Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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Bob Miller was always a big fan of nano technology but when it came to watching the movie Ant Man he had hardly the extra free time. He was an inventor himself and had already invested hundreds of thousands into his adult Lego collection which he used to create his robots. As a perfectionist Bob always left himself an "out". At no given point in his life could Bob ever be caught with any dangerous contraband that could land him in trouble with the law. His agent that followed him around was the one that carried the concealed weapon. And in the event that Bob would be carrying around something "hot"?

He always made sure it could be permanently destroyed within a matter of seconds. That's why Bob was so much in love with his Legos. Some of the machines he built with them could land him in trouble but why light up a fire to destroy the machines when you could rip them all apart, save the blue prints, to rebuild the machine later? And when Bob finally figured out how to build a machine that could build yet another machine? He was golden. Movies like Trancendence would be right up his alley.

Bob's homemade Lego robot was no bigger than a scorpion. It actually looked much like a scorpion. Even crawled like one too. It was radio controlled and capable of many, many things. Fully equipped with pinhole camera lenses, webbed feet with material similar sticky balls, and even a getaway spider like zip line contraption very much similar to what Spider Man might have. What made ScorpioA16 so great for recon work is when things went sour it had the ability to dissemble itself. Not only that but ScorpioA16 was so intricately put together it also had the ability to break itself down into 16 individual microscopic crawling robots. The entire "brain" of the ScorpioA16 was no bigger than the size of a dime. All the circuitry could only be visible to the naked eye if held under a microscope. Bob liked to keep things small.

Bob sat in his dark Lincoln Towncar a good half mile down the street from the top secret government building. He reached for a spot under the dashboard and began to unscrew a wingnut bolt that connected to the car's antenna. He then ran a wire from his laptop to that same spot under the dashboard. The car radio went fuzzy at the loss of the antenna. As Bob finally tightened the wingnut with his thumb a panoramic view of the files room popped onto his laptop screen. He thumbed around the miniature joystick a few times to see what he was looking at. He had spent many weeks learning how to deftly maneuver ScorpioA16 better than any teenager could fly a drone. What Bob liked about his stealthy little robot was it did many, many things and could do it all without making a single sound.

The robot itself wasn't much heavier than a tarantula spider and had no problem making it's way furtively through the Dusty heating ducts and into the room. It literally had no limitations as to what it could do. Bob had even designed a special military grade electromagnetic contraption that gave it the ability to climb up a 100 ft wall. ScorpioA16 was even capable of using it's tiny tools to pick through any locks that it needed to.

Bob always liked to keep ScorpioA16 moving very very slow to prevent any possible interrupter from believing it was not an unwanted insect but rather a radio controlled robot. Very much similar to "Q-Spider" from the James Bond video game that Nentendo 64 had released years ago. ScorpioA16 slowly began climbing up an enormous filing cabinet brandishing a big metallic sticker with the wording "X-Files". All attorneys knew about the X-Files but went about their motor-mouth lives making a point of keeping these files out of the hands of the public. The "X-Files" to all the attorneys across the United States was basically to them deemed the recycling bin that everybody keeps on their main screen computer. The recycling bin AKA trash can. It basically consisted of all ignored complaints by any American citizen that has ever consulted with an attorney to file a complaint. It also consisted of lawsuits that have made it as far into the courts but still ended up getting vetoed. The "X-Files" even contained motions withdrawn by arrogant Judges that already had their opinions made up about things. No Attorney in their right mind would ever want details of the "X-Files" publicly exposed to the public. Bob had no intentions of stealing these files but he had spent many, many years figuring out and hatching a plan to capture and intercept all of the information in these files. If it's one thing that he was always certain about the judicial system is that no matter how old something was, nothing ever EVER got thrown out.

ScorpioA16 extended one of its arms and began picking through the lock releasing bunches of tiny magnetic pins that could contour and shape themselves from inside the keyhole. Once the lock was picked ScorpioA16 crawled it's way up to the top of the cabinet and crooked one of it's other arms inside one of the top cracks that was ajar the most. Little teeny tiny motors whirled from inside the robot slowly turning the microscopic gears that gave the robot torque and strength like you wouldn't believe. When the top drawer was finally ajar enough for ScorpioA16 to crawl in Bob felt just a tiny bit of sweat beads forming on his forehead from all the excitement. ScorpioA16 wasted no time once it was able to crawl in and immediately began taking myriads of high resolution pictures of each and every dismissed lawsuit. Every single complaint that had ever been filed but thrown right out the window by attorneys feigning the usual lie of having the lack of clout to push the envelope. A grievance that had been crumbled up because the dictators of law had gotten an early "bad taste in their mouth"

As a bead of sweat dripped away from the tip of his nose Dirty Bird couldn't help but bask in his glory. He wasn't the type to howl at the moon but he surely had a little rain dance all of his own. It sounded a bit bird like.

"Aaaawwwwkkkk!....Aaaawwwkkkk!!!......Aaaaawwwwkkkk!! !!!