The Burning Tree by Rory Dwane - HTML preview

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The night before Ellen had spoken to Ben, he’d said he believed there was something wrong with Johnny and that Johnny was responsible for May and the girl’s death.

She’d hung up in anger.

But how could someone make up something like that?

She’d picked up the phone today a number of times to prove him wrong. After three glasses of wine Ellen had finally worked up the nerve to dial the number.

A man’s voice answered, “Atlanta Morgue, how can I help you?”

“Hi, I’m wondering if the results for May Parse have come in.”

“Are you a family member?”

“Yes, I--”, she pretended to stifle a sob. “I’m her sister. I live in California and my mother just told me the news, I’m hoping you can tell me if there was anything in her system, she was going to be sober for a year next week. I think our fight might have pushed her over the edge…”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but we can’t give out that type of information. You’ll just have to wait until they inform your mother. I’m sorry.”

She broke down crying.

“It’s my entire fault, why did it have to happen!”

He listened to her sobbing.

“Look, I’ll see what I can do, just hold on a minute.”

She wiped her eyes and took a sip of wine.

After a few moments he came back on the line.


“Yes, I’m still here.”

“They found a high alcohol content, among a high dosage of sleeping medication.”

“Y-You’re sure?”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“Thank you.”

The line went dead.

How did Ben know, he couldn’t be right about it. There had to be another reason, didn’t there?

“Who were you talking to, Mom?” Johnny was standing at the sitting room door, watching her.

“J-Johnny, I didn’t see you there,” she cleared her throat. “I was just talking to… to grandpa.”

Johnny nodded, he looked down at the phone and then at her wineglass. “Well, I’m off to bed.”

“Okay honey, goodnight.”

“Night,” he turned and walked up the stairs.

She thought about ringing Ben.

No, I’m not letting him play with my head. There must be another reason…