The Ghost Files Box Set by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Chapter Two


It didn’t take Star West long to obtain the same information her brother had from the policeman guarding the crime scene.  She even got Jay’s boss’s name and address.

The house wasn’t far and the wind had abated, so Star decided to walk the three blocks to his house. Banks drift was a pretty little seaside town, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city life. Apple trees were dropping their bounty onto the short cut lawns of houses as she walked past. The Oaks swayed in the gentle breeze making rustic music that lulled Star into calmness.

She came to a huge two storey house with a white picket fence: the typical American dream style home.  Checking the mailbox Star mounted the porch and rang the bell. A tall muscular man with greying hair answered seconds later. “Gareth Lock?”

“It’s pronounced L-O-K-I. Can I help you?” His big green eyes were rimmed with red and the skin beneath them was puffy.

“I’m sorry to bother you at a time like this but I knew Jay, and I just wanted to say how sorry I am…”

“You’re her, aren’t you?” Mr Lock said with a knowing grin. Star needed to know more about the victim so she played along, hoping she wouldn’t get found out. “Veronica isn’t it?”

“You found me out.” Star held her hands up and Gareth smiled ushering her into the house.

“My wife took our son to her mother’s till…” he trailed off and looked at the floor. “It’s not nice for a child to be around this, please sit down. Can I offer you a coffee?” Star took a chair at the dining table.

“No. Thank you.” Gareth sat across from her. The kitchen was incredibly modern and expensive looking.

“He couldn’t stop talking about you, you know.” Lock eventually said. “I had never seen him so…loved up. Although you’re certainly more beautiful than he described, younger too.” Star let out a chuckle.

“Very nice of you to say so.” Then her expression was all business. “I was wondering if you had noticed a change in him lately.” Gareth’s face darkened and he suddenly got very defensive.

“How do you mean?” His tone was clipped as Lock leaned back in his seat, as if to put some distance between them.

“Well, he just seemed slightly…off when I saw him last.” Star fished. Gareth studied her then swallowed hard. He had a rubbish poker face.

“I can’t say I noticed anything. He was the same old Jay to me, now if you’ll excuse me…” He got to his feet and Star did the same, thanking him for his time. As she left a car pulled up and a pretty woman got out. She ushered a child that resembled Lock so much it had to be his son, up the path, as an old hunched over woman gave Star the once over.

“I thought I told you not to come back till this evening.” Star heard Lock hiss.

“Mother said we should all be together…” His wife stammered. The child’s grey eyes locked with Star’s as they passed and for a second it seemed as if they were pleading with her.

The gate slammed shut behind her and Star watched them all trail into the house.

Gareth Lock was definitely hiding something.