The Ghost in the Darkness (The Ghost Files#4) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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It felt more than good to see Star West. She ran to Sam, wrapping her arms around his neck. Sam let relief untangle the anxious knot in his stomach. A slight smile parted Thor’s lips over Star’s shoulder.

Sam pulled back and felt the concern return. In the beam of his torch Sam could see all the changes his sister had gone through. Her usual raven hair now flowed red down her shoulders, Star’s once youthful and pretty face was now graced with skin the colour of milk. His sister’s once bright blue eyes were now dulled a deep rust and told the horrors of the past three months.

“Thor’s told me everything.” Sam’s hard voice said accusingly. Star backed away, giving Thor a hard glance.

“This is why I stayed away.” She admitted, “cause I knew you’d tare me a new one. I made a choice Sam.”

“It was the wrong one.”

“So I was supposed to let you rot?” Star asked heatedly.

“Yes!” Sam shouted back.

Star’s face softened, “it was me it wanted Sam. I wasn’t going to let you be collateral damage.”

“So you made a deal with the devil.”

“What did you expect me to do?”

“I expected you to save yourself. I made a promise Star...” his voice broke and ashamed, Sam looked away.

“To hell with your promise Sam.” Star spat angrily to everyone’s surprise. Fury flashed in her eyes. “I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I’m sick of living with all your baggage Sam! It was a car accident for God sake! There was nothing everyone could have done. Stop blaming yourself over it, you have nothing to feel guilty about.” As she ranted a single tear fell down Sam’s cheek. His father had been a proud policeman, and later on, a damn good private investigator. He had wanted to pass the company down to Sam, who had made his own plans. On his nineteenth birthday Sam ran away to join the army, and his father had never spoke to him since. He was compensating with Star, hoping that if he did right by her, his previous sins would be forgiven.

“You want to know the truth Sam?” Star asked unrelenting, “since mom and dad, its been all I could do to get up in the morning. I miss them so much...” now it was Star’s cheek upon which tears fell, she slapped them away angrily, “and I’ve been walking on eggshells with you, never knowing when you’re going to go off the reservation. I miss our home Sam, which we can never go back to since we’re wanted fugitives. This life has brought us nothing but pain. Now, I feel nothing. He took all the pain and suffering away Sam.”

“And what about the ghosts he has you hunt?”

“They’ve had their time Sam.”

The siblings stared each other down and Thor cleared his throat, “maybe we should...”

“Shut up!” Sam barked.

“Don’t talk to him like that.” Star told her brother, “you wouldn’t be standing here if it wasn’t for him.”

“And that’s another thing you’ve been lying about.” Sam countered, “just who is he to you?” He studied his sister’s face as Star’s eyes met Thor’s, for a second something like tenderness mixed with fear spread on his sister’s face, and Sam had his answer.

“You never change.” Star muttered. She made to move past her brother but he blocked her way.

“I won’t let you do this Star. This inst who you are, you save the dead, not damn them.”

Star focused on Sam and Thor didn’t know whether to get in between them or try to lighten the situation. Star side stepped her brother, quick as a lightning bolt she moved past them and placed her palm on the unyielding doors.

They opened with a groan.

“You can’t stop me.” Star told Sam sadly. The ballroom was as vivid and alive as if the hotel was still open for business. Women in grand gowns gossiped around the cloth covered tables. Beyond, couples swooped over the dance floor. The huge elegant ballroom was a step into the past. An orchestra dominated the little stage at the far end of the room, blasting out a haunting waltz that commanded the dancers.

“What the...?” Thor breathed as the three took in the sight. At this slight interruption the music stopped, all eyes turned their way, malice glinted in their faces.

Malice that was directed at Star.

The beautiful ladies hissed like cats while the man continued to bore holes in her. The light started to fade, like a dream upon waking, the glistening marble columns returned to their burned state, one by one the party goers evaporated like soot on a breeze. 

“That was crazy.” Thor said eyes wide, “what was that about?” He asked turning to Sam.

Star sprinted away from them, navigating through the debris. At first the boys stared after her, stunned, then Sam clocked the ghostly specter standing on the dance floor. “Emily.” Sam breathed. “Star, no!” He yelled taking off after her.

Bounding after, like a bull in a china shop, Sam gained on her. He tackled his sister to the ground but froze in his tracks when he saw her face. Star’s eyes were red and glowing with violence, her mouth formed an unpleasant snarl that sent ice down his spine.

This wasn’t his little sister anymore.

Sam’s hesitation gave Star an opening, bringing up a knee she catapulted Sam across the room. He hit the cracked marble with a whoop, as the air was knocked out of him. Star got to her feet and closed in on a spectating Emily. Cold steel glinted in his sister’s hand. Forcing himself up, Sam flung himself at Star. She ducked his failing arms and he rolled across the floor, getting to his feet. “Star, stop!” He pleaded but a clenched fist sent him sprawling. Sam spat blood onto the dirty floor of the ballroom, “a little help here Thor!”

Thor reached Star and grabbing her arms whirled her around so that his body was between Star and the ghost. “Stop this Star.” he told her in a calm voice as Sam picked himself up. Sam expected his sister to clock Thor as she had  with him, but to his surprise, Star seemed unwilling to raise a hand to Thor. She let Thor push her away, her murderous eyes still fixed on Emily. Sam picked up a bit of marble flooring and while Thor had Star distracted brought it down on his sister’s skull.

Her body crumbled to the floor.