The Eternals by Kristie Shafer - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen



“Phil, say something,” I begged, “anything.”

He just stared at me.

I stood up and moved closer to him, but felt so dizzy and lightheaded, that I stumbled.

“Take it easy, sweetie,” said Phil, pulling me into his arms. “You have had a really rough day.”

I lay my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

Thump, thump, thump…

The rhythmic sound put me at ease at once.

“I wish you would have stayed,” Phil said as he was stroking my hair.

“Stayed where?” I asked, confused.

“Your house,” said Phil softly. “I wish you would have stayed at your house, and listened to what Gina had to say.”

A chill ran through me. I pushed him away and stared into his eyes. The fear and sadness inside of them made me catch my breath. “What the hell do you mean - I should have stayed?  Did you not understand what I said about her?  She’s a monster!”

“I know what she is,” Phil said grimly, “because she and I are one in the same.”

I slapped Phil in the face, horrified by what he’d just said.

He was an Eternal?  A monster?

I shook my head, not wanting to believe it.

“I am so sorry, Rani,” he whispered, looking defeated.

The next thing I knew, he pulled out what looked like a syringe and quickly plunged it into my arm.

No!” I hollered, staring at him in horror. I could feel whatever was inside of the syringe, course through my body.

Oh, God, no.

The liquid felt like it was burning me from the inside out.  I tried to move my legs and then realized that I was completely paralyzed. It then must have somehow reached my heart, because I could actually feel it begin to slow.

Please, please, this cannot be happening!

Just as my heart was taking its last few beats, I heard him whispering in my ear, “ I am so sorry, Rani, I hope you know how much I love you.”

I felt him softly kissing my lips.

Then in an instant… there was nothing.

Nothing except… darkness.



End of Book One


Coming February 2014


Available March 10, 2014