The Draculan Hunter by E.M. McCarthy - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


Kelly dragged herself across the street to St. Agnes' Soup Kitchen. She knew Sister would be preparing for the lunch crowd at this hour in the morning and she headed directly to the back kitchen.

Sister Maryann stirred the pots on the stove-top, and then set the spoon on a large platter sitting on a counter next to the stove. Her navy-blue dress and veil not only hid her body, but acted as a shield from her initial reaction over the hard luck stories she became used to hearing.

Kelly recalled how bright and happy she was her first week at the mission, only to be hardened to the plight of the downtrodden after weeks of stories. She found the reasons for the clients' conditions similar, and her own heart turned cold.

Sister Maryann took her aside a few weeks into the job and advised her to pray every morning for compassion. Kelly found that it worked on most mornings, until she met a vampire. What would she tell Sister? Liam instructed her to say as little as possible, only that she needed a few weeks off for a family emergency. Was it a lie? How would she lie to a nun? Kelly usually followed Sister's orders, and the Soup Kitchen went on with its business of feeding the masses of poor, broken individuals.

Kelly stated bluntly, “Sister, I need to take a few weeks off from work. I have a family emergency.”

“Oh dear. I hope that it's not serious. A few weeks?” She paused, and studied Kelly. “We can manage it without you for that amount of time.”

“Thank you, Sister. And thanks for not asking me...”

“If you wanted to tell me, you would have told me. I'll pray for you, my dear. And, do you need anything?”

Kelly knew Sister had a sense about people in trouble. “No, no. I'm fine. It's...thank you for the prayers.”


Liam waited for Kelly in the taxi.

When she returned, she shook a little, a residual reaction to the lack of sleep and life-threatening night they shared. Kelly wasn't sure how this would end, probably badly. She glanced at Liam, and felt grateful.

The cab took off for Liam’s apartment. Finally, the cab pulled up in front of his apartment complex which was walking distance to downtown. His home was on the seventh floor. She wondered how he could afford it. They didn't speak as they took the elevator up, he glanced at her and smiled. The apartment was well-appointed and his art collection was inspiring. She looked at him. He was a surprise.

“I must say your apartment is stunning.”

“Thank you. I suppose you're wondering--”

“Listen, you told me you're an alien, is it a stretch to believe you're a rich alien?”

“I knew I liked you. Would you like to sleep? It's been a long night, and I have a guest bedroom.” Liam said.

“No, I'm not tired. I would like to shower though.”

“I understand. The bathroom is off the bedroom. This way.” Liam led her down a long hallway. The bedroom was large and the double bed was covered with a thick, white quilt. “If you'd like I could give you a bathrobe.”

“Thanks. I suppose I'll have to grab some clothes from my apartment later.”

Liam said, “No. You can't go back. It's too dangerous. Vampires are cunning hunters. I'm positive they've found out all about you already. You can go shopping later.”

“I didn't think of that. Thanks for helping me. It's beyond the scope of noble.”

Liam sat on the bed. He put his head down. “I'm not noble. I should tell you about me before you stay here.”

Kelly sat down. She braced herself for the story, no matter how disturbing it might me. She put her hand on his shoulder and then she gently stroked his back. “It can't be that bad.”

He looked at her. “I guess since I told you about my planet, it wouldn't be too much to tell you about my family's sordid history. The reason I hunt vampires, the reason my family can kill them, we used to be them. I mean the history of my family, not me personally. I have an uncle who is a Draculan. Not only was he violently attacked, but after, he roamed our planet killing others. I don't want anybody to suffer his fate.”

“I'm sorry,” Kelly said.

“So am I.”

“I'm happy that you told me about your uncle. I think I understand you better. Why you hunt them,” Kelly said.

“If I stop to think about what I do, it's insane. All my life I've been conditioned to fight. I think it was because of my uncle. He was notorious. He's kill hundreds of people. I'm afraid I'll become a Draculan like him, destined to kill to survive. And they enjoy it. I don't want to be turned into a monster,” Liam said.

“Me too. I'm really frightened. What if they get to me? I'm not afraid to die as much as I'm afraid...I'm afraid of being tied to that thing. I don't want it to turn me into it's...” She stood up.

“I want to give you my dagger.”

“No. I couldn't. I couldn’t kill it.”

“You won't be afraid if you carry it. You'll have a way to protect yourself.”

“I don't think I could resist it. He has a power over me and I can't fight. I need you to promise you'll kill it.”

“You know I'll do my best.”

“What's your plan?”

“The plan? All I know is Dranculans find you. I don't need a plan.”


“It's as easy as finding out your name. Where you work. Your relatives.”

“Your relatives? My sister!”