The Ghost in the Darkness (The Ghost Files#4) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Star beamed at the sight of her master. A joy that gave way to horror when the dark tendrils of wind grabbed Thor’s body and right before her eyes tossed him around like a rag doll.

“Thor!” She heard herself call out. Sam let up against her windpipe and turned his head in time to see Thor’s body tossed aside like it was a piece of garbage.

“No.” Sam let go of his sister whom he pinned up against the altar and ran at the Guardian. Star couldn’t move, the sight of Thor’s still body cut off the flow of blood. Time seemed to stand still as his lifeless eyes found hers. Something broke inside and Star crumbled to he floor. She hadn’t cried in a long time but now the tears came thick and fast.

Sam slammed off the wall above her head and skidded across the dusty floor. Blood erupting from his mouth like a volcano of molten crimson.

“Fool!” Her master hissed, “no one can stand against me.”

Emotion that had been drained from Star returned with a fury. The waves of pain battered off her insides, making her raw. The numbness had faded. Getting to her feet she turned on her master.

Saw the eater of worlds in his black robe with a necklace of skulls draped around its neck. Star looked on her master and felt...pure and red hot fury burn her. Letting out a battle cry that could pierce ear lobes Star charged.

Star and the Guardian collided with a flurry of fists. Each blocking the others. A headbutt stunned the dark figure long enough for Star’s fist to fond its mark. A sickening crack rang out in the small chapel.

Sam found his way vertical again and charged, the figure pivoted and Sam felt a flash of blinding pain in his temple, his legs folded beneath him.

Star felt the power the Guardian had imbued her with cackle like electricity in her veins, with eyes the colour of blood Star threw out her arms and purple electricity sparked from her fingers. A tidal wave of purple hit the dark figure and he fell to his knees.

“Sam now!”

Scrambling to his feet Sam grabbed the bit of rusty pipe beside his feet and drove it through the dark figure’s chest. The thing roared with pain. Taking out the dagger it had given her to claim its souls, Star forced the blade into the thing’s temple. “Go back to hell you ugly bitch!” She screamed before bringing up her left booted foot and kicked the dagger deeper into its cranium.

The hotel trembled with the Guardian’s cries before they subsided and all that remained of the dark was a empty robe.