The Ghost in the Darkness (The Ghost Files#4) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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The dead residents of the Hotel bade them goodbye as the Mustang crunched the gravel. Star watched night descend as Sam drove back to the farmhouse.

Hazel was on the porch steps as the car drew up. Star watched the woman’s smile die as Sam retrieved Thor’s body from the backseat. She wanted to look away as the woman crumpled but found unable to do so. Star’s own tears clouded her eyes and instead of running away like she wanted to, Star moved up the porch and held onto Hazel. The two united by their grief.


“So are you going to tell me what he meant to you?” Sam inquired. Dawn scorched the sky as the last embers from Thor’s pyre burned. Hazel had taken Sam’s advice and had gone for a lie down, aided by two of her sleeping pills.

“I loved him Sam.” She answered simply. “Did from the very moment he walked in Biology class.” She smiled at the memory. Catching Sam’s irritated expression Star explained, “you had joined the army, Dad was pissed, Mom was crying all the time, he was my little slice of paradise. Father didn’t approve on the account of Thor being an outsider and a “weirdo”. He told me that I wasn’t to see him again.”

“That sounds like Dad.” Sam sighed, “I take it you didn’t listen?”

Star smiled, “you know me too well big brother. We dated for three years and Dad never knew a thing. Mom did, she was my accomplice.” The siblings laughed at the notion.

“So what happened? Why did it end?”

Star’s smile died. “We were going to elope after finals.” Sam stared with shock. “I told you Sam, he was the one.”

“He get cold feet?”

“We’d already bought our bus tickets, I was to meet him at the station...”

“Tell me already!” Sam burst not used to seeing this side of his sister.

“It was the night of the car crash Sam. I never got to the station.”

Sam’s face fell. He had replayed that night over and over for years. He’d come back to tell his parents hat he was leaving the army. Sam had their father so happy. They’d all gone out for celebratory meal on the way home a deer had jumped out... “so he went without you?”

“No. He came to the hospital but everything had changed Sam. Mom and Dad were gone and we were...different. I couldn’t bring Thor into all of that, he was better off without me. I told him to go that we were done.”

“You broke his heart.” Sam clarified.

“To save him from all of this, yes.”

“And look how well it turned it out.” Sam pointed out earning a sharp glare from Star.

“Hindsight is a cruel thing Sam.” She snapped.

“I didn’t mean...I’m sorry Star, he was a good kid.”

“Yeah, he was.” a tense quiet settled over them.

“So, maybe we should hit the road? I think Hazel could do with some alone time...” Star raised her brows at him. “Hey, if you say you want to retire and live on a farm, milking cows everyday of the week then sign me up.”

Star smiled despite herself, “and give up this glamorous lifestyle? You must be kidding.” She teased. “I just need time Sam, I think we both do.” Sam wrapped an arm around her shoulders and together they watched the sun rise.

The end.