Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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Things on Miller Island were working out rather smoothly. Alice was having a great time working at Swendy's for $15.00 an hour doing the same exact thing she used to do back home. Working on Miller Island was just like living a dream. The entire Island was beautiful and even had robotic statues of dinosaurs that moved and looked very realistic. Some days Alice liked to just lay on the beach and stare at the beautiful coconuts that dangled from the palm trees. She never dreamed of ever thinking this would one day be a reality.

The pretties or "Wolves" as Bob liked to call them were having an absolute blast with their free vacation. They loved Miller Island casino and 75% of them partook in purchasing the $200 non-refundable "Miller Time" casino chips which panned out to be an amazing deal. Because Bob owned the Island he could make his own rules. He was not in anyway shape or form under U.S jurisdiction as United State laws did not apply to him.

"Miller Time" casino chips were every gamblers dream for just $200 you got totally different colored poker chips that amounted to $800 face value. And the only catch? The Miller Time chips could not be cashed out after purchasing. They had to be gambled. So for 200 bucks you had 800 dollars worth of poker chips to gamble with. Winnings of course could be cashed out so the dealers knew to pay out the winnings with official Miller Casino chips. Many good roulette players were turning the "Miller Time" chips into a cool thousand dollars.

But their dumb blond wives? Had frittered away all the non- refundable "Miller Time" poker chips on stupid long shot bets. 23 year old Pamela Grey had been given to her what was promised. A full time job inside the banking area of Miller Casino with amazing benefits. Because she mostly resembled an innocent looking farmer's daughter, Dirty Bird had no problems trusting her with his money. Bob always saw to it that none of his employees try getting tricky on everybody by adjusting the thermostat to save the casino a couple bucks. Bob simply didn't believe in penny pinching. He always believed that supplying comfort was the key to success. Any grievances on the island deserved utmost attention in the highest regards.

Today was Alice's day off from Swendy's and although she wasn't a gambler she opted to hang out at the casino to chit chat with her newly found friend Pamela Grey. Although Pamela was a lot younger than her it didn't make a difference because Alice had spent so many years working at entry level positions that she was still used to hanging out with a younger crowd. Every now and then a loud cheer would erupt when one of the Playful Wolves in a hot bikini shot through the water slide tube that went right over the black jack table. The Dinosaur themed decor in the casino was simply amazing. These people would eventually leave Miller Island Casino with memories to remember for all the years to come.

When the cash out line finally dwindled Alice jumped up to the window to chat with Pamela. Pamela seemed in a really good mood.

"Psssst" Pam....hey it's me Alice!"

Pamela came over to the window holding a huge pile of hundred dollar bills. "Oh hey Alice...Swendy's treating ya pretty good? It's my understanding that we can switch jobs anytime that we would like to since I'm hearing that were all getting fifteen bucks an hour Bob really doesn't care where on the Island we work."

Alice smiled. "Yeah it is nice here...." She played with her hair, "I'm just worried that's all...everything seems too good to be true....I just can't seem to figure out with as much as Bob always hated the rich folks he would invite them all here over to the Island for a free week long all expense vacation.....seems rather strange....I think he's up to something....something big."

Pamela gaped at Alice's observation and cupped her mouth.

"Oh my God I can't believe you think that too...I'm mean he's real nice and all....but why bring a bunch of haughty party assholes over here? Jenna was saying one of the Fuglies working in landscaping got lashed out by a former judge because the lawn mower caught a rock and it spit it out right at his hotel window...I mean shit...these people aren't even paying anything to vacation here...some of them are loud obnoxious assholes Alice....Why would Dirty Bird bring them over here? Me and the girls were just talking about it yesterday...A lot of his invites just don't make any sense."

Alice stuffed a few cheese fries into her mouth she had gotten from the snack bar. She chewed thoroughly on a freshly cut French fry as she pondered. "There must be something more to this that we just don't know. I like it here...It's amazing here and I'm thanks to his free lodging he provides for us I'm able to save up money. The pretties or "Wolves" as Bob likes to call them haven't given me a hard time yet. Actually when I think about it these red jerseys he gave us to wear are kind of cool. Comfortable too. I wish other jobs offered basketball jerseys for work uniforms."

Pamela chuckled. "Did you know come next week Bob wants some of us to join his basketball team and play some ball with those assholes he invited over to the Island for a free vacation?"

Alice was shocked to not be the first one to hear. "Huh?"

Pamela was glowing now. "That's right...evidently he made some basketball jerseys for his richy rich friends as well. I got to peak at one of their jerseys. They get to wear silky royal blue ones....their jerseys say Tenacious Wolves on the front."

Alice giggled at the thought. She popped another greasy French fry into her mouth. "The Rising Fuglies verses the Tenacious Wolves....sounds kind of interesting...I'll be sure to watch the game and give my support."

Pamela grinned sheepishly. "Have you seen Bob's jersey both front and back yet?"

"No why?" Replied Alice.

"It's actually pretty cool looking. Says Dirty Bird on the back with letters that are rounded. Cool as hell."

Alice chuckled. "And I'm supposing he's got a number printed on the back as well?"

"Ha you bet he does...in white matching lettering....number 55...yesterday when he was doing his hand stand push-ups I thought I was looking at the number 22....guess his shirt was inside out."