briefcase on his lap. He tapped the right empty space on the bench motioning for Bill to sit down. Bill reluctantly took a seat on the bench.

Mr.Rogers proceeded to steeple his hands while fishing for a preamble. "Bob Miller is a real nice quiet guy....he's just kind of different ya know."

Bill chuckled. "I see that. I've never seen a man so excited to meet a terminated garbage man."

Mr.Rogers showed off his immaculate teeth. "Hey yes...well ya know when one door closes another one opens."

Bill grunted. "Humph... And I suppose Bob plans to help me with all that? You know those powerball winners often end up off their rockers and it doesn't take long for the money to dry up."

Mr.Rogers slicked back a strand of his sandy hair trying to tickle the bridge of his nose. "Heh...He's got a long, long ways to go before that happens. He's curbed his gambling habits quite a bit since the construction on Miller Island. His stock investments have already doubled in just two years."

Bill was still trying to figure things out. "So he's been hiding for all these years as a secret millionaire?"

Evan Rogers nodded.

"And I'm guessing he's having trouble hiring garbage men to leave their families to come work on his island?"

Evan nodded once more. "He pays his employees very, very well. Full benefits. Paid vacations. Mandatory raises every year. Everybody likes working for Bob. He's most generous at Christmas time."

"He's religious?"

Mr.Rogers chuckled. "Far from it. But if ya ever want to get under his skin just wish him a Merry Xmas. Bob adores lazy people but he really hates it when they can get that lazy to go as far as to take "Christ" out of Christmas as the word "mas" means celebration and Bob doesn't feel as though ANYBODY should be celebrating the outcome of the X-Files."

Shoppers at the mall continued milling about but keeping their distance from the two giving them the privacy in their conversation or "business meeting". Many shoppers just assumed Mr.Rogers was just another recruiter trying to lure more lonely suckers into the Aristay Pyramid scheme.

Bill's eyes grew in size. "The X-Files? What the heck is that?" Evan proceeded to open up the briefcase case. "The X-Files is what this is all about Bill. Mr. Miller is not motivated by greed or attention. Mr.Miller has made it his life long personal endeavor to figure out a way to make all the corrupt leaders in this country expose their ignorance over the years towards the poor people and less fortunate people. Mr. Miller intends to reveal each and every case in the X-Files that has been purposely left untouched by the dictators over us."

Bill was becoming highly amused at what he felt was becoming a bogus story. He played along with it anyways.

"Can I ask you a question Bill?"


"Do you like attorneys?"