Sing The Blues by Tina Collins - HTML preview

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At Death's Door


I'd been waiting for her, chloroform-soaked cloth at the ready. My hand was so close to my mouth, I almost passed out myself. She'd become a pain in the proverbial, using the hotel's facilities to run her sordid whoring business. Finally, the management had snapped.

They didn't tolerate selfish people using their business for their own ends. Druggies, alcoholics, prostitutes or escorts, fraudsters and thieves. They'd all got a taste of pain.

The management kept quiet for a time; allowing them to continue 'doing' their business in peace. But, they watched, very closely. Then they'd struck; destroying connections, client relationships and people's lives all in one fail swoop.


I, of course, wasn't someone you could rely on. You could say that I was in league with the management. All I needed to do was to wait for the final answer to their fail-safe formula:

Dickheads + an act of sheer stupidity and/or greed tends to = The Punishment of all gods and just a teeny weeny bit more for decoration.

That was what I liked the most; the little thing at the end right before they died.

My bosses relayed to me the punishment needed and I carried it out to the best of my ability.

She was due any minute. I'd set her up. This time I would be the one servicing her. Before I put her to absolute and eternal rest, I could have a little fun of my own.

She was a skanky whore. She thought herself as one of the best her pimps could provide. But, I knew different. I'd watched her conduct her services through the many holes in the walls, I'd created. I spied on her, in fact. She had the pick of the men in the hotel. Mainly businessmen, they were away from their wives for a few days and were happy to get down to a bit of naughty fun. No real great loss for the wives, really.

Okay, I admit, seeing her handle cocks did make me horny even though it was less than expertly. Who wouldn't be? I'd focussed as much as I could on her hands and lips, though. The sagging bellies of the men did nothing for me. God knows, how she even did it. If I'd been gay, I would have run a mile.

The door to the room was slowly opening. It creaked open actually. Nothing a quick squirt of WD40 wouldn't fix.

Shoving my hand over her mouth as she popped her head around the door, it didn't take long for the potent drug to take effect. As soon as she was out, I withdrew. It was very much like my sex life actually; I fucked them until they passed out then withdrew. It could take minutes or hours; I wasn't fussy. I still got my end away even if they didn't. But, then it wouldn't be a horror story, now would it?

I couldn't risk the bitch dying on me, though. I just didn't have the genetic make-up to be a necrophiliac. I'd read up about the properties of chloroform, before I used it. Ghastly stuff really as most drugs were. I'd fought to convince the powers that using a drug was necessary if I was to get a result. They were so anti-everything it made my job extremely hard sometimes.

They'd reluctantly given in but I could tell they weren't impressed. Such hard taskmasters. I had to watch my step; too many pushes and I might just get called out for being a cocky little bastard.

I shoved her onto the chair just ready for her pretty little butt. Then I'd secured her hands behind the chair and her feet to its legs. She wouldn't be going anywhere from the start to the finish. She'd be under my control, a huge difference to what she was used to, for sure.

As she slept, I busied myself by the window, 'pretending' to work. I was such a good pretender, it even impressed me. I strained my ears, trying to catch a sound. All I could hear was her heavy breathing. I worried that I'd given her just a touch too much sedative.

I still had my back to her when a scrabbling noise off to my right told me she had woken.

I held back the urge to prance around the chair flicking the V's up at her. It would be like being back in the playground again.

'Na Na Na Na-Na.'

So immature, but, at times, I felt like a child. Often thought like one, too. Children in my mind, were evil. They had the right expressions; that smirk they had and the look of badness. Innocent, my arse. They were born evil, like I was.

She seemed to be thinking with her brow creased and her eyes cast downwards. I had no idea what could possibly be running through her empty head at this time. Not much to think about really. She was tied to a chair, half-naked and just right for the screwing, figuratively speaking.

Turning my thoughts back to her, I hadn't gagged her. She would think she was playing a game and she'd be correct. But, it would be my game not hers. Her game would give a favourable outcome. Dirty money, endless pleasure and returning of her duties as a 'chambermaid.'

Mine, however, would be completely different.

I caught her eye. She was yanking at the scarves. It was pointless but, they weren't that tight.

I placed my face just centimetres from hers and then blatantly ran my eyes over her body. I didn't want her to utter a word so I pre-empted her by placing my finger on her lips and mouthing 'Ssshh!'

I placed my hands on the back of chair. My arms lay across her shoulders.

"Now, what am I going to do with you? Can’t let you go blabbing your pretty little mouth to all who will listen about what you’ve seen, now can I?”

I heard her moan.

I untied her legs and placed them over my shoulders. I bent, my lips seeking out her clit through her panties. I found myself wanting her so I ripped them off her. I covered two fingers with her sex juice by thrusting them into her pussy, then I brought them up to my own lips.

She tasted slightly salty but not unpleasant. Some of the girls' had been. Salty and used. It wasn't unheard of for me to grab hold of a glass cold water after oral sex with them.

Returning my fingers from where they had just come from, I gave her double the pleasure by using my mouth as well. She could see how wet my face had become when I lifted my head to look at her. Then, I returned to my task until she came.

Now I undressed. The end was getting closer. I could feel the impatience from those above. The insistence rained down hitting me in the face, body and soul. It was a great way to control the minions who did their bidding.

Well, it was just me actually. I'd tried so very much to rebel against it; times when I felt my emotions getting away from me. I shrugged. Would it have hurt that much if I had?

Just to give myself that little extra 'help' I flicked the tip of my knob. It was necessary for me to do as I needed to get sufficiently hard to poke around inside her. I pushed the chair and her down so that it rested against the bed. I placed her hands at the front and to the side so I could position myself just right.

She was impatient. That much I knew already. She wanted to give my dick what for. Licking and sucking was what she did best. Then, I thrust hard. Not so hard that I made her gag but enough. Now what to do? Oh yes, it was time to enter one of the other holes she possessed.

But, first, I had to do something else. I released her boobs. I couldn't say they were the most attractive breasts I'd seen.

The aureoles were huge, so big her nipples were lost in the middle. It took an awful lot of sucking to get them out. Anyway, they'd never been for me. I preferred a woman's ears. So suck-able they were. Just right for biting off, too.


It came towards her, so did I and I'm pretty sure she did too, eventually. I untied her wrists.

I heard the rattling of the door-knob. Something was trying to get in. Oh dear...I'd taken far too long. But, it couldn't come in. It was time for the grand finale. She looked at me, worriedly. So you should be, I thought. I didn't reassure her, though. Grabbing her clothes, she made to leave, throwing some money onto the bed. I grabbed them, and quickly flicked through the crisp notes. Twenty quid?! Was that all I was worth?

The cheeky bitch!

No, even that was too much for what you were worth as a player, I thought. Yes, I'd hired her. But, I needed to be more in control than I would have been had she booked me.

By now, she was rattling the door knob frantically. When she looked at me again, then I smiled.

Time for an eternal rest, where nothing ever happened.