The Burning Tree by Rory Dwane - HTML preview

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“Here’s your room key, sir. You’re in room on-two-six, it’s on the third floor,” the receptionist smiled at him as she handed Ben the room key.

“Thanks,” Ben took the key without making eye contact.

“If there’s anything you need, just ask, and please have a pleasant night, Mr. Wells,” she called after him, but he was already walking away before she finished.

The doors shut and he hit the button with the 3.

He listened to the elevator music and thought about the night before, when he’d talked to Ellen on the payphone in the police station.

“I left some things for you inside your truck, okay? Now don’t call me again!”

“Ellen, we need to talk about Johnny. There’s something wrong with him!”

“Oh stop it, please Ben, I’m not listening to your excuses. You messed up, own it, like a real man.”

“He told me that he’d pushed them girls onto the tracks and I think he drugged May. Do you really think I’d be able to make this shit up?”

“I think you’d say anything, you’re an alcoholic who got caught. Don’t try to pawn this off on my son and corrupt my mind with your sick fantasies. I mean, how could he of even of gotten a bottle of rum? It’s not like he has any ID or anything. You know what, I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation with you, I can’t even believe I’m even thinking about what you’re saying! Good bye, Ben.”

“Wait, the autopsy!”


“May’s autopsy, was there anything in her system?”


“Look, this is going to sound crazy, I know it does. But I had a dream, it was of Johnny using your sleeping pills to drug her, then he told me it actually happened. That’s what you saw in the car, it wasn’t me going crazy, not totally, how long have I told you there was something going on? There’s something wrong with that kid.”

“Ben stop, just please stop…”

“Just check, please Ellen. If I’m right and there are traces of the same pills you have, then you’ll believe me!”

“Goodbye Ben.”


The elevator door opened, he picked up his suitcase and left the elevator. Walking down the corridor, he found his room at the end.

After getting inside, he put the suitcase on the bed. Flipping the switches, he pulled it open and lifted out the bottle of whiskey from inside. Walking over to the cupboard he took out a glass and sat down. He twisted off the cap and poured himself a drink, backed it down and poured another.

It’s pointless he thought.

What can I do, I just look crazy no matter what way I put it.

He backed down the glass and poured another.

Yes officer, he spiked my coffee and hid the bottle inside my coat pocket.

No officer, I don’t suffer from any mental issues.

No officer, I don’t get off on hurting kids…

They’d found fresh bruises on Johnny’s torso and blamed him. The little shit must’ve made done them himself to make him look even worse.

He had to admit, the boy had played him good.

A mind like that can only lead to bad things, evil things.

Ben emptied the glass.

He needs to be put down.