The Eternals by Kristie Shafer - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten



“I am so glad we decided to go to the beach today,” Rani said, putting on her sunglasses.

We’d been seeing each other every day for the past two weeks, and it had been glorious.  I already felt like I’d known her a lifetime. During the day, she was constantly on my mind, and at night, her lovely face found its way into my dreams.

“I don't know if it’s warm enough to swim in,” I said, dipping my toe into the cool water.

Outside the temperature was close to eighty degrees, which was rare for the beginning of June in Minnesota.

“I don't care if we swim at all,” she said, smiling at me. “I am just happy to be here with you.” She bent forward and gave a quick kiss on the lips.

“Same here.”

I watched as she stood up, unbuttoned the top button of her shorts, and shimmied out of them. I could feel my mouth salivate as she pulled off her tank top; she must have seen me ogling her body, because she grabbed a towel and covered herself.

“Uh… I’m not sure if I am beach ready yet,” she said, sounding embarrassed.

Was she kidding? 

She had a body that was, in my opinion… perfection.  Her white bikini was stunning - the triangle top just barely contained her ample breasts while her thin waist and long toned legs were accented by the small white bottoms. She looked like a super-model at a film shoot.

“Honey,” I said, reaching toward her. “You couldn't look bad, even if you tried.”

We spread out our towels side-by-side and held hands as we listened to Rani’s iPod, bopping our heads and singing the songs we knew together.  Granted, neither one of us could hold a tune, but we didn't care. We just enjoyed being together.

After a while, Rani rolled over on her side. “Let's go somewhere private,” she said, smiling with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

I stood up right away, not thinking twice about it.  I had been fantasizing about getting her alone all day.

“Follow me,” she said as she headed toward a patch of woods.

I grabbed the blanket and followed her a few hundred feet into the woods, until she came to a stop.  She stood there and licked her lips, beckoning me forward.

My feet could not move fast enough.

When I reached Rani, I pulled her close and noticed that her body was warmed from the sun; it felt deliciously wonderful against my bare chest. I kissed her lips, reveling in her salty sweetness and our tongues intertwined and danced with each other.  It didn’t take long before I could feel the hardness beginning to form in my bathing suit.  I pressed it against her bikini bottom and to my surprise, she starting rubbing back. 

I slowly moved my pelvis up and down, all around her sweet spot. Just knowing that there was only a tiny piece of fabric holding me back from the “promised land”, was almost more than I could take.

She matched each motion with her own, our bodies already in sync with each other. I bent down and pulled down one side of her bikini top and released her prefect breast.  Her beautiful pink nipple was hard and she arched her back, just begging me to take it.

I bent down and licked the top of her nipple and felt her shiver in my arms.  I opened my mouth wider and began licking and lapping at her supple breast. 

“Lay me down,” she moaned.

My heart began to pound. Over the past couple of weeks, we have had our share of make-out sessions, but none were as hot or as intense as this one.

I quickly spread out the blanket and took her in my arms.  Kissing, we slowly made our way onto the fabric, and then I laid her out in front of me, amazed at the sight before my eyes.“ My God, you are beautiful,” I said, trying to soak up every inch of her body.

I reached down and removed her bikini top, exposing both of her breasts.  They were two beautiful perky mounds with rosebud nipples.  I took one in my hand as I suckled on the other one, and her moans let me know that she liked what I was doing.  My tongue slowly encircled each nipple, teasing, and nibbling as she moaned in my arms.

“I want you so bad,” I whispered into her ear.

“I want you, too,” she replied, her voice hoarse, “but… not here.”

She had already told me that she was a virgin, and I was fine with that.  I loved her, and would wait until forever if that is what it took to be with her.

“We can wait,” I said, “but, for now, let's keep having fun.”

She smiled and pulled me closer.

We began to kiss, again, igniting a fire in both of us. Our passion grew and soon… I could no longer control myself. I reached between her legs and could feel her wetness through the bathing suit. Her legs began to tremble as I slowly began rubbing the fabric of her bikini bottom. I reached in slowly and felt the sticky sweetness on my finger. I began rubbing her clitoris and she began moaning and moving along with my finger, faster and faster my fingers were like the conductor and her sweet spot was my orchestra.

“Phil,” she panted.

Smiling, I slid off her bottoms and started to kiss her inner thigh, with each lick and kiss I would look at her to make sure it was okay; I didn’t want rush her into anything. 

She smiled at me, nudging my face further toward her heat, and with that smile, I tasted heaven for the first time.

Afterwards, we walked back to the beach, hand-in-hand, and then began packing up our supplies we’d brought with. I smiled to myself, thinking of our naughty escapade in the woods and was honored that she wanted to share her precious gift of virginity with me in the future.

“What are you smiling about? You look like the Cheshire cat,” teased Rani.

“Oh, babe, if I told you, you would run right back into those woods with me.”

We both laughed and headed back to my car.

“Hey, Phil,” Rani said, turning down the radio as we left the parking lot.

“I have to tell you something.”

She looked serious, and I instantly became nervous.  Did she not want to see me anymore?  Was I moving too fast?

Trying to sound calm, I answered, “You can tell me anything, honey.”

She looked out the window and back at me nervously. “I think I am falling in love with you.”

I felt my body begin to relax instantly.  She loved me? Did she really just say that?

I pulled my car over to the side of the road.  I wanted to tell her exactly what I felt with no distractions. “I love you, too, Rani.  I think I fell in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you.” I leaned over and gave her a kiss, and to my surprise we both had tears of joy streaming down our cheeks.