The Eternals by Kristie Shafer - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen



I stared at Rani, already aware of what had happened. In fact, I’d received a call earlier in the day from Gina, telling me that Rani’s recruitment hadn’t gone as planned.

“How did you let her get away?” I’d barked into the phone.

“She surprised us all by taking off so quickly,” she’d argued. “She was gone before I could react.”

I’d frowned into the phone, trying to quickly think of a way to rectify the situation.

“Phil? Are you still there?” she’d asked.

“Yeah, just… gimme a minute.”  .


I’d closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose. “Okay, here is what you’re going to do - report to my father and tell him that all three were successful recruits.”

“But,” Gina had argued, “we can't do that. Your dad will find out. The new serum has some kind of tracking device. Remember?”

“Don't worry. I’ll take care of it.”

“But how? We have no idea where she went.”

“Do as I say and… don't worry about it.  I said I would take care of it, and I will.”

“I hope so.”

I’d only wanted Gina to make the change for the Vass family, so my hands would be clean. I loved Rani so much, that I did not want my identity to sway her decision in any way.  I even loved her enough that if she chose not to change, I’d have found a way to keep her alive.

Now, the woman I loved was sitting across from me, looking like a small child wrapped up in my robe, eagerly waiting for me to respond to the story she had just told me.

“Phil, please say something... anything.”

I reached over and put her hand in mine.

“I am so sorry that this has happened to you.”

“Yeah, well, I’m sorry it happened, too, Phil, but what in the hell am I going to do?”

I felt the syringe in my pocket and knew what I had to do.  I just prayed that someday she would realize that I did this out of my love for her. There was really no other way.


My heart was heavy as I looked into her innocent, trusting eyes.  I knew there was nothing I could say or do to make her feel better.  I also knew that her life, after tonight, would never be the same again. Ever.