Sing The Blues by Tina Collins - HTML preview

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For The Alpha


They stood in the shadows, watching the prey.

Hot, panting breaths disappeared into the darkness and there was a constant shuffling of feet. Only these footfalls weren't the soft padding of paws going out for the hunt. These were the impatient pacing waiting for the go ahead to harry the prey. Naturally, though, in normal settings the hunt would be conducted differently.

There would be immediate harrying of the prey after they'd run it to exhaustion; as wolves, they couldn't do the death hold. There would be no quick passing just the ripping of flesh as they hung on for dear life.

There was a risk of death for all of them; all hunts were a test of agility, team work and judgement.

But, most of the predators took the easy option. They didn't want the prey to run any more. That was way too exhausting and time-consuming. But, they weren't natural ambushers, either. They had only become that after many years of laziness. Wolves evolved quickly. Why waste valuable hunting time by chasing? The prey sacrificed themselves right there and then through stupidity and carelessness.

Easy; way too easy.

Where was their hunting ground?

Here. It was an irregularly shaped circle of trees and bushes, far from the centre of town. The wolves were not urban hunters. In the centre of the circle, the prey gathered, staying close to their vehicles. The wolves paraded around them in the shadows, looking for an easy victim or two.

The prey knew they had to stay alert if they weren't to end up as food. They had learned quickly to avoid that possibility, if they could. Only testosterone charged males became stupid, over confident and distracted.

It didn't always work that way; sometimes it was just bad luck. If you looked juicy enough and had a lot of meat on your bones, then your number was likely to be up. Humans had these weird dangly bits on the outside of their bodies, too, the bigger the better; they were considered a delicacy.

Only the Alpha ate them. This was the only time that males weren't proud of the size of their erections. Bigger definitely didn't mean a better chance of sex or even fulfilling. Other humans would avoid them in case it put them at risk of predation.

Males needed to be most aware at the watering holes. But, they jostled night after night for the best position. They argued and pushed each other around to try to get a chance to drink. In doing so, they weakened their resolve. The danger would always continue to lurk.

A steady stream of prey made the circle a reliable source of food. It worked very much like a waterhole in the Serengeti. Prey are thirsty for sex, they come to drink (from several holes if they were lucky), singled out and then slaughtered.

Most of them already knew the rules. They stayed away from the dark; they stayed alert. But, the arrival of new prey always swung the balance back to the wolves.

This meant the hunt would be so much easier for them on that particular night.

Tonight the pack had caught up with two very attractive females. They were still inside the car so were relatively safe. But, the wolves peered inside, their breaths misting up the glass in the door frames, their green eyes reflected back at themselves.

The lights inside the car were not necessary for them to see. In the dark, their eyes were better than any other predator around. Each wolf could see and sense where they were in relation to itself and the prey.

The wolves ruled this part of the Serengeti through strength in numbers and abilities.

The prey were making that strange low rumbling noise again. Prey often did. They just couldn't help themselves. It didn't save them from attack so why do it? No good would ever come of it. If anything it drew attention to them. Maybe it was a warning to other humans to go away?

The pack retreated, nevertheless.

But, they became more frustrated. The hunt was taking too long. They wanted to get back to the den and to their Alpha. The Beta male kept them in place; he dropped his head and bared his teeth. The pack grew silent. They knew how far they could go. One bad move and it would be the wolves who became the sacrifice.

Oh, the prey loved that! It was a chance to get even; to show their contempt and their togetherness. The wolves often felt that way themselves but sometimes it just wasn't enough.

The prey inside the car had changed their position and were relieving each other of their clothes. Nakedness, mmm! The wolves licked their lips and they began to pant harder. The heat surrounding the pack had increased astronomically. The windows of the car misted up both inside and out. As the hot air hit the cold surface, tiny waterfalls formed before running down the glass to gather in small pools at the bottom. The cool water would have been a welcome relief for the hot, slobbering mouths, if they could reach them.

The wolves kept within the shadows; only their shining eyes betrayed their intention. The girls had no reason to think that they were anything but sad, horny men. Men who needed to brave the winter air just to get their kicks, like the disease-riddled smokers in all weathers. Such sad individuals.

The pack stepped back further when a door swung open. The girls clambered out; the dominant one pushing the other into the side of the car. But still she did not see.

The action hotted up, as they explored each other frantically. Legs were wide and lips were swollen.

The wolves moved closer. The scent of sex wafted around tantalisingly. Naked nipples stood proudly only to be smothered with a wet tongue curled up and around itself. Clothes were long forgotten, discarded throughout the car and around it.

The pack breathed out in unison, their expelled air hitting the part of the neck that hid the spine. Teeth followed, gripping and ripping into the flesh, delving in deep to access the spinal cord. Death would only come when the head was almost severed from the body.

The girl continued oblivious to the gaping hole in her neck. Blood began to pour from the wound. It seemed nothing could distract her. But it quickly disappeared. Only the Alpha would decide the fate of those taken back to the den.

The game's stage had moved once more to the front of the car. The addition of extra heat was welcomed by both of the prey. In cold winds such as these even passion and carnal desire gladly accepted a helping hand. The headlights of the continually arriving cars lit up the scene across the bonnet of the car. In the sweeping light, the solid surface morphed into liquid blood.

Still the girls' continued.

The wolves were not that far from the action, now. Their long snouts presented like cocks, hard and unforgiving. They were eager to take the prey. But, they knew better.

The car's rocking motions gradually increased in momentum, as the girls neared their climax.

When all seemed quiet, the sounds of groans and sighs finally dispersing, a clawed paw reached out. On the white skin beneath, a weal began to form.

A guttural scream was the only thing around left to hear.