Sing The Blues by Tina Collins - HTML preview

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Whispering Bunnies


Time passed slowly, trapped within these walls.

The true purpose of the building had changed many times, but it was still my 'home'. I had lived and worked there too. I'd felt safer nowhere else. Life as a maid wasn't easy but, it could be much harder if the family didn't care for you. Those kinds of people thought themselves better than anyone else. Even disagreements between neighbours were more about class differences than anything else. Those you could rely on to raise their hand to you.

But, here at home, life had been different for me. For many years I lived a relatively comfortable life as a servant. My employers took me in and protected me. They soon became my family.

Before that, in my previous job, visitors to the house had no need to go so far into the house. They stayed where it was warm; near the living room fire. The structure of the buildings weren't safe enough for them to venture further into the depths; stairs creaked and rot had taken hold in places. You didn't want to break your leg down one of them holes. You would still be expected to work, maybe even that much harder. Your injury, you see, would slow you down.

I'd lived that way for a while but, then I became lucky. I was taken into another household. These new people cared for me as best as they could. I couldn't expect them to treat me as their daughter and I didn't. A daughter would rank far higher than me.

When I lost them, I lost my life.

So I wanted to give something back to them for all the help they'd given me. But, for a while that something eluded me. Then, I learned what had happened to my family. They'd left me because of persecution. Persecution from those who branded them evil. Evil?? No, it wasn't true!

It'd started again...the incessant chattering.

Gossip, gossip, whisper, whisper.

Oh the endless, whispering. It could be comforting when it was quiet. It meant I was a step closer to the end. But, at their loudest, it was excruciating.

It had been unsolicited, cruel and dishonest gossip that had driven my family out of their home.

They had soon left.

Their lovely home was put up for sale but, no one would buy. Who'd want to buy a house from evil people? Finally, it had been passed over to some undesirables for a pittance and my lovely parents had eventually died in obscurity.

The building had changed from a family home, my family home, to many other types of shops, bakeries and haberdashery's before finally becoming a sex shop. It had been that way for decades. All the while I'd been there, I'd wanted to join in with the sex games.

The 'games' had their rules but the players were different. Different but no less guilty of exploitation. The gossiping continued.

Gossip. Gossip, whisper, BOO!

That made me jump.

Very funny..

I was the ghost wasn't I? The voices were just remnants of a time long forgotten but, they still managed to get to me.

Years of abuse and whispering had infiltrated the walls, hurt my ears and hardened my heart that much more. However, I didn't target all that were mean. I went only for those who had murdered my family. I had the desire to destroy generations of families who had gossiped far too much and for far too long.

I had a great many painful tools in my repertoire; all of which I had used at one time or another. But, now, it was time to take one of those tools out to play...

Gossip, gossip, whisper, whisper.

I could hear a lot of shouting below me above the whispering. It made a refreshing change. But, it was far too happy and it had a familiar sound to it. This was breeding of a type I knew so well. There were two female voices but only the one interested me.

I wasn't adverse, however, to using an innocent to achieve my goals. You think that a woman scorned by a man was evil? Well, a female ghost who was deprived of her life was a damn sight meaner. I blamed the nasty gossipers back in time that had spoken of evil. It had been them that had pushed them out of their home into eventual poverty. My death was the direct result of beatings carried out by the new home-owners.

Oh, they hadn't been left off the hook but, it was the gossipers that caused me the most pain. But, I digress. It was time...

A pretty girl stood close to the door that led into the back rooms. She was the exact opposite to her girlfriend who stood much further away. I'd already changed into my corporeal form. No point in frightening her unnecessarily. The girl held a toy in her hand and the other half appeared to be lost in thoughts. That made things so much easier for me. Her face was so expressive standing there; laughing and then finally strangely concerned.

When I spoke, the girl startled like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

“I could show you how to use that, you know. I've had so much fun with it, I'm sure you will, too. I've got somewhere nice and quiet just in here...”

It was quite easy to lure her away. Lesbians seemed to be so much more...willing to play new games. I didn't need to say much more. We carried on with our conversation in private.

“I'm sure you love your girlfriend, dearly but you're clutching that toy as if it was the last remnants of a life you had before. Seems that your bird feels the same way.” I smirked whilst I nodded in the direction of her girlfriend who was now admiring the strap-on dildos just hanging there.

Her expression changed subtly. To one of resignation.

“I gave all that up when I met Kay. I shoved it into the back of mind but occasionally it creeps into my thoughts. Often when I visited my parents at Xmas and holidays, they would start. My family have never approved of my decision to abandon 'normal' life.”

She made the sign of quotes with her fingers. Across the wall behind her, a pair of bunnies appeared. Cute.

“It's not so much Kay they don't like but, just what she stands for. Whenever I'm with them, they try desperately to get me to go with men of their choosing. They have never invited her. No doubt she would interfere with their plans.”

Hers was a tale I'd heard many times before. The bisexual woman lured to the dark side by her controlling partner. But, it struck me that this wasn't exactly the way I envisioned it. There didn't appear to be any problems within their relationship on the outside but this girl before me was obviously unsatisfied.

I wanted to help her but couldn't yet decide how I could do that. I didn't know her girlfriend at all to begin with but, gradually that changed. I sensed something about her. I now knew who she was. I had begun to feel just a bit fed-up with the racket in my head but, their chattering had lessened considerably as I spoke.

They would have to be patient, though. I had a lot more to do before I could get rid of the cow altogether.

I let the pretty one go eventually. I caught the odd word in their conversation but not enough to really understand the meaning.

“I… honey.”

I cringed at that endearment. I wondered just how much resentment was loaded into that innocent word.

The next words she spoke were completely indistinct but, she looked around indicating towards my direction and the back room. She held up her finger and came back to me. I just about yanked her into the back room, where we had spoken just a few minutes earlier. But, not before she indicated to her bird to follow her.


I stopped time. That wasn't my initial plan. I wanted to manipulate Emma's mind; there could be no distractions.

I didn't hang about, after, and my intentions were quite clear.

Get your damn clothes, off NOW!

I positioned myself spread-eagled on a very convenient coffee table. Long and low, it just about managed to accommodate me lying down and her kneeling between my thighs. Emma, at this point, had switched the toy on and was thrusting it deep into my pussy. She didn't hang about!

Her body, I noticed, was fuller around the hips; a classic child-bearer. In contrast her top half was tiny, her boobs only just there. She compensated for that by having a set of prominent, nipples. Very useful, I thought.

The simple action of fucking me had begun the 'grabbing hold' process. It was a skill I rarely used but this time the situation had called for it.

Soon after, I restarted time. Kay eventually joined us.

The speed with which Kay had that dildo primed and ready for action, impressed me a little. Control wasn't her only asset, it seemed. I grunted. When I'd finished with her she wouldn't need it.

In time, I left them to it. I'd done what I needed to do. For now.

When I finally caught up with them again, I'd returned to my natural state. Listening in to their conversation the knowledge of my existence, or lack of it, had leaked out.

I may have only been 100 years old but, it meant I still had plenty of time to cause madness in a very controlling dyke.