The Draculan Hunter by E.M. McCarthy - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


Kelly got out of the shower and slipped on a robe. She tucked it around her and tied the belt. Her sister hadn't picked up the phone.

Kelly opened the bedroom door. She walked down the hall and into the living room. The sounds of a whirling vacuum filled the apartment and Kelly saw a maid vacuuming the carpet. The woman turned the vacuum towards Kelly and looked at her with a surprised expression. The maid turned off the machine and began to yell at her in a language Kelly didn't understand. She did understand the finger in her face meant that the maid was upset with her.

Liam came down the hallway, wearing shorts, and asked, “What's the problem?”

The woman turned to him, looked at how he was dressed, then back at Kelly, wagged her finger at Liam and then pointed at Kelly. Her hands flew wildly and then Liam soothed her by speaking to her in her native tongue and the maid calmed down, then gave a “humph” in Kelly's direction, and wheeled the vacuum cleaner out back to the laundry room off the kitchen.

Kelly said, “What was that about?”

Liam smiled. He said, “I think she thinks you and I are -- romantically involved. That robe doesn't quite cover all of you,”

Kelly grabbed the robe and pulled it tightly up to her neck. “You are no gentlemen to point that out.”

“No, on the contrary, I'd be less a gentleman if I didn't tell you.”

The maid came back and asked Liam in broken English, “Okay then?”

“Yes, Mrs. Clerlin.”

She turned to Kelly, who said to the maid, “I'm his friend. Just a friend.”

“I'm not born yesterday.”

A bemused Liam sat down on his couch.


Leola Harper was confused when she got her sister's urgent message which made her curious enough that she hauled herself to the address she was given. She thought the apartment meant the Insurance Man must have collected some sort of payout himself.

Kelly opened the door and flung her arms around her sister. “Thank goodness you're all right.”

Leola said, “Why wouldn't I be all right?”

“Come inside, it will be dark soon. Did you bring a suitcase?”

“Yeah. It's a pretty odd request. But seeing how you're dressed, a good one.”

Liam Abraham appeared in the living room. “Leola, I'm glad you're here.”

Leola whispered to Kelly, “So you snagged the Insurance Guy from the bar, nice going. I didn't think you'd ever land a guy with a job, let alone a million-dollar apartment. Get pregnant, quick!”

“Just stop talking and listen! We're in great danger!” Kelly's eyes grew wide.

Leola laughed at her sister.

“I'll telling you that our lives are in danger! There's something hunting me, and because of that, you’re in danger too!” Kelly shook her sister's shoulders to make her point.

Liam said, “It's true. I know it's hard to believe. I'm afraid we all might be killed if we travel in the dark.”

“What are you saying?” Leola said.

“Leola, I wasn't just attacked three weeks ago; I was nearly killed by the Son of the Devil.”

“Call that maniac anything you want, Sis.”

Liam said, “She was attacked by Draculans. Vampires. Think about her wounds. Weren't they strange?”

“Yeah, but the police said --” Leola said.

“The police are wrong, I've seen these things up close. We can't go out in the dark. You need to stay here,” Liam said.

“For how long?” Leola asked.

“As long as it takes me to kill them,” Liam said.

“You're going to kill them? Why not just wear garlic and throw holy water at them if they attack?” Leola said.

“Tried it.” Kelly folded her arms.

Liam said, “I know this sounds strange.”

“Oh, you betcha. So, there are vampires in downtown Philadelphia. What am I supposed to say to that? And now you're telling me wearing garlic for protection doesn't work," Leola said.

“I'm afraid not much kills them. Except Liam, he's killed hundreds,” Kelly glanced at Abraham with admiration.

“Your boyfriend is a Vampire Hunter? Can you explain how?”

“I'm an alien,” Liam said.

“I don't care about your undocumented status, this is America for crying out loud.”

Kelly said, “A bona fide alien from another planet!”

“I need a drink,” Leola said.

“I'll get you a martini,” Liam said.

“Make it a double,” Leola said.

Abraham went into the kitchen. Leola said, “I don't care how rich he is, I'm getting you out of here.” She took Kelly's arm.

“There are two vampires after me, and they almost killed the both of us last night. If you leave this apartment, I can't protect you. Liam can. Please, stay the night.”

“For you sweetie, I'll stay.”