The Ghost Files Box Set by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Chapter Three


“Your right. The boss is…” Star stopped in mid-sentence.  Sam pulled up his jeans as the blonde that was on her knees in front of him hastily got to her feet, and tried to fasten her blouse up.

Star turned away and waited for the woman to leave before rounding on her brother. “I don’t believe that’s sleeping.” She told him icily. “Who the hell was that? She isn’t a hooker, right?” It wouldn’t be the first time Sam had bought a warm body.

“That was Miss Patti Lavelle, the town’s coroner. “ He told her simply flopping back down on the bed, like he hadn’t a care in the world.

“So what you were fucking information out of her? Because where I was standing…”

“It’s none of your damn business. Your my sister not my mother.” He snapped and Star bristled.

“Can’t you see how badly you’re spiralling?” She asked fighting back tears. Apart from him Star didn’t have anybody else. Their parents had died in a car crash that had nearly claimed their lives too. Instead they had survived but had been changed somehow. They could see and communicate with ghosts: they were freaks.

“Why? Because I’m face fucking a woman? That what guys are supposed to do Star.” He mocked picking up the telly remote. She pulled out the plug. For two month Star had been biting her tongue, but this was the last straw. It was time to get it off their chests.

“No, because a family we tried to protect was ripped apart in our office. Because the police think we did it and because Sam West, we’re wanted fugitives!” They stared at each other with hate before Sam finally conceded.

“I just…sometimes it’s all a bit too much.” He sighed. “Mum and dad, us with this bloody…curse, and now there’s you. That Casper in black is still out there Star, he wants you and I don’t know how to protect you. So yes I’m drinking and screwing myself silly. Just…lay off. I’m doing the best I can.” Star wanted to argue but she felt drained and collapsed on the bed next to him.

“What did you find out about our victim?” He asked after a few tense seconds had passed.

“Not much. But his boss, Gareth Lock knows more than he’s telling.” Sam stewed over this then pulled out his laptop from the duffel bag on the floor. “What are you doing?”

“Jay Leno officially died of a heart attack, then was eaten by some kind of animal.”

“Is that what Miss Patti came over here to tell you?” Star teased. Sam tossed her a warning glance.

“The Mayor is covering up what really happened to Jay.”

“And that is?” Sam looked at her while he waited for the computer to boot up, and smiled.

“He was literally ripped apart by what Patti can only describe as…human.”