The Eternals by Kristie Shafer - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine



I knew the minute our eyes met, that I was done for.  Besides forgetting all about Tyler, I was swept away by her beauty and innocence. It caught me totally off guard.


Long blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, and legs that seemed to go on forever.  I had never been nervous around a human female before, but this one was different and I actually felt like a tongue-tied fool in her presence.

The night we had our first date, she was late, and I’d been terrified that she’d stood me up.  But then I saw her, standing in the entryway.  As she’d approached the table, I could not help but feel an immediate rush of desire for such an attractive girl. Her blonde hair had been soft and flowing, her jeans had looked like they’d been painted on, emphasizing her shapely her legs, and the black T-shirt had been tight enough that I could make out the outline of her round, firm breasts. I actually had to stop myself from drooling every time I stared at her.

When the waitress came, I’d already thought of the “dentist excuse” prior to dinner. The truth was, I had normally only dated other Eternals, because it was just easier than trying to come up with one-hundred-and-one different excuses as to why I couldn’t eat or drink anything.

Well, except for blood, that is…

Sitting across from Rani, it took every ounce of willpower not to reach over the table and kiss her while she picked at her food.  She seemed a little uneasy about eating in front of me, and I decided that if we had another date, we would do something that did not involve eating.

At the movies I decided to test the waters to see if she was into me.  I grabbed her hand, placing it into mine; she did not pull it away, so that was a good sign.

Driving back to the restaurant, all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss her, and it was hard to focus on driving when I could feel the hardness growing inside of my jeans. 

Once we pulled into the parking spot next to her car, I decided to take the initiative and just go for it.  I reached over and grabbed her face with my hands and pulled her to me. 

After the first kiss, I knew I was a goner… 

She awoke something deep inside of me, something… primal. 

When I covered her lips with mine, I noticed that her skin seemed smoother than anything I’d felt before, and I wanted to take her right there and then. I eventually forced myself to back off, knowing that it was dangerous to keep kissing her when I was as hard as a rock, and not thinking clearly.

We made a date for the following day, and by the time I got home, I had to take a cold shower to settle myself down.

I woke up the following morning, and Rani was the first thing that I thought of; I was so eager to see her again. Unfortunately, our date was for later in the day and I still had a meeting with my father - it was time to check in and let him know how the recruiting was going. I decided to not tell him about the Jacobsons yet, and wasn’t even sure if I ever would.  I definitely did not want to deal with the ass reaming that would surely accompany my major fuck up.

I got dressed and took the elevator up a few floors to his place, grateful that we lived in the same building.

“Come in,” my father called out.

I entered his apartment and as always was blown away. Not only was his place bigger, but he had grandeur tastes and had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars furnishing it. 

I went into the refrigerator and grabbed a fresh jar of blood.  I poured myself a glass and my mouth began to water in anticipation. With all of the excitement of yesterday, I’d forgotten to feed. 

I closed my eyes and drank. The first sip was always the best. I loved the feeling of the thick liquid on my tongue, slowly going down my throat.  To me, the coppery bitterness was like heaven.

Just then my dad entered the kitchen and directed me into the dining room.

I finished my breakfast quickly, set the empty glass on the table, and followed him to the table.

“So, how is it going out there?  Do you have any news for me?” 

My stomach quickly dropped. Shit… does he already know about the Jacobsons? No, I am just being paranoid; there is no way he could. Not this soon.

I swallowed hard and pulled out the list of names from my back pocket.

“I have met with these families,” I said, pointing out the names on the list, “and all of them were successfully recruited and now are members of the Eternal family.”

My father glanced at the list and then flicked it back over to me.  “We need more,” he said. “You know you have a deadline, son, you need visit at least fifteen homes a day.” He shook his head in disappointment. “At this rate, it will take you three months to finish.”

“Don't worry, Dad, I will get it done.”

“Tell me how the people are reacting when you approach them.”

Every family I’d met, so far, excluding the Jacobsons, had gone pretty smooth.  Typically, I’d show them the video, explaining how they can live forever and never age or get sick.  The questions I’d received in return were mostly from middle-aged women asking if they could be younger.  Unfortunately, they can’t. Once they pass the age of maturity, they stay the same age as when they’ve turned. Most accept it, but I remember one lady, Rebecca Conolly, raising her hands in exasperation and asking me where I was twenty years ago.

Although most people were a little put off by having to consume blood to stay alive, once I explained the nutrients inside and how their palate will change once they turn, they usually accepted it. 

“Their reactions are really positive, Dad, I had no idea so many people would agree so quickly,” I answered honestly.

“I told you they would, son. Don't ever doubt your old man.”

I laughed in spite of myself. My father describing himself as an old man was comical, considering he looked to be the same age as me. “I never do.”

Although, that was actually a lie.

I had doubted him when he’d originally revealed the plan to have the Eternals take over the world and become the dominant race.  I’d laughed at him, thinking he was being foolish when we were just a small minority of people. In fact, there had been only a few hundred full-blooded Eternals left in the world - most of them had moved away from the pack-style of living, going off on their own and not reproducing very many full-blooded newborns. This had aggravated my father.

“If we can perfect the serum,” he’d said a couple of years ago. “We will be able to ensure that our bloodline never disappears. Mark my words… over time we will prevail, and become the majority.”

My father had always despised hiding his true nature as well as having to move from town to town for centuries.

It was then that he sat me down and explained in detail what our mission was.  He and other elder Eternals around the globe were going to choose individuals who fit their criteria to become Eternals.   He knew after the amount of time he’d spent with people, they’d jump at the opportunity to become immortal.

“But, Dad, how can we expect them to survive?” I argued. “Do you really think they will be able to look at their own kind now as a meal?” 

He waved his hand. “Listen, I have been around a lot longer than you, lad, I know exactly what they are capable of doing.  Many of them would turn on their own family members to obtain the gift of eternal life.”

“You think so?” I asked in shock.

“Son, man's greatest fear is death,” he continued. “They hate that they have no control over aging and dying. Hell, look at the television. All you see are poor schlubs trying anything to stay young.  Men and women alike… going to doctors to have their faces pulled every which way, lips plumped up to appear more youthful, and,” he’d laughed. “Implants for their tits so they don't sag anymore. So you see - greed and vanity are their weakness, and we are the answer that they have been searching for; the fact that they may have to make a meal of their neighbor is just a minor bump in the road for them.”

Unfortunately, what he said was the truth. I, myself, had witnessed the ugly side of humans also.

“I want better for you, my son,” he went on. “I want you to be able to stay in one home for more than ten years. I want you to have a normal life and be proud of who you are. To never have to hide your true self, and if we are successful in our plan, you’ll never have to.”

“Dad,” I replied. “Why don't we just come out into the open, and tell people what we are? You might be surprised; maybe the people would be accepting?  The world is a much more tolerant place than it was years ago.”

His eyes widened. “Are you kidding me? The government would hunt us down and rip us open to see what makes us tick. Do you want to live the rest of your life being someone's science project?”

I had to agree with him there, too. Although the world was evolving and changing, it certainly was not ready to accept a different humanoid species. There were still countries that turned their noses up at inter-racial and same-sex couples. If they couldn’t tolerate what they perceived as “abnormal” behavior with their own kind, there was no way they were ready to accept us.

My father and I finished our brief meeting about Hugo, and I headed back to my own apartment to shower and shave.  I was excited to spend the day with Rani.