The Ghost in the Darkness (The Ghost Files#4) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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The beams of the torches barely penetrated the gloom that lingered in the house. A thick layer of sooty dust clung to every surface. Sam forged the way ahead, out of the foyer with the scorched marble flooring, and along a narrow corridor with no windows.

Suddenly Thor grabbed his arm and yanked Sam back. “What are you...?” A tinkle of glass made him aim his torch up to the ceiling. Seconds later the chandelier crashed to the floor, glass shards flying everywhere. The sound deafening as it echoed around the dead mansion.

Sam stumbled backwards, gaping at the destruction and debris. “Thanks.” He told Thor, staring at him with something like awe. “You would have been handy to have on the road.” Sam added in a humorous tone to alleviate the tension that knotted Thor’s body.

Thor gave him a tight smile and they continued down the abandoned corridor. Sam knew better than to try and put the kid at ease. Something felt different about this place. Sam had seen his fair share of things that went bump in the night, and the places they haunted, this was nothing like the rest. A shiver traveled down his spine as if to confirm his suspicions.

The corridor opened out into a square open space. Wooden stairs that were broken in the middle lay off to their right. But it was the doors in front of them that was calling to Sam. Going with his guts Sam tried to turn the handle but it held fast. “Thor, pass me the crowbar.” The doors groaned as Sam tried brute force, yet still they remained sealed. Sam, breathing hard at the exhaustion, threw the crowbar down with frustration.

Thor eyed Sam as he gave in to a tantrum, kicking everything in sight. Choosing to let him get it out his system, Thor examined the doors. He might not have Sam and Star’s abilities but he still felt the same pull as Sam did. The doors were wood like the last set and should have gave just as easily. “Do you hear that?” He asked Sam who didn’t seem to hear him above the stomping and cursing. Thor pressed his ear to the door. “Sam! Knock it off!” He yelled then motioned to him. “There’s music coming from inside.”

“What?” Sam almost growled, “music?”

“Hear it for yourself.”

Skeptically Sam pinned his ear to the door. Sure enough music drifted through the wood. “Impossible.” He uttered. It sounded like a full blown orchestra was playing on the other side of the door. As they listened voices joined the music, like just beyond the door a party was in full sway. Glasses clinked together in toasts, high pitched giggles and heels against marble, all audio-able above the music.

“Is this normal for a ghost hunt?”

“No.” Sam replied looking just as flabbergasted, “this is new. We need to get in there.”

“How? Those doors aren’t going to open.”

“So this is how well you do without me.” Sam and Thor stared at each other, eyes widening at the feminine voice.
